
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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280 Chs

Chapter 125: "The first meeting of Bronya and Kiana"

When Thea asked Cocolia to choose, from the start, there was no second choice there.

Through rational thinking, and also seeking profits in the muddy water pool she once made. Cocolia eventually agrees to hand over her orphanage children to Schicksal with some reluctance.

Although she herself seemed to somewhat understand why Thea wanted to continue the X-10 experiment after observing Seele's condition. After learning that Thea could bring Seele back from the sea of ​​quanta, all the worries that had been stored in her heart immediately went away.

She also wasn't afraid that Thea wanted to make the children of her orphanage the subject of experimentation. However, the children who had honkai resistance in Schicksal were numerous.

For Thea herself. After obtaining custody of the children from the Cocolia orphanage, she immediately sent them all to St. Freya.

After all, a plan to save the children stranded due to the honkai eruption incident was already on her desk.

In the beginning, Schicksal also had many orphanages to accommodate abandoned children like them. Putting a few dozen of them into the Schicksal quota wasn't a problem for her right now.

Even though this act of kindness of her was like a drop in a vast ocean. At least Thea knew that she was contributing to humanity once again.


At the Cocolia orphanage...

When all the kids were eating in the cafeteria as usual. A pair of twin sisters Rozaliya and Liliya made a fuss there.

"Bronya! Bronya! Does St. Freya have a gigantic stage there? I think it's time for the Vodka Girls to appear, and conquer the entire academy with our charms!"

"Stupid Rozaliya, before we conquer the academy, I think we will be conquered by the school exam questions first. You must remember, ahead is the hellish training camp."

"Ah? Ahhhh!!! Liliya you also an idiot! Why are you reminding me? I don't want to think anymore!"

"But... Escaping from the real world is useless. Our freedoms were already sealed when we went to school. It seems... Vodka Girls has to end here."

"Liliya don't be so pessimistic! If there's a will, there's a way! We're going to show the world that the two of us can be the most extraordinary idols ever!"

"Yeah... At least in a dream it's pretty good too... Yawn.. I'm so sleepy..."

"Liliya don't run away from reality! Wake up for me!"

"... Ahh... I'm not running away, it's already late night my stupid sister. Wake me up later when we're about to leave..."

"Liliya don't fall asleep!!! At least accompany me to stay up all night!"


"You two are so loud! SHUT UP!!"

Seeing Sin Mal, one of the children at the Cocolia orphanage, snapping at the dining table in a very loud voice. Bronya, who was tinkering with the project bunny function that Thea gave her, immediately got off her chair.

"Sin, calm down. Rozaliya too. Bronya will get Liliya to bed first. You all should sleep early because tomorrow we're leaving soon."


"Ughh... But I can't sleep..."

Ignoring Sin and Rozaliya's complaints. Bronya summoned Project Bunny, and a giant half-gundam machine appeared floating behind her, and that machine grabbed the currently soundly sleeping Liliya with a pinch of a finger.

In the original plot, Project Bunny is a weapon that comes from an previous era. Bronya manages to get the Project Bunny because Seele gave it to her as a parting gift before she entered the sea of ​​quanta.

Now, because the plot had changed drastically, and Bronya had also not lost her mobility of both legs and emotional nerves. Even though things are going in a good direction, Thea still gives Bronya the Project Bunny.

The reason?

That's the protagonist's chance, let's just give it, and don't take it.

Plus, Thea could mass-create Project Bunny if she wanted to. If it wasn't limited by Cocoon of Finality who kept monitoring the entropy value of this world, maybe now more sophisticated weapons like elf dolls, would have been roaming everywhere at this time.

"Good night, everyone."

Say good night to all of them. Bronya came out of the cafeteria, and this might be the last time she ate here.

After all, after all of them left, Cocolia's orphanage would instantly become a desolate place.

Maybe this building will become an abandoned building too.

Putting Liliya on the bed, and also walking back to her room to sleep. Bronya saw the bright moon in the night sky through the window, and she thought back to the cute little girl who had always followed her.


Bronya sighed sadly.


When tomorrow arrived, and they all immediately boarded the Hyperion ship that had been prepared by St. Freya early in the morning. Following the instructions of the ship's staff, they all lined up quietly, and finally they all departed for St. Freya.

Arrived at St. Freya when the time has reached noon. The children got off the Hyperion, and they all took a breath of fresh air with tired expressions.

"Everyone, please listen to me. You may already know me beforehand, but just in case I'll introduce myself once more."

Cheng Lixue cleared her throat.

"My name is Cheng Lixue, one of the teachers at St Freya's academy, and teaches class 1B."

"I'm saying this to all of you because you will be separated into two groups because it's too crowded, and each group will have their own mentor."

"The name of the woman standing next to me is Himeko. One of the mentor teachers who will teach you while studying here."

"Hello kids~"

"After that, let's discuss the allocation of dorms..."

Told them what they needed to know first, and sent them all to their own dormitory doors to rest. Bronya who was the eldest, stood alone at the end of the line, and she waited quietly for her dorm room allocation.

As the day begins to slowly turn into evening. Bronya who was still waiting, suddenly saw Himeko's teacher who came up to her with a very constipated expression.

"Kid Bronya, I have some bad news for you. Now all the dorms are full, and there's no room left for you."

"For the time being you will stay with me in my villa. I hope you won't mind."

Bronya shook her head calmly: "Bronya will follow the adults arrangements."

Himeko laughed: "Don't be so formal. I am also your mentor, and we will be living together for a while now. Call me teacher himeko. Hopefully we can get along."

"... Bronya understands, teacher Himeko."

"Hm, hm, you're a nice girl Bronya."

Takes Bronya to her Villa. Himeko didn't ask Bronya anything at this time because she understood that Bronya must be exhausted after traveling such a long distance, and the two of them were walking on the pavement very peacefully.

The chandeliers on the street turned on one after another as it got darker. When they arrived at the villa, it was already dark.

"Eh? Is someone in my house?"

Noticing the window shining softly, indicating that the light in the room had been turned on, and there was someone else in the house. Himeko opened the door, and her nose was immediately greeted with a very appetizing smell of food.

"Teacher Himeko is back? Welcome back home. Today I cooked soy sauce beef stew for our dinner." Sirin greeted her from the kitchen, and she returned to attend to her unfinished meal.

"Ah, it turns out there's Sirin. Why are you cooking at my house, where's Kiana?" Himeko asked curiously.

"What's wrong aunt, I'm busy!"

Hearing the sound of a very loud car race, coming out of the big television speakers. Bronya who had been silently observing earlier, raised her eyebrows in confusion when she saw a white-haired girl who was still busy playing a video game at the moment.

"Saintess Thea? Why is she here?"

My grammar is broken today. sorry for the very bad word transition. I feel like I'm read at the machine translation here

KayokoDaaacreators' thoughts