
Zao will take over

Okay but you have to let them do routine check up on you otherwise I will not let them leave. Zao whisper in her ears.

You are so mean Zao. Okay but this is the last time. *Xao Lu said and let them come near her.

Zao was still carrying her in his arms. when the nurse saw in confusion he nods his head and ask her to do the check up*.

I know I put you down you will run away so just stay here and let the nurse do her work. Zao said to Xao Lu and when the nurse pricked the needle she tightly grabbed his shirt. Zao looks at her scared face and said It's nothing look it's over look at me XaoXao.

Xao Lu looks up and opens her eyes slowly when she saw his face he was laughing and the nurse was laughing too. she shouts You all are mean.

XaoXao you know you look cute when you are sick. Zao said to distract her and when she saw up he thought normally she acts tough but when she gets sick she behaves like a child it's cute.

he kisses her forehead.

Soon he realised what he did but he get back to his consciousness he found she fell asleep in his arms.

Mr. Zao you can't fall for her your father won't allow it. She is a just a tool to make our company No 1. Xao Lu's Secretary said who was appointed by Zao's father.

Shut up I will handle everything from now on take me to my father it's finally time to see each other. Zao gets angry when he heard Secretary's words. He place Xao Lu carefully on the bed and ask the nurse to take care of her and went with Secretary to meet his father.

Welcome home Master! Head butler greeted Zao

Where is my dad. Zao asks the butler.

Old Master is in his study. Butler replies while passing through the maids.

Okay. Zao went to study and knocks the door. and when he heard Come in he went in.

Father you must have already known what I did to the company in past two weeks. So please let XaoXao go. Zao bows and said to his father.

Oh that girl sure knows how to make trouble for her but luckily she thought you well by the way how's she now. Zao's father said in harsh tone.

She is better now. Zao replies.

Well you have enjoyed your time with that restaurant of yours and that young girl did what she promised so I will allow her to leave she did raised our company in just 2 years. she is really something.

Zao's father said to Zao and went back to his chair and wrote the letter to Xao Lu.

Thanks father but I have a something to ask can I keep my restaurant too . Zao asks his father nervously.

It's your restaurant you have to decide about it. I am not that bad father that you think I am. Go and prove me what you can do. Zao's father said to Zao and ask him to leave him.

Thanks dad.. Zao left the room happily .and removes the phone to call Xao Lu and other friends to celebrate.

Hello guys let meet at Love Doves pub I have a good news for you all.

Okay but I won't drink I am still recovering Xao replies She still sounds ill. They agreed to meet at 8 pm.

After the call she hang up and went to bed to rest.

****After 7pm **

Shit it's already 7pm how could I sleep so long**. Xao Lu runs towards the bathroom and got showered. After showering she chooses the dress to ware. She mostly have suites to wear for office and three Dress for events.

Ummmm... What to do..... I don't have any causal dress to wear I always wear suites in day time and shirts at night just because i didn't have time to do shopping . Xao Lu rubs her head in confusion.

Ding Dong.... Ding Dong....

Shit who could be at this time. She said to herself and ran to open the door. When she opened the door she saw Zao with a bag in his hand.

Ummm.. Zao why are you here I was about to leave. Xao Lu said and let him in.

Don't say me you are going out looking like that. Zao looks up down and pass the bag towards her.

She looks down at her. She was wearing only towel. When he pass the bag she took it and ask him What's in this?

He said Just go and wear it. Zao push Xao in her room. and set on sofa to wait for her

After 15 mints the door opens and Xao Lu comes out.

When the she went out Zao stood and looks at her and he was speechless he just looks at her.

Hey idiot say something I know this dress it doesn't look good on me. Xao says while waving her hand in front of Zao's face.

Ahem.. Ahem it looks good on you. you use to ware. dress before but now you only ware suites so I thought you won't have any dress to ware so I brought it for you. Zao explains to her.

Don't lie it feels so weird wearing it. Xao Lu turns around and looks at him in confusion.

Hey don't think much you look good. It's been so long that you wore any other clothes besides suites that's why it's feel uncomfortable. So don't think much let's go it's already late.. Zao place his hand on Xao Lu's cheeks and said.

Okay if you say so. Xao Lu picks her phone and keys and went out with Zao.

You lock the door I will get my car out.

*Zao left after saying that.

She locks the door and went to the front gate of the building*. She saw Zao driving the car. He ask her to get in but she refused and said I will drive today. *Zao looks surprised but still went over to her and he gave his car keys to her and went to passenger seat.

Xao Lu drives the car carefully soon they reached Love Doves pub she parks the car and they went in*.

XAOXAO... Mei Shouts her name when she saw Xao Lu walk in she jumps towards Xao Lu and hugged her tightly..

How are you baby? Are you Fine? Let me look at you. Mei gets down and looks all over Xao Lu to make sure she is alright.

I am fine rest assured Mei. Xao Lu pats Mei's back.

hey XaoXao come here and have a seat. Doctor Ryan said it to Xao Lu while patting the seat next to him.

XaoXao will seat next to me. Zao said before Xao Lu could say anything.

Mei pulls Xao Lu and sit far from them and tease them. They look angry and said Mei You..

Xao Lu laughs. everyone looks at her happily.

Hey Zao why you ask us here? Doctor Ryan said to Zao. breaking the silence.

Zao said XaoXao you have to have one shot because what am going to say will make you happy.

They all look confused.

Zao finally said what his father said to him.

Xao Lu gets up and slap Zao. Everyone looks shocked even Zao.

Why are you so stupid. why you did that you love your restaurant right then did you agree to take over the company. and do you even know anything about company. how are you going to handle it I know I force you to take over the company but I don't want you to do it by force. Xao Lu grabs Zao's shirt and said in frustration.

Baby relax and listen to him first. Mei tries to clam Xao Lu down..

Xao Lu looks at Zao and said Sorry I crossed my line it's your decision to make. Sorry I need to use washroom. *Xao Lu left the room.

Everyone looks at eachother Doctor Ryan said* Idiot it's a good chance why don't you say what's in your mind.

What are you talking about guys? *Mei ask doctor Ryan.

Doctor Ryan said* **Our Little Zao loves XaoXao.

WHAT**!! Mei couldn't believe Ryan's words she faints with the shocked they shouts her name and rushed towards her.

Ryan what happened to her You are doctor just check on her. Zao said to Ryan while picking Mei up. While Ryan helps him.

I didn't bring my kit today I thought it's a party. Lets take her to my clinic. I will get my car. Ryan went to drive his car after finishing his sentence.

Ryan wait it's better you take her I will wait for XaoXao plus you love Mei right. Zao said that in one breath.

What how did you know that. Plus it's not the right time to talk about it just help me I will text XaoXao to go home directly. don't worry I won't say anything about Mei's Condition. Ryan said in panic and went out.

Okay I will help you this time but it's a last time . Zao said and pick Mei up and walks out of the pub.

**Xao's side**

What's happened to me this just now I am just acting like a idiot . Xao Lu washes her face and after taking a deep breath she went out.

Xao Lu thinks about her mother's condition and she said to herself that she forgot to say thanks to Ryan. She decides to say when reach the room but someone puts a hand on her mouth and pulls her into a room..