
Hollywood Hunter

Many years later, a Chinese mainland director unexpectedly returned to Hollywood in 1986, and began his legendary journey to take control of the world’s largest film and television industry center step by step. The novel is good with most focus on movies production, distribution and box office, with parts of some company acquisitions, stock market and media interpretations. - Warning: It is a MTL story so just bear with it.. - Author : 贾思特杜 - Uploaded only for reading purpose..

Moon_k2 · Thành thị
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101 Chs

Really no stand

After the first weekend of US$14.31 million, in the first full week, the final box office of "Butterfly Effect" reached US$21.69 million, which is the No. 1 box office in North America without any suspense.

Apartment living room.

Simon looked at the box office data report in his hand, and his first thought was the next box office trend.

According to the current media reputation of "Butterfly Effect", most people are very optimistic about the box office curve of this film, and Simon himself is not too optimistic.

If the box office of "Butterfly Effect" fell more than 50% in the second week, then, despite the high starting point of 21.69 million US dollars in the first week, the total North American box office of the film can only reach about 50 million US dollars.

50 million US dollars, compared to the production cost of the film and the average data of this era, the box office performance is absolutely outstanding.

The production cost of "Butterfly Effect" is US$10 million, and the actual advertising budget is usually half of the production cost. Calculated in this way, the box office reached 30 million US dollars, Fox has already begun to make a profit, not to mention the overseas distribution and later video tapes, TV broadcasts and other income, Fox is enough to make a lot of money on this project.

However, this is definitely not a good thing for Simon.

The reason why Fox and Orion would approve the "Reaper Is Coming" and "Pulp Fiction" sharing contract is entirely because he expects Simon to'make persistent efforts' after "Lola Run".

The box office of "Butterfly Effect" in the first week largely relied on the popularity of "Lola Run".

right now.

The word-of-mouth of "Butterfly Effect" has collapsed, if the next box office can't afford its first week of high starting point. Then, Hollywood will completely regard "Lola Run" as an accidental success, and the halo blessing it brought to Simon will also fail after "Butterfly Effect".


Although the contracts of "Reaper is Coming" and "Pulp Fiction" cannot be reversed, in the process of Simon's promotion of Daenerys Pictures' follow-up projects, Hollywood studios will obviously no longer consider the halo factor of "Lola Run" .

Even Simon's age disadvantage of less than twenty years old will be magnified again.

Indifferent to pay attention to the box office of other movies, Simon put the report aside and looked at the big screen indifferently.

The classic Hollywood black and white film "Casablanca" is being shown on the screen.

As a high-ranking movie on TOP-250 in the original time and space [IMDB], Simon has seen it more than once in his memory. "When Harry Met Sally" also mentioned this film in many details, so I bought a videotape and wanted to relive it.

Looking at Ingrid Bergman's shining eyes on the screen, Simon suddenly thought of Janet and what Neal had said before he left.

After hesitating for a moment, Simon took the phone and leaned on the sofa to dial a series of numbers.

After the usual series of beeps, the phone was picked up, and a cat-like hum came from the microphone, with obvious impatience.

Simon listened to the woman's reaction, but he curled his mouth and said softly, "Baby, it's me."

In the bedroom of Palisades's mansion, Janet shrank dazedly on the big bed in the bedroom, and the telephone line on the bedside table was stretched to the bottom of the bed.

Hearing Simon's voice, Janet got a little bit of energy. She touched and touched a pillow next to her and hugged it in her arms, as if she was hugging some guy, but her mouth was not forgiving: "Who is Your baby, I want to be called Jenny."

Simon replied, "Well, Jenny."

But Janet immediately became dissatisfied, and criticized: "Really has no position."

Simon smiled and said, "I just want to call you to say good night."

Janet twisted her body under the covers, held the pillow in her arms tighter, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Watching a movie," Simon glanced at the big screen and said, ""Casablanca."

"Because of "When Harry Met Sally"?" Janet asked, before Simon could answer, she said, "I've seen it before. However, I don't like this story very much. Everyone is cautious. Yes, not at all."

Unknowingly, Simon also grabbed a pillow from the side, but only put it on his knee, and said: "That must be because you didn't understand it."


"Actually, "Casablanca" is definitely the most obscure love story in Hollywood history, and the ending is perfect."


Simon smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Look, the story should be like this. In the chaotic small town of Casablanca, Sheriff Renault madly fell in love with the bar owner Rick. In order to attract Rick's attention, he deliberately disguised himself as A playboy, constantly changing women one after another. The arrival of Rick's ex-girlfriend Elsa made Sheriff Renault feel a very strong crisis. However, Renault is very smart. He is seemingly nonchalant, in private But secretly pushed, not only successfully drove Elsa away, but also used this incident to let Rick understand his own mind. In the end, the two left Casablanca together, and they have joined hands for a lifetime and wandered the world."

On the other side of the phone, Janet listened to Simon's narration and recalled the plot of the movie in her memory. Her beautiful eyes blinked, blinked, blinked, and suddenly screamed: "Ah, little bastard, Westeros You little bastard, I will never watch "Casablanca" again."

After accusing him of this, Janet was suddenly overwhelmed with joy. She rolled on the big bed and churned for a while, and suddenly realized something. The woman's joy stopped abruptly, and quickly caught the lost microphone: "Hey, bastard, you still there?"

Simon said: "Yes."

Janet hesitated for a while, and asked weakly: "You, you didn't hold back too hard recently, are you interested in men?"

Simon felt a black line drifting in front of him, and immediately said, "No."

Janet was obviously worried: "Really?"

"Of course it is true," Simon nodded again, not wanting to continue discussing this topic, and turned to: "However, without you by my side, I am a bit messy here recently. How about taking the time to clean up for me?"

Janet refused without hesitation: "No, you find the cleaner yourself."

"You know," Simon felt the topic turned off, and continued decisively: "I don't like strangers in my home."

"But," Janet grabbed the pillow in her arms, changed her position on the bed, and said, "I'm also looking for a cleaner to clean the villa here?"

Simon didn't pay attention to these before, so he had to say: "This, I pretend not to know if I can't see it."

"Hehe, let Kate help you clean up."

Simon helplessly said: "Are you really a good girlfriend like this?"

"Otherwise you can solve it yourself," Janet curled her lips, but said again: "Unfamiliar people are not allowed to appear in your own territory. From this point of view, you really look like a lion."

Simon thought about taking the time to sort it out on the weekend. Hearing Janet's words, he remembered one more thing and said: "I always listen to you about lions. I recently conceived an idea about lions." Then, Simon got up, flipped around, found a stack of paintings, put it on his lap and looked at it at random, saying: "This is a cartoon called "The Lion King", the story template of the'Prince's Revenge' How about I make it and give it to you as a birthday present. By the way, when is your birthday?"

Janet's voice was soft and whispered: "I just don't have a birthday, and I feel sad when I think of my age."

Simon said softly: "Of course it will be your 18th birthday. Every year is 18 years old. Come, tell me when your 18th birthday is?"

Janet's tone softened again, and she said softly: "March 13th, this year has passed by secretly. Well, if the story is not good, I don't want it."

"You can take a look first," Simon remembered the day in his heart, and continued: "How about tomorrow? Tomorrow night I'm going to Madonna's house for a party. You will be my female companion. After we come back, we will discuss this together. story."

"No, I'm not your girlfriend right now," Janet resisted slightly, and asked, "What are you going to do at Madonna's house?"

"I want to invite Madonna and Sean Penn to participate in "Pulp Fiction", which is the opening bunny and pumpkin."

"Hehe, invite them both," Janet curled her lips mockingly, and said: "I just remember the movie they played together last year. The comment said that the only advantage of that movie is that the audience can be alone. Enjoy a movie theater."

Simon couldn't help laughing when Janet said this.

"Madonna Marvel" was a movie starring Madonna and Sean Penn last year. The production cost was 17 million US dollars, but the North American box office was only 2.31 million.

Before sending out the invitation to Madonna and Sean Penn, Simon also specially found the videotape of "Maddo Surprise" and watched it. Indeed, it can only be described as horrible. Madonna also won her first gold at the beginning of the year. May's worst heroine.

However, Simon finally decided to give it a try.

Simon has always believed that there has never been a completely hopeless actor in this world, and the key lies in the role. Otherwise, Madonna would not later win the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in "Mrs. Veron".

Because of the episode on ABC's "Good Morning America" ​​last month, after Simon finished the "Pulp Fiction" script, the first thing he thought of was the Madonna and Mrs. Madonna for the opening bunny and pumpkin.

Madonna's bold and avant-garde, Sean Penn's hot character, it is perfect to get together to play a pair of mandarin duck robbers.

The most important thing is that Madonna's film pay will not be too high, and Sean Penn is not a Grand Slam actor at the moment. If it's just a cameo, this idea has a very high feasibility.

Thinking in his heart, Simon asked: "Then are you going to go tomorrow?"

Janet refused again: "No. We're breaking up now, and we're still preparing for a lawsuit. I'm so shameless to be taken out by you so soon."

"Well," Simon had to say, "That's it, good night."

"Yeah, good night."

PS: Set a small goal today, three chapters with 10,000 words.