
Slayers vs Hunters

Slayer was known to be protectors and also had a reputation to save people from anything that was supernatural and that is including werewolves and ghouls and other things too but there is never a tale when they had been told about the truth the slayers and the slayers was known to be part of the gods' order.

Slayers were known to have powers that can be equal to those of the gods and they would develop depending on the order of the gods and there were many orders at the beginning of when the world was created due to the savage side of the world and that was the dark kingdom and their power that spread across the world and now there is a time when there had been times when they must destroy the world.

This story was told by the campfire to scare the kids from going beyond the dark kingdom and this is something that was told for many years and still now talk about it and so there are times when people need to keep an eye on their kids and make sure that they aren't caught out at night.

"So there are times when you are even lost in this distant land and or not foresee throughout the world as we know it and so we are lustful creatures that seek power and babies and even more things that exist in this world. We should at least should understand it as a full-knowing person that could change the world with our own hands but the gods hold back the imagination to surpass them with power and so there are even things that they don't understand not being humans themselves."

There are the supernatural and then there are also the humans.

Humans were created by the woods that were on the land and their design was created by the gods themselves and their structure was built to be able to reproduce and also have the ability to move and talk and also built to understand many languages and also get more knowledge.

The human body would have also had a heart and a soul and so if they die then they will also be unleashed by the gods' hands and so they will be reborn into a new world and that what makes the idea of people studying reincarnation and also about the idea of other worlds.

This will bring them the idea of curiosity to the point where they had to be unlimited.

So the gods will have the humans know what they want them to know about the world that they live in but beyond that is too much and they will go against the world of the law that the gods called breaking the law and they will be punished to the point to where they will have to break them from this path and they will get sent to the dark kingdom.

And then the humans had gotten to the point where they wanted to go out of the human kingdom and then they had made a system that was the hunters and so the hunters were opposite from a slayer.

Slayer protect while hunters do it for their own desire and their own powers that could even challenge a god and so there was one human that had challenge the gods to a battle and he had won the challenge and started the hunter's schools and also the hunters' exam to make sure to those humans and also more that is capable of passing the test can be a hunter but those who can't be a hunter need to become a normal worker and also hunters can travel anywhere in the human kingdom without any permission and to explore and also rebuild a kingdom if they want to but some don't do that and try to explore outside of the human kingdom to get stronger and so when they see that the truth of the dark kingdom then was build an unknown kingdom but there was never an easy way to discover something that was true.

In the morning, Elk was looking for something that was coming to the kingom of Hilt and so there had been something that was getting on her nerves and she woke up and then Vile was looking for her and she then had knock on her door and said, "Come on and you better have some clothes on your body."

The door was unlock and she walk in and see that she was half dress with a shirt on and the blanket on the bottom half of their her body and so there never an easy way to wake her up and so it was hard to do anything that would wake her and then Vile had shake her and then Elk said, "I don't want to go down there. Please stop."

"Wake up."

Elk smile

"I said wake up!"

Vile slap her and then Elk said, "Okay, I up."

"You seem to be doing it again. Come on and make sure that you can stay up this time."


"Her personaliity change again. It strange to see her like this but this is probably due to bad heart about her family but that is never easy to see what she really going to do about herself and if she want to know something that would change herself then I will have to watch her. I keep my cool because I like her a lot and so she will have to figure that out herself."

"Hey, what are you doing? I can't find any clothes."

"She is so carefree."

Vile smile and then help her with her clothes and then they had went to the cafe and they ate there breakfast and then they had head to class again and then start of a new day for them and like yestrday never happen but then there was a large boom and then there was another problem that is leading to a dark path that will change them and the fainted encounter with the beast they are training to killed.