
Chapter-45 : Blizzard Entertainment

The implication of Ric being the person behind the alliance didn't go unnoticed for long.

The alliance itself made big splashes in the public and media. The effect of the announcement was instantaneous.

All the members' products sell took a boost, profits increased by a whopping 40%, and finally, the members who went public had their stock rose by 5-6 Dollars per stock.

The alliance made everyone talk about it. Then the effect it had on the market and stock exchange made everyone went downright crazy.

The craze reached its peak when they uncovered that Ric was involved with this.

Although some voiced suspicions regarding how long the alliance being lasting or able to do profit in the long term.

But it can be said that with all the positive and negative analysis by the public, media, and experts, the environment is quite hot.

While the world is upside down, the person responsible is working on his laptop at a corner in his home without he even noticing.

"...And done," said Ric out loud.

After finishing the work, he then realized that he is sitting in a corner.

"What the... when did I get here?" said Ric to himself.

"Oh well, whatever. I should make a call now," he still talking to himself while he went to his bedroom to get his phone.

After a few rings on the phone, a voice can be heard on the other side,

"Hello Boss, after such a long time you called me, I thought you forgot you had an editor."

"Austin quit being a crybaby and tell me how long it will take you to come to my home," said Ric.

"By tomorrow won't be a problem with you, would it Boss?" he asked.

"Don't be late," replied Ric.

"Yes!!! Boss, anything for your book," said Austin.

Ric cut the call at that instant and said out loud,

"Such a bootlicker."

At that moment, a call came. Looking a the display Ric saw it was Frank Pierre. He is one of the founders of Blizzard Entertainment.

He has met them in ULCA once by coincidently, then kept in touch with them. In fact, Ric was the one who helped them establish their first business Silicon & Synapse, Inc.

Later, after a few persuasion and promise of funding all their game project with no deadline, they finally established <Blizzard Entertainment> in 1991.

After all, the condition Ric gave is almost equivalent to a donation.

The reason behind such an unusual step made by Ric was to experiment. To see how far a game can be developed without any additional pressures. And more importantly, be personally involved with the process and also to avoid tax.

Not only that, along with the establishment of <Blizzard Entertainment> with Ric's funding and direction, they went and bought and merged a few game studios like Bethesda Softworks, Id Software, and Epic Games to bulk them up.

{A/N: I am sorry that these famous studios are no more, but don't worry, the games made by them will still be produced but with the label of Blizzard.}

Also, the company become a subsidiary of <Feather Nest> like EA and Activision.

This bulking made it much easier to plan, design, and make a game. Also, with such diversification, the game will naturally be different than the original.

And how much different it will be only the future will tell.

Frank was made CEO after the company was established. And this decision was not opposed by anybody.

"Hey, Frank. How are you, man?" said Ric after receiving the call.

"Ric good news, we finally completed the game <The Lost Vikings> and got a pass from the review team. It's ready for production," said Frank excitedly,

"Great, it calls for a celebration then, but don't forget to send me a copy," replied Ric happily.

This was the first game Ric was personally involved in. He has written the plot of the game, as well as the lore of the game. And also had dubbed an important character.

With such a level of involvement, Ric will definitely be happy that the game has finally entered the production stage.

"Sure thing Boss, the first copy after production will be sent to you," replied Frank.

Ric laughed happily and cut the call. Truly this call made him very happy.

It made him so happy that, he suddenly got an inspiration.

Not wasting any time, he runs to this music room and takes his guitar, and starts playing with it.

Now for the next few hours, the sound of a guitar with some humming or murmuring of lyrics can be heard along with it, some occasional scribbling in a copy can be seen in the room.

But this scene was soon interrupted by a phone call.

Ric getting very annoyed by the disturbance caused by the phone call, looked at it. Only to find out that the culprit is his financial advisor and investor Kyle William.

Looking at the person calling, all his irritation went away. In fact, he sighed in relief.

"Kyle...Kyle... Kyle, you finally showed your presence, here I thought you have died in a remote corner of the Soviet Union," said Ric happily.

Kyle used to work with his father and his father used to look after his fiances.

But as Wing Ventures grow, it became harder to micro-manage Ric's finances. So, he gave the responsibility to Kyle.

Kyle is a shrewd investor and as crazy as Ric. So, these persons cooperating made, wonders. The greatest one was the investment of japan.

As Ric was a kid and busy, he couldn't go, other countries for business, investment, or any overseas acquisition. It was Kyle who made it possible.

Though Ric's keen sense and direction and Kyle's boldness and directness made them a wonderful team.

As Said before, they are wonderful but crazy. That craziness can be seen when they decided on another bold move.

Investing in the Soviet Union. Target- pulling as much as capital possible in any way possible before their collapse.

And Kyle directly went to the Soviet to do exactly that.

Some of the things they plan on doing were borderline illegal. So, they have to be discreet.

By discreet means, Kyle has to go under the radar and have to make sure to remove any evidence of Ric's involvement if he is spotted.

As planned, Kyle took the remaining 9 billion and vanished until today as he resurfaced.

"Ex-Soviet Union Ric, It has dissolved," he replied.

"Finally, they did. Wait, how do you know that?" asked Ric.

"Everyone will know by tomorrow, the great soviet union has finally collapsed," he said.

This was all thanks to Ric's butterfly effect. Previously the Soviet Union collapsed in December of 1991 but it was delayed until now.

"listening to your voice, it feels like you succeed," said Ric with expectation.

"More than that, It was a jackpot," He said excitedly.

"How much?" asked Ric directly.

"3 times the investment," Kyle replied.

"3 times, 3 times, 27 billion..." murmured Ric, then he shouted,

"27 BILLION!!!!"

Then he started laughing,

"Bloody hell Kyle, you have done it" and continued to laugh crazy.

"I know. 27 billion!!! Another successful investment Ric," He replied while laughing with Ric.

Both Kyle and Ric laughed crazily for a while. And after laughing for a while, Ric said,

"Where are you now?"

"Germany," replied Kyle.

"Can you come to France?" Ric asked.