
Chapter-35 : Vacation[2]

"Please don't fall for me Drew, you will get hurt." said Ric with a sad smile.

"W..Wh.. What are you saying Ric? Are you kidding with me?" Drew replied with a bit agitated.

"Drew stop that... you can't hide it form me. I know you like me." he replied calmly.

She opened and closed her mouth few times to say something but sighed helplessly.

"Looks like I can not hide it anymore, gosh why is it you can read me so well." she replied helplessly but tenderly. Then she smiled but narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

"But what do you mean by falling for you will hurt me."

"Have you forgotten Drew, remember the wish I told you." Ric replied with a smile.

"What your still hung up on that, wait don't tell you were actually serious about that." she replied with her eyes wide.

"Of course I was serious about that it's all men's dream."

At this moment Drew fallen in the sand with her hand spread, totally shocked from what she heard.

"All men's dream... All men's dream my foot, Its the most selfish thing I ever heard." she replied annoyed.

"Well I know its selfish but so what its a dream I wish to full-fill." Ric shrugged.

"Oh god I know your a bit of a playboy but having a polyamory, polygamy relations this is down right crazy besides its illegal." putting her hand on her head she replied.

"Hey polygamy is not polyamory and beside I know places where it is legal. All I have to do is have a citizenship of that country." Ric corrected.

"I don't care what is what and how far have you planed it out." she quipped back but sat again and looked at him, who was s till lying on the sand.

"Just enough to have one. Beside I am not forcing someone accept it, they have to be willing."

"That's the thing no girl will be willing to share their loved one with another, what are you implying is cheating and it will only hurt them." she tried to explain.

Ric at this time got up and sat on the sand while looking at the ocean, he replied,

"That's why I am not interested in relationship with just anyone but with those who are okay with this. Beside your missing a point polyamory is basis on love, shearing, mutual bonding and respect.

And I want someone to love me so much that instead of leaving me they are willing to share, to coexist, to from a mutual bonding and more importantly never cheat on me. I just want to live happily without hurting the people I love."

He than looked at her gave a sad smile.

"I also like you Drew, I like you so much that I don't want to hurt you, that's why I am telling you what are at steak in forming a relationship with me. Its not easy and even if you want a relationship you will be one to get hurt ultimately if you don't cope up or unwilling to share.

So, why bother now, just to get hurt in the end."

He then stood up went in-front to wet his feet while still looking at the ocean

"I know I am being selfish, in-fact I can be the most selfish bastard out there. I am like this, I can't be faithful to a single person. I know I can't specially when I am in Hollywood. That's why to me it is the most fail-safe way to have a proper relationship and a long one without hurting.

Then he looked at drew and continued softly but firmly,

"I know its hard, lot of opposing will be there, many will get hurt in the initial process but whats important is the happiness it will achieve at the end, for that I can endure any necessary sacrifices, I can do every compromise."

hearing him Drew also stood up and looked directly at his eyes, which are firm and determined.

"That's the most selfish thing you ever said Richard.Tell me Ric why, why go to such length and how can it be a even a solution." Drew replied confused with evening she is hearing.

Ric laughed, then he looked at the scene behind her, then he started moving towards the folding chair under the shed while explaining.

"Drew we are from Hollywood, It can be as dark as it is glamorous. Its a place where new is absorbed and old is forsaken. Its a place people can do anything for fame and glamour. its a place where peoples bottom line is constantly being tested.

Do you think any man will not succumbed to temptation and beauty all around him. Do you think they will stay faithful its not easy. In fact in Hollywood most celebrates either men or women can't stay faithful to a single relationship for long. Its rare to find a relationship that's last for long or faithfully committed. Your parents is the best example"

He sat on the chair while Drew followed him sitting beside concentrating on every word he is speaking, he continued his explanation.

"That's why I adapted this method. It will act as a catalyst to resist this temptations. Not just for me but others in the relationship as well. Knowing your in a multiple relationship puts a psychological burden to your mind for adding more after all there is a limit to how many you can manage and also more importantly everyone can take care of each-other and look each other's back in this place."

He finished explaining and waited patiently for her answer, while she sat savoring the info dump he did on her and reorganizing her thought.

After a moment, she replied

"I never thought it like that, to think it was like this and here i thought all this was the norm in Hollywood or as many people says hidden rules.

"A lot of factor plays here, but its all out there, all you have to do is look." he agreed then continued,

"Beside that do you know the criteria for a polyamory relationship to be stable is that you have to like both male and female. In my case you have to like only me and other female companions.

Hearing another piece of bomb, her mind disorientated again but she still managed to connect the dot.

"wait that's your requirement for a girl to from a relationship with, bestially she have to fall for both-side."

"That's right, the girl can like any women in the world, beside wont it be my success if I get more women but she only can like me, no one else, can't have her cheating on me can I. Ric replied cheekily.

"More relationship, Richard how many are you planning to have." Drew asked after managing to catch on that.

"Three, four more in-fact the more the merrier up until I can psychologically handle. But two for now, after all polyamory starts with three person." replied Ric cheekily.

Listening to him, Drew was feeling a headache, the more she thought about it he more her head confused but still managed to find staring point and ending point

"Okay let me get this straight,

The reason your not in a relationship you didn't find a girl matching your criteria.

Your criteria is that the girl have to be Bisexual but only like you, also be okay with having a polyamory type relationship and basically can't cheat on you with another guy. "

"That's absolutely correct. Now you know why I don't want to from a relationship with you."

saying this Ric stood up, patted on Drew's shoulder and went inside the home while leaving Drew who was deep in thought.

"Ric, your absolutely one selfish bastard. who are you to decide what I can do and what i can't. Idiot he left me like this without even-hearing my thought." replied Drew softly after some time passed and stood up went to her room.

'But I still need some time to think.' she thought.

After the incident in the morning they acted like nothing happened rest of the day. Not only that, they acted the same, they usually did for the next two days as well.

Ric was happy that everything was fine after that incident in the beach, although she would space out time to time seemingly thinking something. It will be fixed after sometimes, everything will be back to normal.

But oh boy he was so wrong and had no idea whats about to happen in this night.

It was late at night, Ric was busy writing a novel <Angles and Demons> as tomorrow is the last day staying here, so he want enjoy as much as he can. He restarted writing after he left silver screen and published <Jurassic Park>and <17 again> in 1989, Then <The note book>, <The space between us> in 1990 establishing his renewed fame as an author once again.

While he was busy, he hared a knock and a voice soon followed

"Ric can I come in"

"Come in drew"

Getting the permission she entered. Looking at her,

"What the matter Drew?" Ric asked concerned.

"Can't sleep" she replied while sat beside him and continued after a moment,

"I have deiced something" she looked at him,

"I decided that I still want to be your girlfriend."

Hearing her, Ric kept asides the laptop, looked at her.

"Do you know what are you implying. After everything I told you still want to go for it."

"Yes, I want, I know your saying that I will get hurt, But if it means I can be with you, this much sacrifice I am willing to make."

Ric took his hand touched her face

"You are absolutely sure about that, because one your mine. I wont let you go."

"I don't care. Ric I love you, I can make any compromises to be with you." she replied softy.

Ric smiled and he hold her face and came close to her,

"Last chance, there is no turning back" Ric whispered looking at her

"I don't care" she whispered back and then their lips met.

The kiss started softly, then heated, then aroused to the point moaning can be heard. At one point Drew whispered "Make love to me."

At that night, the quite night with only the sound of wind and ocean, sounds of love can be heard.