
Hold Me Tight (Levi Ackerman x OC)

Every day of Levi's life has been cold. Despite the scorching summers, the sunny springs and despite being the president of a rich company, Levi is incapable of feeling warmth. He is numb to it all...that is, until he meets Kai. Charming yet seemingly innocent, Kai's touch is the first heat that Levi's felt in a lifetime. Levi hires him as his secretary but there's more to Kai than meets the eye.

Dragon_Keeper · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

No One

Kai felt a little uncomfortable once all eyes were directed towards her and she was glad that a waiter had come in to take their orders.

The blonde female seated herself next to her boss, while William sat directly opposite her.

His manager and his secretary were soon forgotten since Williams gaze was fixated on Kai.

It wasn't William's gaze alone that made her feel uncomfortable, but it was also Levi's gaze that made her feel even more restless.

She could feel the pair of steel grey eyes directed towards her but the female ignored it as she looked around the room while avoiding William's eyes as well.

'What is up with these men?', Kai thought with frustration.

The silence in the room was making things worse.

Meanwhile, the irritation in Levi's chest was beginning to rise.

The raven haired male felt pissed off when the tall male had addressed his secretary so casually.

He could tell that the two individuals seem to be acquainted with each other and this annoyed Levi even more.

The jealousy only built up after that.

William had purposefully ordered the food that Kai likes which only angered Levi because the tall male seems to know what his secretary likes and dislikes.

It hasn't been that long since Levi got a list of Kai's likes and dislikes, so the raven haired male had wanted to be the one to impress the blonde female.

Now that William was seated directly opposite Kai and was gazing at the blonde female so fondly, Levi clenched his jaw in silence as he glared at the tall male.

Kai did not like this silence and because it would take some time for their food to arrive, the blonde female brought up the business conversation since this what they were planning to discuss anyways.

William's manager was glad of this as he continued the discussion that Kai had started since he had been too scared to speak up in front of his boss.

Some time later...

They had come to a deal and were now heading back to the company.

Levi was quite furious after the meeting because when the meal had arrived, the raven haired male had watched William serving Kai the food first.

The blonde female made no comment on it and accepted the food as the discussion went on.

President Levi clenched his jaw as he had sat through the meal without snapping out at William.

Now that they were heading back to The Underground City, Levi finally spoke up.

"How do you know that guy?", the raven haired male asked.

Both Levi and Kai were sitting in the backseat of the car, with a space between them.

The blonde female briefly glanced at her boss since she had been expecting that question to come up.

"I lived and studied in China for a few years.", Kai said, "I met Will there.", she said.

Levi stiffened once hearing his secretary address the tall male by a shortened version of his name.

'How close are you for you to be addressing him by a nickname?', this made Levi's frown deepen.

He looked at the blonde female and found the female's gaze directed towards the contract which they had just signed at lunch.

'Why is it that the more I learn about you, the more men appear from your life?', the raven haired male thought to himself in frustration.

Levi certainly did not like the idea of Kai getting along so well with other men, but the raven haired male found that there was nothing he could do because his secretary's group of friends seems to be expanding, the more he learns about the blonde female.

'I will definitely not allow it.', Levi was going to make sure that he stands at the top of the list of all those individuals.


That weekend...

Kai was originally going to the cinema with Zach and Eren, but Zach had cancelled since he had an emergency at home.

So the blonde female thought it was just going to be her and Eren, but to her surprise, her boss had tagged along again.

Actually, at this point, Kai wasn't really surprised since her boss has been accompanying her to almost every single gathering with her work friends.

It was now just the three of them as they entered the theatre.

Meanwhile, William had extended his stay until Sunday with the hope that he'd be able to spend time with Kai.

Unfortunately, one of his college friends who had happened to be visiting Japan at the same time had now dragged him along to the cinema since a great action movie was released today.

William now sat there in the theatre with his friend by his side and there was a small sulk on the tall male's face as he had missed his chance to see Kai.

Since the movie hadn't begun, William had been looking around when he had caught sight of a familiar individual.

The pair of blue eyes lit up once seeing Kai entering the theatre and the tall male was about to wave but he paused once seeing his classmate with two other males.

He recognised both from yesterday, one being the bodyguard who had stood outside the private room and the other male as the President.

A frown appeared on William's face as he stared at the three who went to find their seats.

Kai was seated between Levi and Eren.

She had bought a small pot of popcorn and the pair of amber eyes sparkled in excitement as she had been looking forward to this film.

The blonde female loves action and thriller above any other genre so when the trailer for this movie came out, Kai couldn't wait to see it.

The movie began within a few minutes and even Levi found himself immersed in the film.

Just over an hour later...

When the film was over, Kai was excitedly speaking about the scenes that she enjoyed the most and to her surprise, Levi also joined in.

Eren liked the complete opposite scenes to both Levi and Kai, and the tall male was trying to convince them that one particular scene was the best.

Kai was slightly stunned when her boss was taking her side and arguing with Eren that he doesn't have any tastes.

The blonde female actually found this amusing and joined the raven haired male in making fun of Eren's poor tastes.

President Levi soon got a phone call which interrupted the conversation and the raven haired male went to answer the call since it was Hanji, who had been annoying him for some time now.

"Woah. Is that a claw machine? Kai, let's have a go.", Eren dragged the blonde female along.

Kai watched as Eren tried to get one of the stuffed animals but he failed miserably.

"Let me try.", the short female wanted to have a go since this game looked fun.

Unlike Eren, Kai had managed to pick up one of the stuffed animals however, the claw ended up dropping the prize at the last second.

Both Eren and Kai released a frustrated sigh since they had been so close in winning the prize.

"What are you brats playing?", Levi had returned from the phone call and found that his secretary and bodyguard were standing by one of the game machines.

"We're trying to get that stuffed animal.", Eren pointed to the fluffy white bunny which both he and Kai had tried to win but had failed to do so.

"I'll do it.", Levi decided to play the game since he wanted to impress Kai and win that stuffed animal for his secretary.

'How hard could this be?', the raven haired male thought to himself.

Several tries later...

A dark aura surrounded President Levi as he glared at the claw machine.

The male had tried almost 10 times already and he had failed all those tries.

Kai and Eren glanced at each other after sensing that their boss wasn't planning to give up anytime soon.

"Yeager, change this into smaller notes.", Levi held out a note towards his bodyguard.

Because the President had used all of his smaller notes, the raven haired male handed one of his larger notes to have it exchanged for smaller ones.

"Now.", there was a deadly air about Levi who was pissed off at the machine because he hadn't been able to win that bunny.

"Yes, sir.", Eren said before quickly taking the note and running to the counter to have it changed.

Kai wasn't sure what to do about her boss's behaviour.

She didn't think that there was a need to get so serious about this game because, after all, it was just a game.

"Sir, games like these are usually rigged so it's not really something to worry over.", the blonde female tried to cheer him up.

"T'ch, I will win that stuffed animal.", Levi said as Eren returned with the money.

'Does this guy just not like to lose?', Kai thought to herself as she watched the male insert one of the notes into the machine and continue to play.

Part of her was amused at her boss's perseverance to win such a childish game and part of her was worried that the raven haired male would end up using his entire cash for this game.

Levi lost yet again and this only added fuel to his anger as he was already pulling out cash from his wallet.

"Kai.", a male's voice interrupted the game.

The blonde female glanced in the direction of the voice and saw that it was William who had approached her.

She was a little surprised to see the tall male but smiled softly at him anyways.

"What are you doing here?", Kai found it odd to see her old friend at a place like this.

"Ah, my friend kinda forced me to come and watch XXXX movie with him.", William said with a sheepish smile on his face, "Though I didn't think I'd run into you today.", he said.

"We also watched XXXX movie today.", Kai was actually surprised that she hadn't spotted him in the theatre.

William's gaze briefly landed on President Levi and Eren before he looked back at Kai.

"I see.", the tall male said even though jealousy bubbled up in his chest after having seen Kai spending time with other males, "So what will you be doing now? Heading for dinner?", William asked.

"No, I actually have something else going on so I'll be heading home.", Kai had only come to watch the movie, "But seriously, what's with the stuffed animal?", she tilted her head as her eyes landed on the small teddy bear that was in the male's hand.

William was holding a drink in his right hand while a stuffed bear was in his left.

"Oh, I won this in the claw machine.", the tall male said, "You can have it.", William handed over the stuffed animal to Kai.

"Wait, you don't have to-", Kai was unable to hand the stuffed toy back to William since the tall male refused to take it.

"Yo Will! You weren't planning to ditch me, right?", a tall male walked over to William.

The tall male had jet black hair and was around the same height as William.

William was a naturally tall individual so this friend of William's was also tall.

"Kai, this is Feng.", William introduced the male with the jet black hair, "He's a college buddy of mine.", he said.

"Nice to meet you.", Kai gave the male a small smile.

The male who had been introduced as Feng, had his arm swung over William's shoulder while his brown eyes were directed towards the blonde female.

It seems that Kai has a natural tendency to attract any men around her because Feng had felt his heartbeats elevate at the sight of Kai's smile.

"Feng, this is Kai. We went to the same primary school.", William then turned to his friend as he shrugged Feng's arm off his shoulder.

"Kai.", Feng repeated the name before his eyes sparkled in excitement since he recognised this name, "Ah yes. I've heard a lot about you.", the male held out his hand towards Kai, "Will's always going on about 'Kai this...Kai that...'.", the male repeated his friend's words.

Kai shook the tall male's hand while William elbowed his friend for saying unnecessary things.

After all, William has a huge crush on Kai and doesn't want the blonde female to think anything odd of him.

The blonde female smiled lightly at this.

"By the way, are you two-", Feng was cut off right there as William had placed his palm in Feng's fave and pushed his friend away before he could anything.

"So, are you heading back now?", William quickly changed the subject.

Kai glanced back at Eren and her boss, both have been listening to the entire conversation in silence.

"I guess.", the blonde female said, "Eren, take the President back safely. I'm going to head back ", Kai told her friend.

Eren gave a nod but Levi did not say a word.

In fact, President Levi's insides had filled with rage while his expression stayed as stoic as ever.

The raven haired male didn't understand where this William guy came from and he certainly did not like the way Kai was so close to this male.

'What's so great about that guy anyway?', the pair of steel grey eyes landed on the teddy bear which was in Kai's hand, 'Okay, so he won that stuffed animal from the claw machine...I can do it too.', his eyes narrowed as he watched Kai walking alongside William.

"You came with our motorbike?", William asked as he pointed to the black helmet which was in Kai's hand.

"Yeah.", the blonde female said.

"You promised to give me a ride on your motorbike last time. Does that promise still stand?", William asked with a warm expression.

"Well, I don't mind although...", Kai paused as she glanced at William's bodyguards.

William and Feng may have come to the cinema together but they were accompanied by 4 bodyguards, all of whom were staring at Kai since she was not among the list of people that they were familiar with.

William shot his bodyguards a glare and the four men directed their gaze away as they followed behind a small distance away.

"Don't worry about them.", the tall male's expression had quickly returned to being warm once the pair of sky blue eyes landed on Kai, "So how about it? Can I still have a ride?", he asked expectantly.

"William actually wants you to ride something else.", Feng said with an amused smile.

William shot him a glare but Feng only wiggled his eyebrows in a knowing smile.

Feng has known William since college and the male has never seen William going out with anyone. Then, Feng found out that William had a crush on someone since primary school which was odd at first

What are the chances you'd meet this person again?

Those were Feng's first words towards William after finding out about the crush.

But it turns out that William had kept in contact in his crush and they would meet often during the holidays.

Feng next found out that William's crush was actually a male and at first, he had been a little unsettled because it wasn't common for people to come out since people are very discriminative.

However, Feng wanted his friend to be happy and if this meant that his partner was a male, then Feng would support him.

But now that Feng has met Kai, the male could finally understand why his friend had fallen for 'him'.

First of all, Kai is very attractive and even Feng felt himself falter for a second.

'Well, he is cute after all.', Feng thought to himself after having made that sexual remark.

Feng had come to enjoy teasing his friend because he has never seen William react to anything unless it involves Kai.

The mixed-race individual always wears a serious expression at work and outside of work as well, yet when Kai is brought up in the conversation, Feng has seen his friend's expression soften.

However, William was not so fond of hearing that comment especially when Kai was right beside him.

He silently gestured for his bodyguard to shut Feng's mouth before his friend says anything else to embarrass him.

Kai glanced at Feng before looking at William since she didn't actually understand the meaning behind that remark.

"Ah, he's talking about the new motorbike I bought.", William said quickly while his cheeks reddened slightly, "I actually don't have a helmet with me.", he said.

"I have a spare. Don't worry.", Kai said as she no longer swelled in the comment William's friend had made.

While they left the cinema, Levi had not moved from where he stood.

"Sir, should we head back too?", Eren asked.

But President Levi had no plans in leaving until he won that prize and Eren watched as his.boss turned his attention back to the claw machine.


Now that William sat behind Kai on the motorbike, the male had no idea where to put his hands.

Feng, who was sitting in the car with the bodyguard, silently gestured for his friend to wrap his arms around Kai's waist.

But William only shook his head because he felt too shy to even lay a finger on Kai, so the male put his hands behind the metal part of the motorbike while the blonde female drove off.

Feng rolled his eyes at his friend's behaviour as their car followed behind the motorbike.

Some time had passed before they were crossing over a bridge and William had asked to stop for a bit since he wanted to talk to Kai about something.

The blonde female stopped the motorbike and glanced at the car which stopped a few metres away from them.

William removed his helmet as he got off the motorbike and Kai did the same.

The pair of sky blue eyes watched as the blonde hair poured out like liquid gold and once feeling his heartbeats elevate, the male quickly diverted his eyes away.

Feng watched the scene with a grin on his face.

'Finally! He's going to confess!', Feng thought excitedly.

"Will, what is it?", Kai asked since the male had been silent.

"Actually, I was wondering if you were forced to go to the cinema.", William began.

"Pardon?", the blonde female couldn't understand where he got this idea from.

"Well, you were out with your boss so I was wondering whether he had forced you to accompany him.", William had been extremely jealous of President Levi who had sat next to Kai in the theatre.

"It's nothing like that.", Kai said, "President Levi was just being friendly with his employees.", she said since this wasn't the first time the raven haired male had tagged along.

"But you don't see bosses hanging out with their employees on the weekends.", William didn't like the way Kai was defending her boss, "Is he paying you to spend the weekend with him?", he asked.

Now Kai got a little upset at that comment.

"Look Will, he's spending time with us because he wants to and we're spending with him because we want to.", she said, "No one's forcing anyone here and this most certainly isn't part of work.", Kai said.

Even though she had first thought that Levi was someone hard to deal with, she now found that the raven haired male is not so bad.

Kai found that when Levi wasn't being cold or serious, he had a somewhat cool personality.

Like today at the cinema, the blonde female would never have known that they'd share the same tastes in movies and not to mention the fact that Levi reminded her of a child when he didn't give up on that prize in the claw machine.

Kai may be Levi's secretary but she didn't feel obligated to defend him because he's her boss, she defended him because he was somewhat of a friend now.

The blonde female didn't like the way William was speaking about Levi.

"Is there a problem with me hanging out with my boss?", Kai asked.

"No...I..", William cleared his throat before continuing, "It's just that he gets you to do overtime and now you have to see him on the weekends too. Isn't that too much?", he asked, "Kai, why don't you come back with me? You can work at my company and I won't let you work overtime.", the tall male said.

"William, before I answer that question, answer mine first.", she said, "What do you think friendship is?", Kai asked.

The tall male was taken back by this question and his words caught at the back of his throat as he had no idea how to answer that question.

"Do you know what friendship is to me?", Kai spoke up since the male hadn't answered her question, "Someone whom I have a bond of mutual affection. Someone who's there to share the good times...and the bad.", she added, "So tell me, are you offering me a job because you have it all? The money and the power, is that it?", the blonde female asked.

"No, that's not true!", William said quickly.

He wants to tell her that he's doing it because he likes her but he's afraid to tell her just how he feels so in the end, the tall male stayed silent.

"Then where were you when I needed your help?", Kai finally asked.

This had been on her mind for a year and she didn't have the intention to bring it up, however, now that male had asked her to come and work at his company, Kai could not keep this hidden any longer.

"What?", William said softly in surprise, "What happened? Did I do something?", he asked.

"You weren't there when I needed your help. Last year, I lost someone dear to me and I called you for help, but you turned your back on me just like everyone else.", Kai said.

[The next chapter will explain what had actually happened and why Kai was getting revenge.]

His eyes widened since this was the first time he was hearing of this.

"Kai, I'm sorry. I didn't know.", William began.

"No.", she cut him off, "You made me realise that this is how far our friendship goes.", Kai said.

The pair of sky blue eyes showed hurt once hearing those words.

"Someone who is not there to hear out the bad...is not qualified to be my friend", Kai paused for a second, "So I have no need for such a friendship.", she said.

Kai wouldn't have been mad if William had at least listened to what her problem was. She didn't have to help her out but he could have heard her out.

However, when she had approached her friends to ask for help, each one had turned their back on her and didn't even want to hear her out.

This hurt her even more because she had trusted friendship over her family.

Kai was not so close with people in her family, so she held friendship in a very special place in her hurt.

Yet, each one had broken her heart.

"Kai, I had no idea.", the pair of sky blue eyes were practically begging for the blonde female to take back her words, "Kai, I'm sorry.", he didn't want to lose his friendship with Kai since this the only thing that was keeping them close.

It was true that he had broken contact with her last year but there had been a reason for that.

Because William constantly visits Kai over the holidays, his family members had gotten suspicious that he was in a relationship.

William's father was a well-known figure in China and because of this, he had someone tail his son.

William's family soon found out that he hadn't been in a relationship but was, in fact, seeing another "man".

His father became furious at this, especially after finding out that his youngest son held more than just friendship feelings towards this "man".

He told William to cut off ties with Kai because this would ruin the company's reputation if word were to leak out that the CEO's youngest son was in a relationship with another man.

William refused and his father threatened to have Kai killed in an accident so the tall male quickly stopped contacting the blonde female as he didn't want any harm to come to her.

William missed Kai more than anything and an idea soon came to his mind.

He had to win his father's CEO seat.

That seat came with great power and if he had that, William knew for sure that no one would ever threaten him nor would they ever threaten the one he loved.

And so, William endured it all and won that CEO seat just like he had wanted.

He had surpassed his two older brothers and no he had the chance to see Kai again.

However, it seems that while he was off trying to win power, he had lost something very important.

"I'm really sorry.", it looked like William was going to burst into tears.

Kai took her helmet back from the male and now handed back the stuffed animal that he had won in the claw machine.


"Hey, hey.", Feng tapped one of the bodyguards, "Why's he handing back the teddy bear? This doesn't look good, does it?", he asked the bodyguards.

The male had been sitting in his car and although he couldn't hear a word from the conversation that William and Kai were having, Feng could tell that something wasn't right.


"I don't want anything that's yours and I have no intention of working at your company.", Kai's expression was calm as she did not falter at William's wounded expression, "In my eyes, I don't have a friend that I could lean on, so I'd much rather work for a stranger.", she said.

William isn't the first one to hear those words, because Kai had told this to several other people.

Jean, Mikasa, Reiner and a few others were the ones she had trusted, but they too had failed to be by her side so Kai didn't want to have anything to do with them.

They were just there for the good times and Kai was going to keep it like that because every one of them turned their back on her.

William was just another individual on that list.

"It'd be best if you headed back to your hotel. You have an early flight tomorrow, don't you?", Kai said as she put on her helmet.

The blonde female gestured for William's bodyguards to take the tall male to the car since it would be awkward for him to ride on the motorbike with her after this conversation.

The bodyguards were already stepping out of the car while Kai got onto her motorbike and drove off.

William was left there staring at the ground while tightly gripping onto the teddy bear which Kai had handed back to him.

His eyes stung with tears while his heart ached at Kai's words.

He's had a crush on Kai ever since primary school but because he had been too busy trying to get to the top, he had neglected the thing that had been the most important.

Now, he won't even get a chance with Kai ever again because he had abandoned her during the time she needed the most.


Meanwhile, Kai did not glance back at William and she headed home.

'This is it, isn't it?', she thought to herself, 'No family. No friends.', the female paused, 'I have no one.', the pair of amber eyes flashed with pain for a mere second before they returned to the usual calm expression.