

As I lean against the cold rusted walls, I could easily break out of this cell but I don't feel like it. Plus I can still use magic, I want to transport to my Angel but I don't want to cause trouble. The room is pitch black, I like the dark but recently I've opened up to the light ever since Ayla came into my life. I've always hated it, it reminded me of happiness and peace. It still does but in a good way, it makes me warm not cold. 

I then smell her, her sent. Peach, roses, honey, sweet. 

"Luciano?" I hear a soft voice


"Luciano!" I see her foot shadow at the bottom of the door

"Hey baby, you ok? How'd you get here?"


"Oh, what's the matter. Is everything ok?" I wanted nothing more than to touch her but I knew I would be in deeper shit if I did because I wouldn't want to let go of her. 

"I want to hug you." 

"You can't my love, I'm sorry." Soon the door glows bright, I see a figure shape on the door. "What the." I soon see my Angels body going through the door, she just walked through the door just to see me. I see her looking around, I'm still in awe forgetting that she can't see me right now in the dark.

She moves her hands in a weird way and a ball of light is floating gin her palms, she raises it to the ceiling and spot me, she has a big smile then frowns when she see's my still shocked face.

"How-what... how did you do that?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see you and the only thing in my way was that door so I pretended it wasn't there." Before I could respond I feel her lips in mine, her soft plump sweet lips. I feel her removing herself but I quickly deepen the kiss and pull her against my chest. I could feel myself hardening, who knew that this is all I needed. Fuck she taste so good. 

I release her so she could breathe, her lips are red and swollen. She looks at me with a confused and dazed look. As if she was trying to figure something out, she then pouts frustratingly, I'm guessing things in her head aren't adding up "Why didn't Zaiden didn't do it like that?"

I feel my stomach turn and my demons screaming "What?!" I roar, she doesn't flinch, she's still thinking.

"Well... I was looking for you right. You told me if I can't find you look for Zaiden or Lucifer, Lucifer is King so I thought he might be busy." Lucifer is never busy, I should've told her that "So I found Zaiden, he took me to his room. Wrapped my legs around his waist-" I was boiling at this point, it started to get almost impossible containing my demons "-he kissed me, I didn't know what to do. I asked him what it was and he said it mean 'hi' or 'sorry' so I was planning on kissing you to say hi and sorry that you're in here. It didn't seem to work because you seem mad."

"That fucker touched what's mine." Landon roared

"Oh hello, I was talking to Luciano, you aren't him." She say innocently, she then pinched my eyes open and hummed.

"Where is Zaiden." 

"He said he would go back to his roo-" Before she could finish I picked her up and stretched my wings out and hid her in my chest and knocked every heavy metal door to find this fucker.