
Lanie coven

Name: Lanie Coven

Age and year: 14 and 1

Gender: gal

Blood status:

Sexuality: bisexual

Hogwarts house: hufflepuff

Wand: limna (custom)

Broom(2nd years and above only):

Boggart: rabbits

Personality: calm/loud/caring/

Patronus: snow fox

Likes: forests/tea/walks/adventures ect

Dislikes: crowded places/small towns/

Hobbies: painting/reading/cooking


Favorite subject:potions

Backstory( in a few sentences): Lanie had a her mother to live with in an huge mansion. Her father had passed and left his money to them. She was very intrested in animals or cooking . Everynight she would help her mother cook and study on diffrent animals each night.