
Honkai Star Rail : An Emanator with a Multiverse Group Chat

What happens when THEY who were known for never sparing a glance towards mortals are discovered to have done so not once but twice , and what happens when one of these two mortals gets a group chat . Ayato is an emanator of the IX the nihility and someone who spent his entire life trying to prove to his own Aeon that there is something matter in the universe that he matters and not everything is worthless But ultimately he failed . spending his years surrounded by tragedies until he finally became one himself , losing his memories emotions and even his existence is starting to fade but on the day he almost gave up, an encounter gives him another chance , another path so he wonder " i wonder what's the price for this one " follow his journey as meets characters from other universes , will this new path finally bring him salvation or will it bring him closer to being encompassed by THEIR shadow . Worlds visited : first world [ The Irregular At Magic Highschool ] also none of the works involved in the story belong to me , they all belong to their respective owners . [hello hello author here as promised this is the fanfic i talked about it may not the best or it may be but i ask for your leniency the one who wrote it , is somewhat sensitive and for those who are willing to read it thank you very much , that is all]

ArthurNV · Anime & Truyện tranh
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

A Ridiculous Existance

"Molecular Combustion" Rias whispered using more than quarter of her Psion reserve

"Wow , i mean i know i said don't hold back , but you intend to kill me? " he said nonchalant 

"Huh? what happened?" Rias questioned puzzled why her magic didn't work 

"Rias , how does your magic works ?"

"By the friction of molecules?"

"Correct, it is combustion through the friction of molecules at incredible speed, but what if the molecules themselves were frozen at absolute 0"

"Heat won't be generated because no movement can occur at absolute 0" answered Rias downcast at the realization but then it hit her 

"Wait how can you even achieve absolute 0 "

"I already said it before Rias , i control particles and if i control them it means i can control exotic matter , molecules are also included so molecular deceleration and freezing for me are as easy as making a fireball for you " 


"Stop gawking and think of something else"

"Bastard take this " Rias infuriated uses quite a surprising magic 

'Heated turbulence' she says in her thoughts Resulting in visible hot air making its way toward Ayato at impressive speed only to instantly blocked when it reached close proximity of him as he chanted ' Nilfheim'

Making Rias grit her teeth and say "are you only going to defend?" 

"Then make me attack "Ayato said calmly 

"Fine then, take this 'Muspelheim'" Rias says as she pours every last Psion she has in her magic 

Musplheim is an AOE dispersion type magic that decomposes gas molecules into plasma and creates a highly energized electromagnetic field by separating ions from electrons 

"Good now we are talking " Says ayato with a smile smile then he raises his hands saying 

"Deceleration zone" sending a freezing wave toward the lightning 

Ice met lightning. 

Molecules stopped decomposing into plasma resulting in them freezing into ice making Rias's magic NULL

Leaving a smiling Ayato and a panting Rias who asked 

"Hah, hah, how can you use even that magic better than Miyuki isn't she supposed to be the ice princess?"

"She is, but i'm more practical" answered an undisturbed Ayato then he continued

" Now then , my turn " he said and activated his magic , a spell that left Rias horrified or more specifically terrified as apparent by what she said 

"How the hell can you even use that? "

"I saw her using it once and i learned the principle behind it"

"How? It's one of the strongest spells in the world"

" It's a good parting gift for Tatsuya don't you think?" said Ayato slightly smirking

"Before that, can you cancel it before you kill me?" Rias said with a giving up face and expression 

"Fine. So what do you think? » He asked after canceling the magic

[A/N : the spell is a surprise to be revealed at a later chapter , there were two hints at what it was , but it will be revealed at the end of the arc ]

"He will either be traumatized or immensely grateful"

"Well that can't be helped i guess "he said then he thought for a few seconds before saying 


"Yes?" Rias blinked for an instant only to find him in front of her scaring her 

"You scared the life out of me what the hell do you think you're doing "screamed Rias 

"Come closer "Said Ayato 

"Why? " asked Rias confused but she still complied when she got closer Ayato moved his hand and tapped her forehead with his finger 

"What are you- ach" she tried to ask before a headache assaulted her 

"A gift " Ayato said plainly 

"Huh?" who was clutching her head recognized the feeling as implanted memories when her headache cleared she opened her eyes wide at what she saw

"What is that?" 

"Your new secret weapon " Ayato replied nonchanatly 

"How do you even know these spells" 

Asked a dumbfounded Rias 

And her surprise was understandable because what Ayato just given her was a top secret magic 

'Far Strike' otherwise known as the advanced version of 'Gram Demolition'

Usually she wouldn't freak out because she knew her Psion reserve would never be enough to cast gram demolition let alone its advanced version, but somehow Ayato managed to come up with a way to use it efficiently by using a normal Psion reserve. How? simple , first what is gram demolition: it is simply compressed Psion particles , so what Ayato did was simply add another prospect to it , so instead of just compressing the Psion particles he also condensed it effectively lowering the volume of Psions meaning less Psion cost , although the size of the projectile is smaller it will be just as effective .

Now into the advanced version while it was designed to be used against Pushion bodies such as parasites, it is extremely effective against humans if they are hit by it , it would seem like they were hit by a large scale projectile in the chest . 

Why Ayato called this a gift instead of a favor or anything else , is because he knew Rias is extremely weak at close range and both Gram demolition and Far Strike are heavy close range counter non-systematic magic , both of which will do wonders in lowering the dangers around her at close range and while she's still incapable at hand to hand combat and such , these two spells are godsend help to her .

" I have effective Vision" bringing Rias from her thoughts was the voice of Ayato who was calm as if he didn't just give one of the most sought after magic sequences in the world 

" How did you come up with the solution , no how did you even succeed in it you have the same Psion count as I do you shouldn't even be able to experiment with it " Asked Rias after realizing 

" I HAD the same count as you , you can't honestly believe I would leave it as it is with my ability , I would like to propose to do the same to you but the process is painful enough to make even Tatsuya cry tears of blood so I wouldn't recommend it"

"HUH? how the hell did you do it then ?" she asked scared and shuddered the amount of pain that can make even Tatsuya who trained since he could use limbs cry 

"I already said it before , i forgot was pain is like so i don't feel it anymore" Said Ayato with a plain face making Rias uncomfortable 

" But that's not important , how did i do it ? it was simple the psion count relies on the constraints of the mind and body , i just released mine to a reasonable degree so i can cast any spell i wanted for at least 4 days straight "


"For war it is"

"Haah whatever , how would you compare your Psion count to the prince and princess then?"

" You're also a princess so don't make fun of them , and i would say i have almost 4 times what they do "Ayato replied and Rias just smiled making him ask 

"Why are you smiling ?"

"If i keep getting dumbfounded i'm going to grow wrinkles so better just smile and swallow my surprise"

"Suit yourself , well then thank you for the spar let's go back"

"thank you" she whispered

"Hmm?" he responded having not heard her

" I SAID THANK YOU"Rias repeated clearly embarassed

" Oh think nothing of it , let's go back to eat so we can sleep it is getting late "

Rias just sighed and followed after him bringing another eventful day to an end .

the next day at lunch break as usual Ayato was seen waiting for Rias by the door this time thought he was accompanied by a red haired girl 

Rias and the others came out as usual only for Rias to look at Ayato like an alien seeing him accompanied then she smirked saying

"Well hey there Ayato , didn't know you work that fast it has only been a day " and knowing a smack was coming her way she tried to dodge but she didn't even see where it came from before it hit her right in the head 

"Don't be rude you idiot , she's just a classmate who wanted to introduce herself to you all , anyway meet Akechi Eimi my classmate "

The cheerful red haired girl with a big smile also introduced herself 

" Helloooo everyone my name is Amelia Eimi Akechi Goldie you can all call me Amy , it is veeeryyy nice to meet you all " 

""Nice to meet you as well Amy-san""everyone basically said 

Rias just rubbed her head with an annoyed expression then said 

" Let's go Tatsuya and the rest will be waiting and we still have to visit the student council later "

Everyone nodded and started walking when 

"Excuse me Shibata-san"

'Oh come on ' thought Ayato 

Everyone turned around to see a brown haired youth with a few other students 

"Shibata-san we were just about to have lunch and wondering if you all would like to join us " the brown haired boy who both Rias ,Miyuki and Ayato recognized as Morisaki Shun

"I'm afraid we already have promised to have lunch with Miyuki's brother Morisaki Shun-kun , maybe another time " Said Rias 

" Her brother?" a look of recognition flashed in Morisaki before he said 

" I don't mean to offend Gremory-san , but i really don't think 'Blooms' should mingle with 'Weeds' , elites shoud only mingle with elites after all spending time with those with no future would reflect badly on us " He said with a smile 

An unsightly expression was seen on Miyuki's face along with a cold aura that started spreading around making Rias and Ayato sigh as they thought 'what a moron'

Ayato who didn't to deal with this for long just said " Morisaki , come with me "

He said while adressing the others " you guys go without me i'll catch up later " he looked at Rias who nodded and started dragging Miyuki and the others 

"Ah wai-" Morisaki wanted to say something but he was cut off by Ayato 

"Morisaki you like Miyuki right ?" he suddenly said making Morisaki surprised and embarassed 

"W-what a-are you sa-saying S-shibata-san "

"Call me Ayato , and you don't have to be embarassed , Miyuki is beautiful exceptionally so , it's like she's actually made to capture the hearts of everyone , genders don't even matter when it comes to her perfection so i understand you "

Morisaki who was still still embarassed nodded as he also agreed 

"Does that mean that Ayato-san is also ?" 

"No i have no such romantic feelings toward her , although i find her beatiful it purely because her appearance is perfect , she is and will always be just my friend's sister "

"Then do you not think it's a waste for someone such as her to mingle with 'weeds'"

Morisaki said while showing an insightly expression 

"Morisaki instead of answering let me ask you this , let's say hypothetically you had a sister who was a course 2 student , and you wanted to spend time with her but then a girl who liked you showed up and said you shouldn't mingle with course 2 student and should instead spent time with her and her friends , would she still have a chance with you ?" Ayato said stunning Morisaki as he somehow never thought of it that way

"Morisaki i'm not saying you're wrong Weeds and Blooms are different fundementally , but that doesn't mean that you can call either capable or incapable of something , because magic power is not everything , and now i'm not calling you incapable but i can on the top of my head name 4 course 2 students who can mop the floor with you without breaking a sweat "

Morisaki wanted to interject saying he's not that weak but Ayato beat him to it 

" I'm not saying you're weak Morisaki but that you're blinded you should remember that they were placed in course 2 not because they cannot fight but because they can't activate magic fast enough , fast activation time is important i will not deny that but it is not everything in a fight, if it was so guns wouldn't be used so often against magicians not to mention , i know people who would have you on the ground before you can even think of activating your magic , use your head to judge someone not your prejudice Morisaki "

" Are you saying that there are students with fighting experience in course 2?" asked Morisaki while taking everything being said at face value 

" Yes there are i will not say who , but know that arrogance will only be your downfall , keep your head high yes but do not understimate someone who can take your head off your shoulders just because you have more magical capabilities then he does , the military teaches hand to hand combat for a reason , and that is a lesson for you all as well , if you want to fight someone make sure they do not hold any sort of advantage above you , because one mistake could have you on the ground bleeding to your death " Ayato finished his speech with a warning to Morisaki and his friends

Morisaki was deep in thoughts for a few second 

" I still think that course 1 students will come out on top in a fight but i will keep what you said in mind and will not judge anyone before i know what they are capable of , until then thank you for the warning "

""thank you for the warning " " Morisaki and his friends bowed to Ayato thanking him 

" Think nothing of it , live up to your name Morisaki . i should get going " said Ayato leaving behind a few deep in thoughts students 

Just as he was about to take a turn he found a smiling female Student with short hair he recognized leaning on the wall seemingly waiting for him as she looked at him with her smile she says 

" That was quite a speech junior , i kinda wish more of our students would share your mindset " 

"Not everything can be perfect Senpai "

"Indeed not everything can be perfect , but we can try to achieve it "

'Hah , troublesome ' he thought then he said " What can i do for you senpai"

"Watanabi Mari , Public Moral commitee Chairwoman , i would like to extend an invitation to you to join the Public Moral Commitee , we need people with similar mindset to you among us ".

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ArthurNVcreators' thoughts