
Holy Grail War: I Have a Heroic Spirit Simulator

Fujimaru Masahiko crossed into the world of Type-Moon, becoming the last scion of a declining family of magicians. He thought he could only live off others, but unexpectedly, he awakened the Heroic Spirit Simulator. "You are born." "Your country is in turmoil, and your village has become a sea of flames. Your father, with tears in his eyes, brought you, who was starving, to the side of a lake and threw you in." "The talent 'Fairy's Blessing' is activated." "You were saved by a fairy in the lake, who took on the responsibility of raising you." "On this day, several uninvited guests arrived at the lake." "You became the sole knight protector of Princess Guinevere." "Arriving in the wilderness, you and Guinevere ride together. The faint scent of the girl's body makes you look forward to the life ahead, but you did not notice the admiration in the eyes of the girl in your arms along the way." ... "King Arthur, I and... - - - - - - - - - - - - - Become a Patron to read chapters ahead of public release and support me ? patreon.com/HOLYGRAILWAR

Jer0086 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 7: Camelot

Chapter 7: Camelot

Perhaps, as Vortigern said, Fujimaru's luck was simply too poor. If the first people to meet Fujimaru by the lake had been Vortigern or King Arthur, his fate might have been entirely different. However, since things have already come to this point, there's no need to dwell on what could have been. One only needs to remember the reason for taking up the sword again.

During these three days, aside from chatting with Guinevere, Fujimaru thought a lot about the "Idiot King" and the "King's Sister." Before crossing over, he had only a basic understanding of these stories. Now that he's actually here, Fujimaru feels that everything is part of a grand conspiracy.

For Artoria to claim kingship, she needed Morgan's recognition. In other words, Artoria had to be intimate with elves, who are products of the Age of Gods. After the Age of Mystery, elves were bound to exit the stage of history. Thus, Artoria hoped that humans could coexist with elves, which was clearly impossible. However, if Artoria did not harbor this wish, she would inevitably be unable to bear the weight of the crown. It seems that from the very beginning, Artoria's fate was destined to be a tragedy.

The king who embraced the hope of saving everything eventually pinned his hopes on the Holy Grail. But Artoria, with her lineage of fantasy, was also destined not to find the Holy Grail. Setting aside the obstruction from world wills like Alaya and Gaia, the root cause of everything was Merlin, who possesses Clairvoyance and can see all of the future. Has he been deceiving Artoria and the Knights of the Round Table all along?

"Truly worthy of Merlin, not involving himself in anything related to people..." Gazing at the royal castle of Camelot in England, Fujimaru felt he must be wary of Merlin.

"Knight of Astolfo, what are you saying?" Fujimaru straightened up and said through the carriage window, "Your Highness, I was saying that the royal castle is truly magnificent, the grandest city I've ever seen."

Guinevere nodded in agreement, "When I came here as a child, I also felt it was so big, so tall, and so magnificent!!"

Although the Kingdom of Liao De Kuan is a vassal state of England, the king's personal visit at this critical moment essentially amounts to recognizing King Arthur's status. Therefore, at the gates of Camelot, Fujimaru saw the legendary king.

**[You met King Arthur, her short golden hair neatly trimmed, wearing a full set of silver armor, her eyes like green gems. Despite her youthful appearance, she already possessed the majesty of a king.]**

**[King Arthur received you with the highest courtesy, and you were welcomed into the royal court.]**

**[After a brief conversation, Merlin glanced at the empty palace hall and said with an embarrassed smile, "Sorry for the neglect, there used to be tables here, but they were removed for some reasons, and we haven't found suitable ones yet, so it's been left empty."]**

**[The King Lancelot immediately said he had a round table that could be gifted to King Arthur.]**

**[You blinked, witnessing the birth of the Knights of the Round Table.]**

**[In the afternoon, Guinevere declined King Arthur's offer to have knights protect her, saying she had you, her only personal Knight knight.]**

**[Merlin kindly advised the King Lancelot that it would be best if the princess's Knight knight were female.]**

**[Guinevere was about to explode in defense of you, but you quietly advised her, and she immediately held back, leaving the royal court with you to start touring Camelot.]**

**[The last look back as you left the palace, you saw the King Lancelot staring thoughtfully at King Arthur's back.]**

**[After spending several days inseparable, you had come to understand Guinevere's preferences clearly, easily making her forget the unpleasantness in the royal court and bringing a smile to her face.]**

**[You remained unflustered, simply fulfilling your duty as a Knight.]**

**[When night fell and it was time to return, Guinevere hoped to go out with you again next time. You smiled and replied, "I am Your Highness's knight. Wherever Your Highness goes, I naturally follow."]**

**[You clearly noticed that this answer made Guinevere somewhat unhappy, but you did not explain, escorting her back to her room.]**

**[The next day, you accompanied Guinevere and the King Lancelot to the national square.]**

**[From afar, you saw the Sword in the Stone, quietly embedded in a square stone.]**

**[This was your first time attending such a ceremony in another world, and you were very curious...]**

Fujimaru looked down at the sea of people below, clicking his tongue. He had inquired on his way here. Most of England's commoners had heard about the return of the illegitimate prince earlier.

Over the past few days, under the brewing momentum, some had traveled for months to arrive here.

And the residents of Camelot city had almost all come here with curiosity or anticipation. Although 90% of these people had not received education, knowing at most how to write their names, they had become smart due to the chaotic times.

90% of them also did not believe that an illegitimate prince could save this country, which had been impoverished for nearly a hundred years.

The reason they came was that today, bread and garlic would be distributed based on the number of people.

Thus, many poor families came with their entire households. Fujimaru took another look at the nobles nearby, glanced at their carriages and horses, and then withdrew his gaze.

Because King Arthur and her Knight had arrived.
