

what she has a boyfriend and why are they asking now it's a meeting right?

is she already taken

"Mister are you there" i was distracted by one of the people around me and then I realized what am I even thinking? Why does it matters to me?

I politely asked that person "what's the matter?"

he said what's your opinion on the project can you please share your opinion so that we can finalize it and get to work as soon as possible

after I shared my opinion everyone who thought that I was not paying attention shocked hah even though I was thinking about this little girl I was aware what's going on around me even this little girl looked shocked but her eyes looked satisfied with my opinion

soon after the meeting everyone left one by one for a sec I thought to tease this little girl who was smiling to others its making me angry why she only smiles to others but when she talks to me she doesn't even smile

"Master it's time for the other meeting you will be late" secretary Xi said while holding the details of the other meeting

" hand it over and get the car ready I will take a look at the documents" I said to Secretary Xi and once again looked at little girl but she had already left so I walked towards my car.

Xao lu's phone ring as she looks who the other party was a smile appears on her face she soon pickup and before she could say the other party said

"Hey baby how was your meeting are you free now can you come over I would like to share some juicy topics" The voice she heard sounded so exciting so she couldn't reject her

"Mei I just finished my work I will go find you let's go to eat hotpot" Xao said politely

"Turn around Baby I am here to pick you"Mei knew Xao's timing so she was waiting for her out she waved her hand to Xao and looked excited

"Stop shouting" Xao couldn't let others see this stupid girl acting like this but she was happy to see her smile

"Let's go now" Mei hooked her arm around Xao's arm and starts walking

"So what's the juicy news you wanna share" Even though Xao hates gossiping but she know that Mei will force her to listen so she asked early

"I SAW A HANDSOME MAN JUST NOW "she said so loudly that others were looking at them

"Shut up cant you say it slowly" Xao Lu pinched Mei's cheeks and said angrily

"But you won't believe me who I saw"


"Qing Yaun I saw him leaving your company" she said happily


"XaoXao what is this reaction you are giving me"

"Mei just forget about him he is a playboy, he is an idiot who just know how to f... nothing else he doesn't even treat other girls properly he thinks they are his property" Xao said in harsh voice and angrily

Just when Xao finished speaking a voice came it was magnetic the voice could make others Shiver

"Ooh so this what Miss Lu thinks of me"

Qing Yaun said in cold voice

"Qing Yaun are you following us?" Xao Lu ignored his question and ask a question in return

Xaoxao you know Qing Yaun? Mei couldn't believe her eyes she rubbed her eyes and saw the person is really Qing Yaun it's been a while they met but his eyes never left Xao so she asked her to distract them

"No!" "Yes!" both said at the same time

"Mei I don't know this pervert let's go"

"OH you are leaving Don't say lie you said earlier that you will compensate for the lose so how are you gonna do that?