
Holding onto the darkness

*anti-hero* *lover-obsessed* *enemies to lovers* A lonely princess trapped in a tower by a paranoid father, and a prince, who secretly longed for love, but avoided it just as passionately. With threats to the Empire created by the families of them both, would they be able to find love amongst it all or will all crumble down to nothing? ***** Katerina stood by the door, not making any sound, or attempting to come forward. She just kept her back against the door, so, if in case she had to leave, she would take less time and get her ass out of here. The man in front of her, who was sitting behind his desk, was her fiance. Someone who I had belonged to since childhood. In fact, before she was born actually. The man who looked disappointed, and held his head in his hand. Gulping, she regretted the choice of clothes she had worn. It was cold in her country and she was barely wearing anything but a piece of clothes. The night was ruined and now she was at the mercy of the heater about which she wondered whether it worked or not. “Why,” Matvey sighed, “why are you here?” ‘To have fun with my friends,’ she wanted to say, but then refrained. Her friends were actually downstairs, and must be waiting for her. It was the one night where she had backed her father to let her go with her friends, and by far, she knew she was going to go home for the rest of the night. “And now you have no words.” He chuckled ruthlessly. “I always find you here and there, somehow always in my sight, and that, with what you’re wearing,” he pointed his hand at her, “seeking my attention is one thing, but whoring yourself is completely another. Do you think a man wants to marry a whore?” Her eyes widened and before she could even control herself, her tears had already made their presence known. Blinking, she looked away, and her tears dropped her cheeks. How could he say that? “I suppose I have not made my decision clear so I will say it clearly, get out of my sight and my life. Walk the other way where you find me walking in the same direction or just fucking better yet, remove your existence from in front of me. Is that understood?” Hie voice turned Harsh with each word, hitting her heart with a hammer and a nail so painfully that she let out a little whimper, accompanied by a sob. Katrina’s throat choked up but she attempted to answer him. “Y-yes—“ “Good.” He sighed. “Now, get out.” Before he could even say the words, she was already on it. She opened the door and flung herself out of it, only to notice who was standing beside her as she left. A scantily dressed woman who moved inside, just as she moved out. Shame burned her from within as she moved through the dance floor, and moved out to where her car was already waiting for her. “Drive home, please.” She whispered. Drive home, and away from him. Hopefully forever.

Inara_Me · Thành thị
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19 Chs

Arranged marriages- III

Their grandmother stood first, and was the first one to walk out of the room. Katrina and Natya followed afterwards.

There was something about this dinner that made her nervous especially after the dog she had had with her grandmother. What kind of marriage were they talking about? With who?

As they walked towards the dining table, in the dining room, Katrina kept her mind occupied with her thoughts.

As much as she wanted to trust her father, as much as she did, she still wanted to find out who it was. Was it going to be someone older than her, extremely old? Was she going to be used for a truce?

She had heard tales of those women and men who had gotten married to the people outside the organization, just to form an allowance. The stories, some great and some not so much.

She blew out some air before catching her shelves and stopping midway. That was not lady, not what she was taught.

When they ended the dining room, her father was on a call. He hung up immediately and came to kiss his mother on the cheek. "How have you been, mother?"

"Quite well, My son." Sofiya touched the cheek of her child with endangerment, "how have you been?"

"Good." He answered before looking past her and at the girls. He gave them a dazzling smile before moving and side stepping his mother. "Please, have your seats, girls."

Soft giggles erupted at his words and they moved to their seats. Once settled, their drinks were poured, and slowly, the first round of the course was brought in.

When the tw servers left, her father called for her attention. "Katrina, how was your day been?"

"Good, father. Thank you for asking."

He smiled before continuing. "I have the confirmed announcement for the banquet. You girls will attend halfway through after which she will be sent to the hotel room. More details will be given to you soon."

Katrina nodded along, acknowledging his words, but halfway through, her eyes met with her grandmother's. That was not what she wanted to know.

"Maybe," her grandmother started, "we should tell her about something else."

Her father's face sober up from all the expressions quickly. "Should we?"

He knew what she was talking about.

Sofiya, her grandmother, nodded. "Even though she's not truly of marriage age, she should get used to the idea."

Ivan stared at his mother with nothing on his face. It almost felt Katrina's mind with dread.

"If you say so," he surprisingly agreed, and in a swift second, his eyes moved from his mother to his daughter, "Katrina, you arranged to be married to someone."

She licked her lips. "If I may ask, who is he?"

Discomfort was quite visible in his body language yet, her father answered. "The future pakhan."