
Hold Me Tight (Levi Ackerman x OC)

Every day of Levi's life has been cold. Despite the scorching summers, the sunny springs and despite being the president of a rich company, Levi is incapable of feeling warmth. He is numb to it all...that is, until he meets Kai. Charming yet seemingly innocent, Kai's touch is the first heat that Levi's felt in a lifetime. Levi hires him as his secretary but there's more to Kai than meets the eye.

Dragon_Keeper · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs


President Levi took his first step in his plan to make Kai realise that he had chosen the wrong man to be in a relationship with.

'After you see how great I am, let's see if you'll still say that horse face is your type.', Levi thought with a pleased smirk on his face.

The raven haired male had called his secretary to his office to tell him something.

"From today onwards you don't need to bring me tea in the morning.", Levi said.

Every morning for the past 10 months, Kai arrives at work at 8 AM so that he could give the President his black tea which he buys from the café opposite the company building.

To arrive at work at 8 AM, Kai has always gotten up early so that he could buy the tea in time, however, now that the errand was cancelled altogether, the blond male concealed his happiness.

Kai was happy because this meant that he could get more time to sleep.

"Is that really alright?", Kai still had an unreadable expression on his face as he asked this, not wanting his boss to see that he was happy with the news.

"T'ch, I can make the trip myself so there's no need for you to go.", Levi couldn't figure out the blond male's thoughts.

"Then I can come to work at 9?", Kai asked.

The blond male starts his job at 9 but because he had to buy tea for his boss, Kai is forced to come to work an hour early.

"That's right.", Levi said.

'Finally.', Kai inwardly released a sigh while his expression stayed composed.

The blond male was happy that he could get an extra hour of sleep now.

The room was filled with silence as Levi had expected his secretary to thank him, but the fact that the blond male didn't express any signs of gratitude, the raven haired male was left puzzled.

"Is that all, sir?", Kai asked as he had waited to see if his boss had something else to add.

"No, that is all. You may leave now.", the President said.

The blond male gave a nod before leaving the room.

Once left alone, Levi wondered why things hadn't gone his way.

He had thought that his secretary would be more than happy after hearing this.

'Maybe he's just being shy.', the President convinced himself, 'But let's see how long you can keep your composure around me.', the raven haired male thought as he had another idea up his sleeve.


The next day...

Kai arrived to work on time, this being at 9, and the blond male seemed to be high in spirits after having gotten the extra hour of sleep.

Secretary Kai entered his office and began sorting out the paperwork that needed to be completed today, before he paused once he caught sight of the cup that was placed on his desk.

It was clear that this drink was brought from the café opposite the company building, but Kai didn't understand why there was a drink here in the first place because he hadn't asked anyone to buy him one.

There was a small note stuck to the cup and Kai picked it up to read a single word.

'Enjoy.', that's all it said.

This note wasn't handwritten because someone had actually gone to the extent of printing this out so Kai couldn't figure out who bought the drink.

The blond male picked up the cup and opened the lid to find that it was a cup of coffee.

'Ah...', Kai awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

Once closing the lid, the blond male walked out of his office and headed straight to the lift.


Zach had been busy reading a proposal form before his attention was brought to Kai who had walked in.

The tall male smiled softly once seeing the blond male and he soon approached Kai.

"It's rare to see you drop by.", Zach paused for a second, "Don't tell me that the President needs something.", he was always one edge when their boss was near because Levi is known to pinpoint any minor mistakes.

"No, it's nothing like that.", Kai said with an amused smile since the blond male was the only person who doesn't seem to get intimidated by their boss, "Want coffee?", the blond male held out the cup towards the tall male.

Zach took the cup before directing his attention back to the blond male.

"You came down to give me coffee?", Zach asked.

"Hmm...something like that.", Kai tilted his head with a bright smile on his face, causing Zach's heart to squeeze, "Well, keep up with the good work.", with a wave, the blond male was heading back to the lift.

Zach stared back at the blond male before looking down at the cup of coffee in his hand.

'Wait, don't tell he's hitting on me?', the tall male's lips twitched up in a faint smile, 'Cute.', he thought to himself before bringing the cup to his lips.


This continued on for 3 days straight.

Kai would find a cup of coffee waiting at his desk with the usual printed note.

The blond male would then take the coffee to Zach, who seemed to be overly delighted.

Zach is one of the few handsome men in the company and there were many ladies pursuing him.

However, after Kai had arrived, the women's attention had gone to the blond male and even Zach found himself swooning over the short male.

Although Zach had never been in a relationship with a man before, if it was with Kai, the tall male didn't mind at all.

So when Kai would drop by Zach's department, the tall male would be looking forward to the visits and would also find himself flirting with the blond male.

Of course, Kai did not react to Zach's advances because the blond male was oblivious to it.

Meanwhile, the women who've had their eyes on Kai since the blond male's first day, found that this scene between Zach and Kai, was a heart-racing moment.

Although they were attracted to Kai, the women didn't seem to hate the idea of the blond male being pinned down by a man.

It seems that their fantasies were taking them somewhere else as they imagined different scenarios involving Kai and Zach.

One particular scenario involved the little bunny (this being Kai) getting caught in the fox's (this being Zach) trap.

These heated fantasies brought dark blushes to the women's cheeks as they would secretly watch when Kai would drop by their department to see Zach.

Throughout this whole thing, there was one man who didn't seem to be very happy.


Levi had been buying coffee for Kai and secretly placing it on his secretary's desk every morning for the past 3 days.

The President was a little frustrated that Kai hadn't softened up to him because of his gesture.

'Why isn't he happy with the coffee?', Levi thought with a small frown on his face.

The raven haired male had been trying to get Kai's attention and this was also Levi's way to get the blond male to smile at him.

During the 10 months in which Kai has worked with him, Levi has never seen his secretary smile at him like he smiles at others.

The blond male always has his guard up against him while he's at ease with others, and this frustrated Levi even more.

It was only on the 4th day that Levi realised what had happened with the coffee which he had been buying for Kai.

President Levi was taking a walk around each department, doing his usual check on the working environment when a particular conversation caught his attention.

"Kai, where's my coffee?", Zach asked with a smirk as he swung his arm over the blond male's shoulder.

"I gave you coffee this morning.", Kai said with an amused smile on his face as he pushed the tall male's chest away.

"How about another cup then?", Zach's arm snaked around Kai's waist.

"Oi, don't except another cup if you're not going to get me a drink in exchange.", Kai pinched Zach's arm, causing the tall male to remove his arm from the blond male's waist.

The blond male found it odd that Zach had become a little touchy in the past few days.

Zach would grab the blond male's hand for no reason, or sometimes he'd approach Kai from behind before hugging him.

Things like this didn't go unnoticed by Kai, but the blond male brushed it aside thinking that Zach was just being friendly.

"Then shall I make you a cup of tea?", Zach asked as his eyes shone brightly while he looked at Kai.

Kai smiled softly at the tall male as Zach reminded him of a large dog who wanted treats.

Before the blond male could respond, President Levi who had heard the whole conversation stepped in.

"Secretary Kai.", Levi's cold tone made all the employees become silent.

Kai, however, didn't falter at the icy tone, unlike Zach who had stiffened in fear.

"Come with me.", with that, Levi was already walking off to the lift.

The blond male glanced back at his friend and gave the tall male a small smile, which made Zach relax as he smiled back at the short male.

Kai soon followed behind his boss who probably wanted to give him more work.

President Levi and Secretary Kai now stood in the elevator in silence.

The raven haired male was composing his emotions as he did not want to lash out at the blond male, even though he felt pissed off at the way Zach casually touched Kai.

'Why did he touch you so casually? And besides, don't you have a boyfriend?', it was clear that Levi was more than jealous, 'T'ch, laying his hands on you.', the mere thought of another man touching Kai made Levi's blood boil in jealousy.

"Brat, you seem to be overly friendly with Mr. Collins.", Levi addressed Zach by his last name since he usually does this with most of his employees.

"Well, he's a friend after all.", Kai responded calmly, failing to notice Levi's icy tone when the raven haired male had mentioned Zach's name.

'A friend.', Levi repeated in his head while clenching his jaw at how close the tall male is to Kai, 'First Mike and now I have another brat to worry about.', the male thought to himself.

"So you went out of your way and bought him coffee?", there was slight bitterness in Levi's tone.

Even though Levi was the one who had told Kai not to get him tea in the morning anymore, it still irritated him to think that his secretary would buy a drink for someone else.

'How come you didn't buy a drink for Eren? Does this mean that you're closer to that Zach brat?', Levi's thoughts were all over the place.

"Technically, I didn't buy it.", Kai began.

Levi glanced back at the blond male.

Whenever they stood in the elevator together, Kai always makes sure to stand behind Levi since the President steps out of the elevator first.

"You didn't?", Levi raised his eyebrow.

"The coffee was already sitting on my desk.", Kai said, "So I gave it to Zach.", he said.

President Levi froze once he heard this.

'You mean to tell me that the coffee I have been buying for you, is given to that brat?', Levi was quite shocked to hear this.

He had gone out of the way to buy coffee for his secretary, but the blond male gives it to someone else.

'Who am I trying to impress? You or that brat?', Levi could not believe that his efforts had been wasted for the past few days.

"Someone clearly goes out of the way to buy me coffee, so it'd go to waste if no one drinks it.", Kai said.

"If you know that much then why don't you drink it?", Levi asked.

Now that Levi knows that Kai is aware that someone had spent the effort of buying him coffee, the raven haired male couldn't understand why his secretary didn't drink it himself.

"Because I don't like coffee.", Kai said bluntly.

This was a huge blow for Levi, who now just stood there while staring at the blond male.

Kai stared back at his boss, wondering why the raven haired male was suddenly curious about this.

'Wait, don't tell me that the one buying the coffee is him? No. It can't be.', Kai quickly shook off that thought.

Having worked with the raven haired male for just over 10 months, Kai has come to know that the President is not the kind of man to do this for him...or for anyone actually.

It's not because the President was necessarily selfish, it's just that he doesn't concern himself with anyone.

"Sir, the doors.", Kai interrupted Levi's thoughts.

The lift doors had opened and now they were standing on the 9th floor.

The President stepped out first and the blond male followed behind him.

Just when Kai had thought that the conversation was over, the blond male was taken back by the next question that was asked.

"So what am I to you?", President Levi suddenly asked.

The raven haired male had felt the irritation in his chest build up once having heard Kai address Zach as his friend.

'If that Zach brat is your friend, what am I to you?', Levi wondered.

Kai stared back at his boss in a questioning manner.

'Is this some kind of game?', the blond male didn't understand why the President was asking such a random question, 'I mean it's obvious, isn't it?', he thought to himself.

"You're my boss.", Kai responded calmly.

'Boss? That's all?!', Levi wasn't pleased with this answer.

"Is that all?", the raven haired male asked.

"Is there another relationship I'm unaware of?", Kai asked as he was unable to figure what was up with his boss right now.

The two just stared back at each other before Levi headed to his office without a word.

Kai stood in the corridor by himself before releasing a small sigh.

'This guy gets weirder and weirder by the day.', the blond male shook off his boss's odd behaviour and went to finish his work.


Levi sat on his leather chair with a deep frown plastered on his face.

The raven haired male was pissed about several things.

First, he didn't like the way Zach had touched Kai so casually.

Second, Levi had wasted his time in buying coffee for his secretary, when Kai never liked coffee in the first place.

And third, Kai didn't see Levi as anything more than a boss.

'Why can't I be your friend too?', it was as though the raven haired male was sulking.

Levi pulled out his phone and dialled in Hanji's number.

"Shorty, it's rare for you to call me.", the doctor hadn't heard from Levi in a long time because the raven haired male was avoiding to talk about his secretary with her.

"T'ch Shitty Glasses, I need to ask you something.", Levi said.

"Go ahead.", there was a small grin on Hanji's face as she seemed to have a feeling that this may have something to do with Kai.

"How do you make friends?", the raven haired male asked.

It took Hanji her whole will-power not to burst out laughing at the question.

"So Shorty finally wants to be on friendly terms with someone.", Hanji couldn't help but tease her friend.

She has known Levi since high school, and she has never seen the male approach someone willingly, but that was mainly because of his condition.

During their high school days, it was Hanji who had approached him and befriended him (although the male denies their friendship).

Now that she heard that Levi wanted to befriend someone, Hanji was over the moon.

'I'll have to speak to Kai soon.', the woman wanted to find out more details on Levi's secretary because this male had piqued Levi's interest.

"T'ch, if you have nothing useful to say, I'm hanging up.", Levi snapped back coldly.

"Wait wait.", Hanji quickly said though the grin on her face didn't disappear, "First find out the interests and hobbies.", the woman said, "It's good to know what the other person likes to do and see whether you share the same interests.", she said.

An idea came to Levi's mind and he quickly jotted down something on the notepad sitting in front of him.

"And finally, I guess it's just about hanging out.", Hanji said.

"Hanging out?", Levi repeated with a small frown.

"Well the more time you spend with the person, the more you'll get to know them.", Hanji said.

'But we spend every day together but Secretary Kai has not opened up to me.', Levi thought to himself.

"Of course, this is outside of work.", Hanji said as if having read Levi's mind.

'Outside of work?', now that Levi thought about it, he's never spent time outside of work with his secretary.

"When you're in the workplace, there's the professionalism that you have to keep, but if you meet outside of these times, that's when you can get on casual terms.", Hanji explained.

'I see.', Levi thought.

"Now, who's the lucky person-", before Hanji could ask who Levi was trying to get friendly with, the raven haired male had already hung up.

The woman stared at her phone with an amused smile on her face.

"Let's see how long you'll keep this to yourself.", Hanji spoke to herself as amusement filled her eyes.


Meanwhile, Levi had hung up the phone call with Hanji and now picked up the landline phone.

"Yeager, get your ass over here.", Levi told his bodyguard.

Within the next minute, Eren was standing in Levi's office.

"Write me a list of all the food and drinks that Secretary Kai likes.", Levi slide over a notepad to Eren.

The tall male didn't find anything odd with the request and did as was asked.

The raven haired male had a small smirk on his face.

'Let's see if you'll go to that Zach brat this time.', Levi thought to himself.


The following day...

President Levi had bought a drink for Kai again, however, this time it wasn't coffee.

And to make sure that his secretary doesn't hand the drink to someone else, Levi asked Eren to inform him when Kai arrives to work.

Secretary Kai had just arrived to work and walked into his office like any other day.

As usual, there was a cup sitting at his desk.

Once having placed his bag on his chair, Kai picked up the cup and was going to head out to hand the hot drink to Zach since that's what he had been doing for the past few days.

The reason why Kai disliked coffee is because of the bitter aftertaste it leaves behind in his mouth.

The blond male didn't necessarily have a sweet tooth but he didn't like bitter things either.

However, Kai paused in his steps once he got a whiff of the drink and he soon realised that this wasn't coffee.

The blond male opened the lid and brought the cup to his nose to recognise the smell as Jasmine Green tea.

Kai's faintly twitched up in a faint smile as this was a drink which he definitely enjoyed.

Once closing the lid over the cup, he took a sip of the hot beverage and let the mellow taste melt in his mouth.

'Well, this isn't too bad.', Kai had thought that he'd just continue receiving coffee but it looks like the person had changed their mind on the drink.

There was a light knock on the door and Kai glanced up from the cup which he held in his hand.

The door had been opened and President Levi now stood there in the doorway.

Secretary Kai stared back at his boss and the shorter male's expression had returned to an unreadable one.

Meanwhile, Levi's eyes glanced at the cup in Kai's hand before looking at the blond male's expression.

His secretary didn't reveal his emotions through his expressions so Levi was left wondering whether or not the younger male liked the drink.

"Is something wrong, sir?", Kai spoke up since his boss was staying silent after having entered the room.

"No.", Levi replied as he looked around the room.

The raven haired male being a clean freak was quite pleased to see that his secretary's office was tidy and organised.

"Are you doing an inspection?", Kai asked once noticing his boss was examining his office.

The blond male wasn't keeping his office tidy because of his boss, Kai actually likes a clean environment to work in.

Secretary Kai would sometimes tell Zach off because the tall male scatters papers and his files all over his desk.

Now that the President was standing in his office, Kai wondered what the raven haired male wanted.

"Brat, are you going to drink that?", Levi suddenly asked as he pointed to the cup in Kai's hand.

The blond male glanced at the cup in his hand before looking up at the older male.

"Yes.", Kai said with slight puzzlement.

"Good.", there was a satisfied smirk on Levi's lips as he left his secretary's office without another word.

The blond male was baffled by his boss's odd behaviour and the short male only tilted his head with a small frown.

'Did this guy hit his head somewhere?', Kai thought before shrugging off the President's strange behaviour and getting back to work.

Kai took another sip from the cup before taking out the workload which needed to be completed today.


By Friday, Secretary Kai had gotten used to the hot drink that would be waiting for him on his desk every morning, although the blond male still had no idea who was buying him the drink.

It was around 6 PM and the last three individuals to leave the company building was the President, his secretary and his bodyguard.

Kai had already called for a taxi so he would separate ways with the President and Eren.

"Eren, I have an appointment tomorrow morning so you guys can go inside without me. I'll come before the movie starts.", Kai told his friend.

"No problem.", Eren said, "I'll tell the others.", he said.

Kai gave a nod to his friend.

There was no work tomorrow since it was the weekend so Kai, Eren, Zach and another male colleague were planning to go to the cinema together.

A new film had come out and the group of males were going to watch it then have a meal together.

They usually hang out together during the weekend so this was nothing new.

"Alright, so I'll see you tomorrow.", Kai gave a wave to Eren before getting into his taxi.

Levi, who had overheard the conversation, spoke up once Kai had left.

"Brat, where are you going tomorrow?", President Levi asked his bodyguard.

As Eren told his boss that they were going to the cinema tomorrow, the raven haired male's lips twitched up in a faint smirk.

'This is my chance.', Levi thought to himself.