
Chapter 97 Easy

"But how did they know?" Killer Bee danced and said without stopping, "Bagaya Road is so wide!"

"Not many people know about it! Bagaya Road is a wide road, YEAH!"

"Of course it's because someone betrayed the village's information." Yeyue Ai geared up and showed a cruel smile.

Wherever there are people, there will be fights, and Yunyin Village is no exception.

Some people sit in high positions, while others are dissatisfied and want to take their place.

"I'm halfway through talking. I'll give you a big piece of advice. Bagaya Road is so wide and wide, so I'll go to the battlefield first!"

"Hey, Bee, wait a minute, Bagaya Road." Looking at Killer Bee walking away, Yeyue Ai waved behind her, gesturing for everyone to follow.

He turned on the Lightning Style Chakra Mode and chased Killer Bee first.

"Why are you here?" Ziyuyi kept rubbing his feet on the ground. He obviously wanted to leave here, but his body seemed to be out of control.

Xuanjian looked at him and started to move, from walking to running, from slow to fast.

Ziyouyi's expression changed when he was still one step away from Xuanjian.

His posture froze and his escape came to an abrupt end.

His head flew high, blood flowed from his neck, soaking his clothes.

Xuanjian did not stop and continued walking forward.

Not long after, they entered the enemy's position.

I saw a continuous crowd of people under the green shade of the dark sky, and fires everywhere.

The ninjas couldn't help but look at Genma. This was the legendary ninja, and their eyes were full of fear and fear.

Ordinary civilians also saw from the attitude of the ninjas that the people coming were not easy to deal with, so they rolled around and fled in all directions.

Xuanjian's face was expressionless and he looked around.

The ninjas did not dare to breathe. Even though they were both standing on the ground, the height difference was not very big, but it made people feel as if they were being looked down on from a high place.

Listening to the explosions in my ears, those are all the result of the detonating talisman.

This mission consumed a lot of detonating charms, but Xuanjian didn't feel bad at all. It was all sponsored by the village.

After all, they were doing things for the village, so it would be unreasonable to only let them come in one class. It would be unreasonable if they didn't give them some help.

"Is Ziyuyi dead?" Unknowingly, the surrounding voices gradually became quieter, and someone asked, "My disciple, is he dead?"

Amiyi was hysterical, but Xuanjian found it funny.

Are you asking me why I wanted to kill him?

The Kumo ninja who started the war was not qualified to ask such a question.

Xuanjian didn't reply and slowly stretched out his hand to Amiyi.

Sage Art·Chidori Sharp Gun!

The black and white electric current spear penetrated Amiyi's head, and the current annihilated Amiyi's body.

"Righteous thunder axe!"

Xuanjian didn't look back, raised his hand to catch the lower leg coming from the air, and threw Ye Yuueai out casually.

A large number of trees were smashed, and a wall of flying dust formed in the forest, which quickly dissipated.

Killer Bee, wearing the Tailed Beast Chakra, arrived at the battlefield just in time, and saw his elder brother being beaten away by Genma, and his anger could not be suppressed.

"Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

When the Lightning Style Chakra is condensed all over the body, the body rushes towards Genma at great speed.

Genjian reached out his hand again and grasped Killer Bee's fist.

"Is this the AB combination?"

The calm tone made Killer Bee even more angry, and he completed the half-tailed beast transformation in an instant.

The body is covered by the dark red Tailed Beast Chakra, with horns growing out of its head and eight dark red tails growing out of its back.

This is the strongest form he can master.

"Eight Gates Dunjia·Seventh Gate·Gate of Wonder, open!" Genma's body began to emit blue steam produced by the evaporation of sweat, and the palms holding Killer Bee's fist tightened.


The half-tailed beast Killer Bee actually let out a painful cry.

Genma held Killer Bee's arm tightly, threw his body into the air, let go, raised his right leg and struck directly in the abdomen.

In an instant, a set of movements flowed smoothly.

Killer Bee smashed into the ground hard, creating a large pit in the ground.

A figure rushed over from the forest, with thunder wrapped around it, like an angry beast.

Yeyue Ai bared his teeth and cracked his eyes. Ai turned on the strongest Lightning Style armor state, and his hair stood up, showing even more anger.

Raito Ninja encounters a must-spit sword!

As the smoke and dust rose again, Yeyue Ai dragged Killer Bee out of the smoke.

Xuanjian was not injured, Ai knew it very well.

Such an attack would only cause a little pain to Genjian. If such an attack could hurt Genjian, Killer Bee would not be able to fight back in its half-tailed beast state.

What's more, the blow just now had no real impact at all.

But enough, there is no need to cause harm. He only has one goal now, which is to escape from Xuanjian.

After just a brief confrontation, he judged that this kind of monster was not something they could deal with.

Perhaps only the father who can fight Eight Tails in a duel can fight, and Killer Bee is not a perfect Jinchūriki, and cannot transform into Eight Tails of his own will who can match his father's strength.

Looking at the Yunyin Village troops arriving, Ai yelled: "Stop him."

Everyone was stunned. It was obvious that a fierce battle had taken place here, and Ye Yueyue and Killer Bee were covered in scars.

Who could hurt them like this?

There is no time to think too much, and there is nothing to think about.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, they must stop it. Yeyue Ai and Killer Bee are more important than them.

They are the future of the village and cannot be left here no matter what.

"Protect Ai-sama and Bi-sama, and stop the enemy!" the leader of the Cloud Hidden Village Elite Jōnin shouted, and took the lead to rush into the smoke.

In less than a second, Elite Jōnin flew out and knocked down a large number of Kumoyin Village ninjas.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, that was Elite Jōnin, not a small fish or shrimp, but the backbone of every village, but now he couldn't even hold on for a second.


Seemingly to boost morale, or to embolden himself, one person shouted, and everyone else followed suit.

After the shouting, ninjas rushed towards Genjian like a tide.

This huge wave seems to be crashing on a majestic mountain. The waves come one after another, and Xuanjian is as motionless as a mountain.

He just punched and the figure flew backwards.

Yeyueai didn't want to stay for a moment longer. Taking advantage of the opportunity that his subordinates fought for him, he picked up Killer Bee and ran away in the dense forest.

It's impossible to win. His troops are not large enough and his strength is not strong enough. Even if we go together, we still can't win.

But he can still do something to protect himself and Killer Bee for Hidden Cloud Village.

It's not that he's afraid of death, it's just that there's no point in going back to fight.

Xuanjian discovered Yeyue Ai's intention, kicked a ninja away again, and put his hands on his chest.

Dust Style·Original Stripping Technique!

The translucent Barriers stretched forward, covering most of the ninjas in front.

This is not over yet, Barriers continues to extend.

Yeyue Ai also sensed the danger, activated the Lightning Style Chakra Mode to the extreme, and rolled sideways to avoid it.

The translucent light beam passed by, Ye Yueyue breathed a sigh of relief and continued running without looking back.

I don't know if his narrow escape gave him a delusion, but he actually felt that it was much easier to escape at this time.