

I finally escaped the prison I once called home... the Nebraska lab. Being born into to rich, famous family you would think that I would have a good life or at least be known, but I have, I'm sorry had one of the worse lives anyone could have.

I was a test subject in my parents lab because they were forced to give me over once I was born. just because they had given my dad something to help him be able to produce a baby, they think they had the right to take me, kill them, then hook me to tubes and test my blood. My only break was when I got to play with my best friends, sister and brother, Amber, Mason, Willow, Winter and William. Most the time, Amber and William would go off somewhere, while Willow and Mason would go and hang out by the swing. which left Winter and I.

If I could go back to that time I would, I still remember the time when he said that he would marry me one day... at that time I was just a love-struck 13 year old, that was before the triplets, besides Willow, died. Willow had been the luckiest of us all, she was loved by all the scientists and that is how she made her escape with her love. My brother.

Amber and I was left there with Winter and William, till they left us too. Since I was made as a match for them, well only one was supposed to be born but it happened to be triplets, I had always go along with all of them. That's why since mason, Amber and I were all born from the same parents, and Winter, Willow, and William were born from the same parents too, we all liked and got along with one another. We were born from different states, my family was born in Nebraska and Willow's born in Indiana, it didn't stop all of us from falling in love.

With death comes pain, and we all deal with pain differently. Willow dealt with her brothers death by running away with my brother. Amber dealt with it by crying and just completely breaking down that she had lost William and then had our brother ran away. Then there's me who completely shut down, wouldn't eat, wouldn't talk and wouldn't sleep.

This all happened at the age of 13 two weeks after Winter promised me he would marry me. I know it's silly because I was only a little girl, but I loved him. It took me about a year to come out of this faze, day after day Amber would sit and talk to me about how she couldn't live if I left her to. That's what finally snapped me out of that faze... a year of wasted time.

Now that I am in Michigan, I have a fresh start. I left but they captured Amber when we were escaping, before I left, I promised I would come back. I plan on keeping that promise.