

It's rare for Demons to come to Heaven, very very rare. There is no law that they can't come, since Angels and Gods always decide to come down to Hell whenever they please. Especially since Luciano is one of the most feared Demons, you could only imagine everyone's face as he flew through the sky holding his mate sleeping in his arms.  

Ayla gave him the directing to her house before they left just incase she fell asleep, she never falls asleep of the ride home but the guards at Heavens gate really drained her. They kept refusing him access, she fought for his life practically. They finally gave in once they realized how stubborn she is and that she would argue all day till they let him in. 

"Angel, wake up. We're here." Luciano said shaking her gently, she opens her eyes and stares and his beautiful purples eyes with a tired smile. She looks around them and spot her house she points at it and he fly's down.

Luciano won't admit it out loud but he is quite terrified of meeting her mother. He lands on the floor in front of the door and gentle placed his Angel on her feet. She happily knocks on the door, a beautiful goddess answers. Nemesis wasn't expecting a visit from her daughter but she was very happy she was here, her eyes turned to Luciano and her smile shrank a little but it was still there for the sake of her daughter.

Luciano was in shocked... he couldn't believe Nemesis was his Angels mother. Nemesis didn't take shit from anyone and was overall a bad bitch, yet she made an innocent little Angel who is clueless to say the least. 

"Oh dear! How unexpected, come, come on in! I'll set up some tea!!" Her mother said excitingly.

"Oh well mother, I was going to go get Hailey. I want her to meet him and then we can all eat together!" 

"Oh, yes sure. I'll be in here starting up some food with Mary, be careful love." Nemesis kisses her daughter on the head and just looks and Luciano, Ayla pulls Luciano towards the lake. This shocks Nemesis to the core, everyone knows Luciano hates being pushed around or forced to go somewhere, let alone  unless it was sexually. 

"Come on Luciano!!" Ayla says happily, Ayla takes a seat right next to the lake and starts to sing the emergency song. Luciano just watches as his adorable Angel sings to the lake, until he saw the very still water move. It made it seem like something was coming for her, Luciano stayed on high alert.

"Angel, stop singing. Something is coming." He said in a warning tone

"Calm down it's just Hailey!!" Soon a head pops out of the water "Hello Hailey!!"

"Hello Ayla." Luciano looks at the Siren, he's heard stories about how they seduce men and them kill them. Hailey turns her head towards Luciano, he tenses up thinking she's going to strike him but- "Oh you must be Luciano, how lovely to meet you. I am Hailey, Ayla's sister." 

Luciano was beyond stunned, he looked at Ayla who was looking right back at him with happy eyes. "Uh hi." is all he said.

"I was wondering if you could join us for dinner today!"

"Yes I can, let me dry up." Luciano watches as Ayla helps the Siren out of water, he hears bone cracking and her green blue tint body starts to turn into a fare skin. Ayla remembered that Hailey is naked when she transforms, she quickly gets up and covers Luciano's eyes. He holds her wrist but doesn't remove her hands, he just chuckles "What's this Angel?"

"Oh-well... when she transforms she's not clothes." Luciano just hums in response, he can never think straight when Ayla is touching him in any way. 

"You may remove your hands, I am dressed." Ayla removes her hands from Luciano's face and grabs both of their hands and runs towards her house. 

They sit down as Mary serves the table, it was awkward because no one was talking. It was odd to have Luciano there since everyone fears him.

"So... Luciano. How are you dealing with having a mate?" Nemesis ask

"Oh, I like it a lot actually. Especially that it's her, she's always there and makes me happy." Ayla was sad he wasn't smiling the way she was right now at his words.

 Ayla stopped eating, did she just hear Luciano's voice in her... . She shakes it off and continues to chomp on her food. There were some light conversations here and there but it was mostly Nemesis asking Luciano questions and then following up with Ayla if what he says was true. 

Ayla wanted Hailey to talk more but she knows Hailey hates surface males so she didn't push it, overall Ayla was happy Luciano finally got to meet the people she loves and cares about. She wanted absolutely nothing to change. 


Lucifer was walking down a hall that led to the meeting room, he has a unexpected guest. He opens the doors and there he stood in all his glory and light, God. Standing waiting for Lucifer. 

"Hello, God."

"Oh, Lucifer. We must talk."

"Yes, it must be very important if come "

"Hmmm, yes. Let me get right to the point, we need to put an end to Luciano and Ayla's relationship asap."