
158. Mr. Nakamura's house

Mr. Nakamura's house

after Aiko had finished bathing, this beautiful girl immediately went down to the dining room to collect her father's promise about a special surprise that Aiko would receive when they finished breakfast. together.

"Dad... come on, tell me now I'm very curious. What special surprise are you preparing for me? A vacation to Australia, Europe, Bali or maybe you won't come back to Japan and stay here with me a little longer." said this beautiful girl began to guess the surprise that would be given her father.

Initially, Mr. Nakamura wanted to surprise him at the end of breakfast. but in fact, Aiko didn't even come down to have breakfast together.

when he arrived at Aiko's room. Mr. Nakamura saw his beautiful daughter still lazing on the bed while listening to music through earphones in both ears.