
Chapter 99 Furious Raikage Ai

After resting for two hours, Ye Yueyai finally came back to her senses.

Losing two siblings within half a year was indeed a huge blow. But his will was not so fragile that it would collapse after a single blow. After sorting out his thoughts, he quickly accepted the reality.

Third Raikage Ai and Todai looked at each other, sighed deeply, and asked in a deep voice: "Tell me, what is going on?"

Ye Yuueai took a deep breath, recalled the situation on the battlefield, and spoke to everyone.

Ten minutes later, Third Raikage Ai smashed the table in front of him with his palm. His blond hair and burly body looked like a crazy lion.

"You mean, Senju Genma can use Dust Style."

Yeyue Ai nodded expressionlessly and affirmed: "That's right, that Ninjutsu is exactly the same as the Dust Style I saw in the Second Ninja War, and Bi also died under this move."

"When I grabbed Bi, he was still intact. When the Barriers passed by me, Bi only had one hand left."

Killer Bee is dead, which means that Eight Tails in Killer Bee's body is also dead.

It will take at least three years for Eight Tails to be resurrected.

Without a Jinchūriki who can use the Eight Tails Chakra, they have lost a shadow-level combat power in three years.

But what has happened is a foregone conclusion, and we can only accept the reality.

Third Raikage Ai frowned, not knowing who he was asking: "Is Senju Genma related to Iwagakure Village?"

"Probably not." Dodai expressed his thoughts, "Dust Style is the secret of Iwagakure Village. Except for the late Second Tsuchikage, no one can do it except Onoki Kai."

"Senju Genjian's life experience is clear, and he is undoubtedly a member of the Senju clan."

"Furthermore, as Senju Genma is a Jōnin of Konoha, no matter what kind of interest relationship he has with Iwagakure Village, it is impossible for Iwagakure Village to teach him the Dust Style."

"Then what's going on with his Dust Style?" Third Raikage asked in confusion.

After thinking for a moment, Tutai expressed his guess: "Maybe he developed it himself."

"How is that possible!?" Third Raikage and Ye Yueyue said in unison. Tutai's guess really shocked them.

They have all seen the power of Dust Style. Although due to the slow casting speed, it was restrained by their Lightning Style Chakra Mode and Lightning Shun Shen of Cloud Hidden Village. In terms of destructive power, no Ninjutsu can compare to it.

That is the only blood successor in the ninja world that has surpassed the limit of blood successors and has been eliminated. You are kidding if you say that it was developed by a young man.

Dodai gave his own reason: "I once heard that Konoha's Senju Genma is so talented that he even developed a variety of blood inheritance limits by himself."

"It is said that many Konoha Hidden Village ninjas have seen him perform ice escape, Scorch Style and Lava Style."

"I didn't believe it before. I always thought that the Konoha ninja was deifying Senju Genma. Now it seems that it may be true."

"If he really developed a variety of blood inheritance limits, then it is not unacceptable that he can develop blood inheritance elimination."

I can accept this shit!

Third Raikage Ai and Yeyue Ai looked ugly.

But the facts are before us, and there is no other explanation. You have to accept it even if you don't accept it.

Third Raikage Ai sighed and looked at Tutai.

"Spread the news that Senju Genma meets Dust Style and ignore him for the time being."

"However, we have suffered such a heavy loss this time, and we must not swallow this breath so easily."

"Tutai, how long can our supplies last?"

Tudai opened the document in front of him and placed it in front of Third Raikage Ai so that he could see it clearly.

Since the table was smashed into pieces, the platform could only hold the documents with its hands.

"The supplies we have now, plus the looted supplies, are enough for us to use for a month."

"If we continue to plunder within the Land of Fire, it can take longer, but Konoha's troops probably won't let us continue to plunder towns."

Yunyin Village took the initiative to invade the Country of Fire, so there was no reason why they would not take every opportunity to do so.

The first step into the Land of Fire is to plunder the towns.

But robbing a town is not an easy task.

Although there are few ninjas in Konoha, there is another group in the ninja world that can barely be called a high martial arts group, and that is the samurai.

The upper limit of the strength of the samurai group is not high, the most is the shadow level. Most of the strength is between Genin and Chūnin. The victory lies in the large number of people.

Unlike ninja villages, which are the main force in national wars, samurai are self-defense armed forces controlled by daimyo who rule a country and are used to maintain their own national rule.

There are no shadow-level warriors among the warriors of the Land of Fire, but it is impossible for the troops in Kumogakure to bring shadow-level warriors to rob towns every time, and ordinary Jōnin cannot crush the warriors.

Therefore, the samurai in various towns could not counterattack the Kumo Hidden Village troops, but they could still cause a lot of trouble to the Kumo ninja in the process of resisting the looting.

"This time I will personally lead 1,500 people to attack Konoha's defense line." Third Raikage Ai looked at the map in front of him and issued his order, "We must avenge the loss of Eight Tails and Bi. "

"You lead the remaining troops to stay at the station and at the same time convey orders to the village."

"Ask them to continue organizing transportation troops, transport supplies to us, and at the same time send two thousand reinforcements."

Dodai looked heavy, he did not expect to lose an important Jinchūriki so easily. The other two Jinchūriki, Wooden Golem, is still young. He is neither a perfect Jinchūriki nor can he control the tailed beast Chakra. He cannot go to the front line to make up for the lack of combat power.

"I see."

It only took three hours for the troops from Kumogakure to complete their assembly. Under the leadership of Third Raikage Ai, they set out for Konoha's defense line with great fanfare.


In the Kingdom of Fire, on the battlefield of Cloud Hidden Village, in the command room of the Konoha troop station.

Orochimaru stared at the map in front of him with a sad expression on his face.

Compared to war, he still prefers to stay in the laboratory and do research.

What's more, this is an unwinnable war.

With less than a thousand people, I really don't know how to win.

"Lord Orochimaru!" came the call from his subordinates outside the tent.

"Come in." Orochimaru sat back down, saw his subordinates entering the tent, and asked, "What's going on?"

The subordinate bowed and handed out a bundle of scrolls and said respectfully: "Lord Orochimaru, this is the information sent back by the troops responsible for monitoring Kumogakure."

"Third Raikage has gone so crazy that he personally led so many troops out." Orochimaru thought to himself, with no trace of strangeness on his face.

I thought that using a trick to kill Burubi had caused huge damage to the Kumo ninja troops, and that there would only be small-scale conflicts at most in the near future. But now Third Raikage actually takes action in person, which completely disrupts his plan.

Fortunately, only Third Raikage, a shadow-level powerhouse, came, and he was still confident that he could hold the line of defense.

Orochimaru waved his hand and said calmly: "Send the order, the Kumo ninja is coming, the entire army is on alert and ready to fight."
