
Hold me in your dreams

Hunted by terrible memories from their past ,Elate and Lira tries running away from them . Those terrible memories follows them everywhere they go and refuses to let them go . They lost few People on the way ,their loved once and some enemies . Elate tries forgetting about the death of her mother that was caused by her Father's mistress ,as she struggle with forgiving her Father for cheating . Lira on the other hand wants to forget the man who once turned her life into a nightmare,but why is he suddenly obsessed if he hated her ? . Follow the journey of finding their purpose in life ,forgiving and loving . . " were you really going to leave without informing me ? " her eyes watched him at that moment,the rain was pouring. The man had an umbrella on while she was standing there without it . .' I was .....why must I tell you ? what are you to me ? your just someone I rescued because I was bored " The man rolled his eyes . If you were to listen closely you could hear the crack in his voice. " I ..I ..I don't find you entertaining anymore. " he told her with his cold eyes . That once upon time hold emotions for her . " I...I'm cold " . Please add to your library.

letgo232 · Kỳ huyễn
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Her emotions.

Dusk felt his emotions becoming unstable again. He knew she was not okay again.

He walked towards the window as he watched the day view he hated light more.

He never felt this hatred ,it was deep filled with vengeance.

A knock came interrupting him of his thoughts. He went towards the door yanking it open only to see his grandpa .

" where's she ? don't tell me she run away again " the old man was smiling as he watched his grandson.

Dusk was a little annoyed ,he hated this mate link bond . " old man ,she won't escape my clutches that easily okay ,what are you worried for ? she isn't even your mate .She mine okay " he rolled his eyes at his stupid grandpa .

" mmh Dusk I'm getting old now ,you have to take over as the new leader of Darkfey , we made peace with the werewolf,Feys and you know a lot more of supernatural species. Taking over won't be a big deal okay . " he smiled a little before he continued " I'm happy you found you mate ,if you mother and father were here to see you . It's even better since she's a human . Chances of producing are high " .

Dusk chocked on his saliva. This old man is already thinking so far ahead .

" old man ,I have to win her heart first ,I have to play by the rules this time " .

The old master laughed as if this was the funniest thing ever .

" the bond will make it easier for you don't worry " .

He laughed as he went outside . "Bring her to me for sometime and let me look at her " .

Dusk smiled a little . He was happy,very happy .

" you should smile some more you look good " a voice said he knew it was his little brother.


The day passed quickly ,Elate and Brittany were ready to leave and go home. As they walk down the road Elate spotted a car .

The black flashy car that picked her up .She started to panic , damn this man likes to bring her attention while she's trying to avoid it .

" What is it El ? you know the driver ? " Brittany teased her , Elate hit her head as she rolled her eyes " it's a longggg story " she said long as if the longest thing ever .

" okay let's go see who you mysterious lover is " Brittany laughed as she pulled her towards the car.

" he's not my lover,just a weirdo I met by mistake. "

They went towards the car ,the car window rolled upon their arrival,it was already late , around 5 pm since grade 12 stays back for extra lessons.

Dusk was wearing all black,a black trouser,with a black shirt, some of the buttons were unbuttoned . His skin was as pale as a flour ,you would swear he doesn't know the sun .

Elate never looked at him ,today she watched him and found herself smitten by him .

Brittany wasn't any better ,this was a fine species . Where did Elate even get her .

People were watching them as they stood there as if they were crazy.

Mary was waiting for them to make a fool of themselves . Since Elate arrived at this school she seemed to take every good thing away from her ,be it beauty,marks everything and she hated it. She dropped from being one to three.

She was waiting for them to make a fool if themselves in Patience.

" why you staring? fallen in love now? " Dusk's muscular voice came , Elate felt like jumping into his arms. The mate link bond was making it worse.

" yes I... I mean no ...no I didn't " she laughed awkwardly,only to find his friend gone with being smitten .

" what are you doing here ? you have any relatives here ? " she asked hoping he came to get her here .

" I came to pick you up , I told you I would come..did you already forget. ? " he smiled,he rarely smile ,but in front of her he smile a lot and he loved it . " get in " .

Elate dragged her friend and got in the backseat.

" Mr do ...do you by any chance have a little brother or an older one ,even you father,I don't mind being your step mother " Brittany said as she watched him ,she blinked her eyes as if showing him how serious she was .

Elate had the urge to punch this stupid girl .

" what are yo ..you saying? Bri "

" El don't dare ,you found a handsome one here " she said as she winked at her .

The two girls started arguing the car was filled with positive vibes.

Dusk found himself smiling at them .