
Chapter 98 Manly

The sky was dark and gloomy, as if it was filled with filth.

The moon is dim.

Dark clouds were floating, and a group of crows were chirping, fluttering messily under the dark sky and dark clouds.

More than ten minutes have passed since Ye Yueyai escaped in the crowded battlefield.

Spring is the season when vitality enjoys its own glory. The world is filled with the pride of life, and the wind and the forest are full of unyielding desire. The soul and body were put aside, and only the will to fight continued.

The breath of spring is so strong that it cannot be covered up by the corpses and blood flowing everywhere on the battlefield.

This battlefield covers an area of ​​one or two square kilometers. The ground is flat and covered with a thick and wide layer of fertile land.

The surroundings are full of green trees and grass. These big green trees are right next to each other, straight and curved, forming a huge green maze.

"Senju Genma, you monster, go to hell!"

"White Yaksha, evil spirits should go back to hell."

"Damn ShiroYasha, pay for your life for the teacher!"

The noisy sounds were near and far away from my ears. The strange thing was that the more ferocious the words, the more trembling the voice became.

Suddenly, a ferocious energy surged into Xuanjian's heart, so fierce and overbearing that he couldn't help but say coldly: "It's really noisy!"

Looking around, there were only the ninjas of Cloud Hidden Village with angry faces and dull eyes, as well as broken limbs and broken arms all over the ground.

Angry because relatives and friends died tragically, numb because enemies are terrible.

After taking a few breaths, the murderous intention in his mind dissipated, and his eyes gradually became clear.

This time he did not stand still and wait for everyone to rush over, but took the initiative to kill the troops in Yunyin Village.

The ninjas of Cloud Hidden Village also discovered that Genma only used physical skills to attack, so the surrounding ninjas, under the command of the Jōnin, took the lead in evacuating.

The purpose of protecting Ye Yuueai and evacuating has been achieved, and there is no need for them to stay here.

Genma paid no attention to the escaping ninjas.

He deliberately did not use large-scale destructive Ninjutsu, just to control the number of casualties among Kumogakure ninjas.

Who knew that this group of cloud ninjas were so unafraid of death, they had been fighting for so long, and now they started to escape.

Killed all the ninjas of Kumoyin Village around him, and the surrounding ninjas were almost able to escape.

But it doesn't matter, this mission is only to destroy the supply line, and destroying the Kumo ninja is not part of the mission.

Moreover, Genma killed dozens of Kumoyin Village ninjas in this battle, including Jōnin and Special Jōnin. Even if no support troops from Kumoyin Village were left behind, it was only a great achievement and no fault.

A white-haired figure fell beside Xuanjian, followed by three children.

Looking at the bloody Wood Clone, Xuanjian lifted the Wood Clone technique.

Xuanjian and the Wood Clone can communicate with each other in consciousness. The moment the Wood Clone was summoned, Xuanjian knew what happened.

Two teams of Kumo ninja attacked three people, and when one of them was about to hurt Lin, the Wood Clone seed sensed the danger and saved her.

However, although Xuanjian knew the situation, he did not rush there immediately.

There are only three ordinary Jōnin in the two teams, let alone three ordinary Jōnin. Even if there are thirty ordinary Jōnin, Genma does not think that his Wood Clone will lose. What's more, Kai and Hong also have his Wood Clone seeds that haven't been used yet.

First, he touched the little heads of Lin and Hong. The two people who had just experienced the killing actually laughed.

The two of them had also been ninjas for a year or two, so they naturally killed a lot of people.

After killing someone, it became a habit for Xuanjian to reward and comfort the two of them by touching their heads.

Kai stood behind the two women, looking at Xuanjian expectantly.

Genjian knew what he meant, but Xuanjian was not interested in Kai's head, so he pretended not to see it.

It's good if my teacher teaches you the Steel Fist Style. If you want more, you are overstepping your bounds.

Unless you become a beautiful girl, that's pretty much it.

Hong said excitedly: "Teacher is so awesome, Yun Ninja is no match for you."

"That's right, that's right." Lin nodded and said with emotion, "So many cloud ninjas are so afraid of the teacher that they all ran away."

The ninjas from Yunyin Village evacuated, obviously worried that the elite ninjas they sent would get trapped here. From this, it can be seen that Kumogakure has no confidence in defeating the teacher with numbers.

After completing the mission, Genma took the three people and set off for Konoha's frontline troop station.

Along the way, Xuanjian discussed the battle with the two women and said what powerful enemies he had encountered, which made them exclaim again and again.

He accidentally glanced at Kai behind him, his eyes were already moist.

However, Xuanjian would not give up his principles and could only say helplessly: "Kai, you are a man, it's not okay to cry casually."

Kai wiped his eyes with his sleeve and replied loudly: "Yes, teacher, I am a man."

Seeing the success of PUA, Xuanjian stopped paying too much attention to him.


Within the Country of Fire, the Yunyin Village troops are stationed.

"Dad, I'm back." Following a hysterical cry, a figure wrapped in lightning entered the station.

Using Chakra concentrated in the throat, the cry can be heard by the Third Raikage in the center of the station.

Hearing this shrill cry, Third Raikage felt something bad. He instantly activated the strongest Lightning Style armor mode and arrived outside the camp in less than a second.

Looking at his embarrassed son, Third Raikage Ai stretched out a pair of big hands and hugged him tightly: "How could it be like this, Bi?"

"Bi?" Ye Yuueai's expression froze, and she slowly raised her left hand and said with trembling lips: "Isn't he here?"

Looking at his left hand, there was only an arm with an iron tattoo on it, and Killer Bee was nowhere to be seen.



There was the sound of rapid breathing, followed by a scream.


He had long realized that Bi was gone, but he just didn't want to admit it and lied to himself all the way.

In just half a year, he lost two close brothers. Even though he had participated in two ninja wars and developed an extraordinary character on the battlefield, he could not bear such a blow for a while.

Third Raikage Ai didn't know what happened. He looked at his son who was hit hard and felt heartbroken.


The angry voice resounded through the camp, causing the birds in the surrounding forest to scatter.

"Lord Raikage." Tudai, who arrived belatedly, was no longer as calm as before. This was the first time he saw such an angry Third Raikage.

"Bring him back, don't let him be embarrassed here." Third Raikage Ai looked at his son, his eyes full of heartache, but he knew that some things could not be said here, and some things should not be seen by too many people.

Tutai calmed down and said sternly: "What are you still doing? You two take Mr. Ai back, and you go find the medical ninja."

Three ninjas responded, two ninjas helped Yeyue Ai return to the camp, and the other ninja rushed to the medical ninja's station.

Third Raikage Ai followed Yeyue Ai, and when passing by Tutai, he winked at him.

Tutai understood, nodded slightly, and walked towards the crowd.

The AB group is the hero of Kumo Ninja, but now they are miserable and have escaped from the outside.

This matter cannot be known to too many people, otherwise it may disturb the morale of the army. He wants the ninjas around him to keep their mouths shut.