
Hollywood Hunter

Many years later, a Chinese mainland director unexpectedly returned to Hollywood in 1986, and began his legendary journey to take control of the world’s largest film and television industry center step by step. The novel is good with most focus on movies production, distribution and box office, with parts of some company acquisitions, stock market and media interpretations. - Warning: It is a MTL story so just bear with it.. - Author : 贾思特杜 - Uploaded only for reading purpose..

Moon_k2 · Thành thị
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101 Chs


Simon heard Michael Ovitz's terms and replied: "Michael, Bob is indeed worth $1 million. However, Pulp Fiction is only a medium-cost production, so I can only give $500,000 in remuneration. Plus 5% of North American box office net profit sharing. As for the sharing model, I shouldn't need to explain it anymore."

The whole Hollywood knows that Michael Ovitz is a kind of detail control, very scary. Now that he knows the C+ customers that Daenerys Pictures has come into contact with during this period, it is naturally impossible to know the net profit sharing rules of Pulp Fiction.

Sure enough, Michael Ovitz did not ask any more questions, just said: "Simon, if it were before today, Orion might have stuck the production budget of Pulp Fiction at 8 million U.S. dollars. But now, they shouldn't mind adding more, no ?"

Michael Ovitz apparently hasn't heard about Simon's contract with Orion.

Simon's proposed base salary of $500,000 still comes from the original budget of $8 million, and the funds he can use to select other actors are only $1.5 million.

As for the additional 5% of the North American box office net profit share, Simon temporarily won from Orion in the morning.

Traditional Hollywood filmmakers generally have a very strong cult of superstars. Robert Redford's participation in "Pulp Fiction" is definitely something that Orion can't ask for. The next weekend box office of "Butterfly Effect" also made Orion executives full of confidence in Simon again.

So Simon didn't bother to speak too much on this matter, and Mike Medova nodded in agreement.

Faced with Ovitz's doubts, Simon didn't make a roundabout, shook his head and said: "Michael, this involves contract issues."

Although Simon's and Orion's share clauses are kept secret, the "Reaper Is Coming" contract is well known, and Fokster intended to announce the original share clauses as a gimmick.

Michael Ovitz heard Simon's answer with a clear expression on his face, but he said: "Simon, you want Bob to participate in the performance, but you are not willing to pay enough for the film. This is definitely not enough."

From the original executive producer of "Lola Run" to the later Sundance Film Festival, Robert Redford helped Simon a lot.

Simon listened to Michael Ovitz's implied run, but was not embarrassed, and said: "500 thousand US dollars, plus a 5% profit share, the value of this contract is very likely to exceed 1 million US dollars. I have already given it. The highest price I can offer is enough to prove my sincerity. If Bob is not satisfied, I can only say regret. However, movies are movies, Michael, this is the most risky business in the world, and we cannot be willful And for."

Hearing what Simon said, Michael Ovitz looked at the young man in front of him deeply, his expression seemed a little hesitant, but he still said: "Simon, I will pass your terms to Bob. In addition, Let's talk about "When Harry Meets Sally". Nora Efron is also a C+ customer, but it's a pity that you bought the script first. Then, how about C+'s full agency for the project? You offer On our own terms, we are responsible for contacting the studio."

Simon shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, Michael, I have received several calls about "When Harry Meets Sally" today, so Daenerys Pictures does not need C+ help now."

"This is indeed very regrettable," Michael Ovitz also shook his head slightly, then stood up and said, "In this case, Simon, maybe I should leave."

Simon got up and proactively extended his hand to Michael Ovitz, saying: "Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Michael, you are a legend in Hollywood."

Michael Ovitz shook hands with Simon happily, but did not immediately turn around and stood there saying: "Simon, honestly, in order for you to join C+, I deliberately did a very detailed investigation before coming, and even prepared That's enough for us to talk about the topic of the afternoon."

Simon just smiled and said, "Then why do you want to leave so soon?"

Michael Ovitz did not hide it, saying: "Simon, before I came, I found out that we are probably the same kind of people, but this did not make me shrink. However, just now, I suddenly realized that we are destined Will only become an opponent."

The smile on Simon's face was undiminished, and said: "Really, Michael, I just had this feeling just now, and it was very strong."

Michael Ovitz also laughed and asked with interest: "When?"

"You just said: We always try our best to meet all the requirements of our customers," Simon replied, and asked, "What about you?"

"A movie is a movie, we can't do it willfully," Michael Ovitz also repeated Simon's just now, but immediately said: "However, Simon, your expectations may be difficult to achieve. Filmmakers are very willful. "

Simon retorted: "Not in the era of big studios."

Michael Ovitz said: "The era of big studios is history."

"History is always in cycles. That's why people like to use the'wheel of history' to describe the passing of years."

"Very interesting point," Michael Ovitz smiled and nodded, "Maybe we can be friends in private."

"Of course, it will be an opponent at the same time."

"You have to understand, Simon, in front of C+, you are still very weak."

"If the lion wants to change history, it must find a bigger goal, and it can't use ants as opponents."

"Speaking of changing history, Ron and I thought about it the same way back then. Then, C+ was just established. It was just the name of our small company that caused a lawsuit. A very profound lesson."

"This is not a threat?"

"Of course not. From the standpoint, we are actually salespersons and you are consumers. Salespersons threaten consumers. This is absolutely a very stupid thing."

Simon and Ovitz chatted like this, unconsciously, they already felt a bit speculative.

However, each was actually very busy, and the two did not sit down again, and Michael Ovitz soon left. Sending Michael Ovitz out of the company headquarters, Simon returns to his office, Susan tells Simon that Amy Pascal is already online.

Simon originally wanted Amy to cope with this meeting, so that even if the negotiation is not right, the two sides will not be too embarrassed with the agent. However, Michael Ovitz hoped to talk to Simon himself, and he and Amy temporarily changed their schedules.

Last Saturday, a drug test was conducted in secret, and it was confirmed that Meg Ryan had not touched anything too incurable, and Simon signed a contract with the other party. With a salary of 300,000 US dollars, it also comes with an option contract. After "When Harry Meets Sally", Meg Ryan must appear in a movie by Daenerys Pictures.

Billy Christo is Jonathan's customer, and the contract has been confirmed earlier. As a well-known TV actor in the United States, Billy Christo starred in the first big-screen movie "Double Stars Going to the Moon" last year. The box office was very good, so the remuneration was set at 3 million US dollars.

Next is the director.

Rob Reiner.

This is the former director of "When Harry Meets Sally". The details of the original film are perfect in every aspect, and Simon does not intend to replace it. The script has already been transferred to the other party. After several contacts, Rob Reiner also intends to direct it. Today, Amy went to discuss the contract with the other party's agent.

Simon connected to the phone with Amy, talked for more than ten minutes, and leaned on the leather chair behind the desk after taking up the line.

Rob Reiner is still a C+ contract client, and the director's salary offered does not surprise Simon.

5 million dollars.

In addition, the other party also asked to be a producer and insisted on certain final cut rights.

After some negotiations, the pay did not change. Amy successfully vetoed the other party's request for final cutting rights, but Simon needed to decide whether to agree to the other party's role as a producer.

Rob Reiner's films in recent years have been very successful. Last year's "Along with Me" also won the North American box office of more than 50 million US dollars. Simon has no objection to the salary. After discussing with Amy, he also agreed to the other party's request to be a producer.

Now, Rob Reiner and Billy Christo are paid 8 million U.S. dollars. Although Meg Ryan takes the price of a newcomer, if you want to invite the original "Princess Leia" Kelly It is impossible for Fisher to serve as a female partner without one or two million.

Only the online cost of the main creative has reached the level of tens of millions. Under this kind of cafe specification, the offline cost must be guaranteed to be around 5 million US dollars.

Thus, the budget of "When Harry Meets Sally" directly came to 15 million US dollars.

In my memory, the North American box office of "When Harry Meets Sally" was around US$90 million. Relative to the production cost, this is definitely a project that can bring huge profits to film companies.

Before today, Simon had been hesitant to invest in "When Harry Met Sally" himself.

The money in Simon's hand won't be used until November.

In November, New York is already winter.

In the original movie, the series of colorful autumn scenery with yellow leaves when Harry and Sally are together is simply fascinating, which is definitely a highlight of the film.

But if you wait until November, the first snow in New York may have already fallen, and it is definitely no longer possible to restore those beautiful shots. Without those shots, "When Harry Meets Sally" will definitely lose its color too much.

Simon cannot wait until next year.

Not to mention the contract with Nora Efron, there will definitely be next year next year.

right now.

With the release of the box office data for the next weekend of "Butterfly Effect," the original stalemate was instantly revitalized.

Simon also has a very precise plan for "When Harry Meets Sally".

PS: This chapter counts as yesterday. I wanted to write 4,000 words, but found that 3,000 words are just right. Anyway, give up all the exercises, no more, no more.