
Homeboy in the Apocalypse

Li Xing was transmigrated into a post-apocalyptic world, relying on the power of the devil fruit. He had no big ambitions and just wanted to enjoy life and continue to stay at home. Of course, he used to be a poor Otaku at home, but now he wants to stay at home comfortably, for the sake of being comfortable in the future. To enjoy life, Li Xing is on his way to creating a company (power), recruiting employees (subordinates), developing the company step by step, and then letting the company support him to enjoy a luxurious life as an Otaku at the end of the world. # (chances of random overpowered zombies are very low .rational zombie growth as much as possible). # There may be some erotica in the later chapters only suitable for 18+

Red_tomatoes · Thành thị
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65 Chs

Chapter 7 Imagine your future life

  After resting, Li Xing swallowed the crystal cores one by one.

  There were 25 pieces, each one was about the size of a soybean, and he finished it quickly. Li Xing felt his body heat up in waves, feeling warm and comfortable all over.

  25 pills means 25 points of physical fitness. Now Li Xing's physical fitness should be three times that of ordinary people.

  Li Xing felt that his whole body was full of strength and his skin was getting tougher. He picked up the fruit knife on the table and scratched his arm with a little force. The skin was not broken. It seemed that his defence had improved a lot.

  Touching his palm into the air and opening the air door, Li Xing found that the space inside the door had become much larger. Before, it was just a space that could accommodate two people. Now the space is probably as big as a bathroom.

  Li Xing entered the space inside the door and sensed it. Now the maximum moving distance each time is about 30 meters, which is a big improvement compared to before. The zombies in one building increased the teleportation distance by nearly 30 meters. There are 15 buildings in the community.

  This only refers to the crystal nuclei obtained from the zombies in the room, not counting the zombies wandering in the square on the road to the community.

  There are about 3,000 people in the entire community. Excluding those who go to work, school or go out for business, about 1,000 people are staying in the community.

  According to the survival rate of about 20% announced by the federal government, there will be about 200 living people and about 800 zombies.

  Animal zombies such as cats, dogs, etc. can be ignored because I don't know where these animal zombies have gone. Anyway, Li Xing found no cat or dog zombies in the building he just cleaned. He did find two cats that had not transformed into corpses, but they were motionless in the cage and were probably starved to death.

  After the zombies in the entire community are cleared, the transmission distance of the Door Fruit will exceed one thousand meters. The safety of the one thousand meters distance will be guaranteed, and then some plans can be implemented.

  It's almost ten o'clock. It's time to go to bed. Go to bed early and get up early to lay the foundation for a happy life in the future.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, Li Xing got up on time. The weather was good today and it was another beautiful day.

  After brushing his teeth, washing his face, and eating breakfast, Li Xing began the task of cleaning up the zombies in the entire community.

  Since Li Xing lives in Building No. 2 and the cleaning was completed yesterday, Li Xing plans to clean from Building No. 1 to Building No. 15.

  Just do it, take the bone-cutting knife, Li Xing opened the air door and entered, and after several moves, he arrived at the door of Building 1.

  Li Xing moved to the room on the first floor through his ability, and the cleaning operation began.

  Since the space inside the door has also become larger, when Li Xing sees some useful things, such as power banks, mobile phones and computers, and some better food, Li Xing will also put them away conveniently. Anyway, the space inside the door is so large, there is no need to save it to waste.

  Moreover, Li Xing discovered that the physical energy consumption in the space inside the door is relatively small when he is not moving. Only when moving, the physical energy consumption will be greater. Every time he moves, he will consume physical strength. The farther the movement distance, the greater the consumption.

  But considering that Li Xing's current physique is three times that of an ordinary person, there is still no problem in moving this short distance.

  Moreover, when Li Xing left the space, even if he put some things in the space, the physical consumption would be negligible.

  It is equivalent to the energy consumed by walking slowly. This consumption does not matter to Li Xing who is about to obtain a large number of crystal nuclei.

  Therefore, Li Xing can safely use the space inside the door to store supplies, but the flow of time in the space inside the door is the same as outside, and there is probably no way to change this.

  Therefore, Li Xing will choose to dispose of some foods with a relatively short shelf life as soon as possible.

  well! This is also something that can't be helped. If the space inside the door can change the speed of time at will, then the door fruit will be too heaven-defying!

  But even if the time flow rate in the space inside the door is the same as that in the outside world, it is still a huge blessing for Li Xing. It is because of the fruit of the door that Li Xing, an otaku with no special abilities, can live so coolly in the apocalypse.

  Think about the survivors today. They may be hiding in a corner and trembling in fear all day long. Even the brave ones need to be careful and risk their lives to kill a zombie, obtain a crystal core, and embark on evolution. the road.

  Unlike Li Xing, who can open the door, swing a knife, and split his brain to get the zombie core. Evolution is so easy for Li Xing, and there is no danger to his life at all.

  The fruits of the door, apart from other things, the life-saving ability is top-notch.

  After lamenting his life, Li Xing quickly devoted himself to the task of cleaning up the zombies. He entered the room through the wall and observed whether there was any danger. If there were zombies, he would open the door, wield a knife, split the brains, and clean them. If there were any interesting materials, he would throw them away. into space.

  Then he continued to the next room. When he met a living person, Li Xing did not rush up to say hello. Instead, he took out the notebook prepared in advance and recorded the gender, approximate age, building and room of these people.

  Then he walked away. It was not the time to care about them now. When Li Xing cleaned up the zombies in all the buildings and then cleaned up the zombies in the entire community, they found something wrong.

  By then, Li Xing's Door Fruit ability and his defensive abilities should be developed to a certain extent.

  Li Xing dared to face them, but Li Xing decided that when he needed to reveal his powers in front of people in the future, he would expose the powers of the Door Fruit at most.

  Although the Door Fruit is Li Xing's biggest support, the ability of the Door Fruit cannot be hidden, because if Li Xing uses it frequently, it will be exposed.

  "But defensive abilities can be hidden. If someone plots against me, this will be a trump card." The

  survivors of the apocalypse are in panic all day long. If they want to embark on the road of evolution, they need to risk their lives to hunt zombies. Get the crystal core.

  Even if it evolves, it will only be a simple physical evolution. If you want to awaken your powers, you still have to rely on probability.

  The survivors risked their lives to get the crystal core, but Li Xing could get it just by opening the door, swinging a knife, and splitting his brain.

  In terms of the level of evolution, they will never be able to catch up with Li Xing. In terms of life-saving means, with the Door Fruit, which can open doors to everything in the world, there is no one better than Li Xing.

  If Li Xing hadn't wanted to be a happy otaku who could enjoy life, he could have relied on the ability of the Door Fruit to be self-sufficient without any contact with others. If he needed anything, he would have found it himself through the Door Fruit. As long as Unless Blue Star explodes, nothing in the world can threaten him.

  But that kind of life is too hard. Humans are social animals. When we were on Earth, we had no choice but to stay alone in a rented house because of the pressure of life and lack of financial means.

  Although I still want to stay in one place and don't want to run around all day long, I still want to stay at home where I need someone to take care of me and enjoy life.

  "Just like the two classic sayings of Captain Jia and Liu Bei, I used to have no money and power and could only suffer in the house alone. Now that I have the incredible power of Door Fruit, I am still miserable. If I stay alone, won't all the ability be in vain? Can't I enjoy life? Then play music and dance." "After you have the strength to protect yourself, go and collect a group of

  younger brothers and provide them with some crystal cores. Evolve, then let them go out to collect crystal nuclei, and then collect taxes.

  Find a few more beauties, don't they need to do anything? As long as they make me comfortable, I will ensure their safety and provide them with a pre-apocalyptic living standard. I believe In this apocalypse, no one should refuse, right?" "

  Of course, in the apocalypse, it is necessary to be on guard against others. If someone dares to betray me and plot against me, then I will let him see the beauty of betraying an otaku. How cruel are the consequences of life!"