
Hold me in your dreams

Hunted by terrible memories from their past ,Elate and Lira tries running away from them . Those terrible memories follows them everywhere they go and refuses to let them go . They lost few People on the way ,their loved once and some enemies . Elate tries forgetting about the death of her mother that was caused by her Father's mistress ,as she struggle with forgiving her Father for cheating . Lira on the other hand wants to forget the man who once turned her life into a nightmare,but why is he suddenly obsessed if he hated her ? . Follow the journey of finding their purpose in life ,forgiving and loving . . " were you really going to leave without informing me ? " her eyes watched him at that moment,the rain was pouring. The man had an umbrella on while she was standing there without it . .' I was .....why must I tell you ? what are you to me ? your just someone I rescued because I was bored " The man rolled his eyes . If you were to listen closely you could hear the crack in his voice. " I ..I ..I don't find you entertaining anymore. " he told her with his cold eyes . That once upon time hold emotions for her . " I...I'm cold " . Please add to your library.

letgo232 · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Lost soul

Jason's face paled as he looked at Elate who didn't have any reaction. What could she do ? her mother is dead ,her father is a cheater, her step mother hates her gut .

" Mr van..I did sell my daughter,it was merely exchange of good "

Dusk laughed mockingly " exchange of goods with an underage child to older man ? "

' well that hurts , underage child? '

Jason started sweating so much it seems like someone dumbed a water on his head .He wiped his sweat all over ,but he couldn't.

" forget everything,which sane man could send messages to all business man to pay money to get service of his child? that disgusting" .

" Mr van,it business. you clearly know there's no clean business in this world . "

" no clean business? why don't you sell your mistress. Surely she's been servicing you for years she won't fail now . " Dusk took a glass on the table a took a sip .

Elate was terrified. If today the man was not Dusk won't she be raped ? She was even scared to think about it .

" dad ...do you hate me that much dad " instead of her voice coming out harsh it was low ,so low that If there were noises around you would not be able to hear it .

" my darling you know ,your mother..."

" don't ... don't involve my mom , I told you that day when you brought home your mistress and son home saying I need a mom ,I told you it's you who needed someone to warm your bed instead. Even today it's you who wanted money not my mom. " Her eyes bloodshot filled with tears looked at Jason,she stood up and turn to leave .

" Elate COME BACK HER AT THIS MOMENT" Jason's furious voice shouted behind her figure.

Elate ran ,she didn't want to stop . She ran until she felt like her legs were tired and drained. She didn't have any energy left.

Her phone rang ,she found out it was a group call from Lira and Brittany.

" hey girl ,where are you ? I'm so bored " Brittany's voice was happy today , which Elate found odd .

" I'm...I " Elate Burst in tears , she cried on the phone she could not hold it in, people gave her weird stares ,they thought she's a prostitute,with the way she was dressed . Plus her disheveled state .

" El where are you? " Lira asked worried .

They were both worried about her .

" * sob * " Elate cried for full 10 minutes ,she couldn't even speak properly.

" I'm...I don't know where I am ,I ran away from dad,he he... wanted to sell me off to some people for money." her voice cracked again.

" send us your location now " Brittany's mood turned sour ,she and Lira lived in the same hood .

They received location from Elate ,she was in the city . it was an hour away with a drive.

They rushed out running like maniacs.

At that moment they didn't care about their reputations .

An hour and a half later they arrived at the location,they saw Elate sitting there with barely any clothing on . Her clothes were Short that they barely covered her.

Her eyes were lost as she looked at nothing in particular.

She looked like a lost soul ,lost in thoughts she didn't notice anything. Lira and Brittany ran towards her .