
Chapter 96 The Action Begins

Xuanjian sat next to Lin and Hong, touched their little heads, and comforted them with a smile: "It will be okay. Remember, don't stay too far away from me on the battlefield."

Genjian put Wood Clone seeds on all three disciples, but the battlefield was changing rapidly. Who knew if there would be unforeseen accidents? Only getting closer to him could make him feel at ease.

Putting aside other aspects, from the perspective of master and disciple, he still likes these disciples very much.

Lin Yuhong is very cute and likes to pester him. She has no faults except that she occasionally likes to peek at him taking a shower.

Kai is diligent and motivated, respects him quite a bit, and regards him as his idol. He will often ask him for advice on spiritual practice. Genma teaches more about the practice of Gangken style than Matt Dai.

Even if Asuma left the team, she still regarded him as a teacher. She was still a gangster in temperament, and she respected him.

After all, he is not a big demon who kills love and lust. He gets along day and night. Teachers and students shout every day that it is impossible not to have feelings.

Feeling the teacher's warm palm, Hongda accepted it generously.

Lin was too shy to raise her head, so she hugged her legs with her hands, put her forehead against her knees, and buried her face in her legs.

The teacher is right, nothing will happen.

It's just a change of terrain. It's not worth mentioning to the teacher. It can be done casually, as simple as eating and drinking.

After being comforted by the teacher, everyone felt at ease and fell asleep peacefully, replenishing their spirits for the next day's battle.

Early the next morning, the Genjian squad was stationed around the cliff, overlooking the supply line reserved by Yunyin Village.

It wasn't until nightfall that there was any movement on the supply line. Thousands of people's transportation troops slowly entered the Xuanjian squad's field of vision, with more people than the front line.

Most of them are civilians, and the escort troops only account for a small part.

Genjian turned on his senses and observed for a while, then his expression suddenly changed and he said to everyone: "They should be Yunyin's people, most of them are civilians without fighting ability, but..."

Sensing the change in Xuanjian's expression, Hong quickly asked: "Teacher, what's wrong?"

Xuanjian murmured: "It's a little strange!"

Lin hurriedly asked: "What did you find?"

Genjian squatted on the edge of the cliff and expressed his doubts: "Judging from the amount of Chakra, among the opponent's thousands of people, the escort team is less than a hundred people, and most of them are Genin. The number of Jōnin is less than five. It's too weird. "

"Perhaps Master Hokage knew about this situation, so he only sent one of our classes here." Lin said thoughtfully.

Genjian denied: "No, I read the intelligence carefully. There is no detailed information about the escort team in the intelligence, but it is inferred that the escort team has at least five hundred people."

"Master Hokage sent us here because he knew that with my Wood Style and Flying Thunder God Technique, no matter how many people the opponent has, he can easily destroy the supply line and escape."

Xuanjian touched his fingers lightly to the ground and let go of his senses. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and said, "There is indeed a problem."

He looked back at the three disciples: "I expanded my perception range and found a troop in the south, which should be responsible for the response."

"There are two people in the team whose Chakra amount far exceeds that of Jōnin. Judging from the Chakra amount, one of them should be Jinchūriki from Kumoyin Village."

"If I guess correctly, they should be the AB combination of Yunyin Village."

"AB combination?" Lin and Hong exclaimed.

Now the AB combination has caused a lot of losses to Konoha's troops on the battlefield and has a very good reputation.

Kai frowned and said, "Then do we want to continue this mission?"

Of course he is not afraid of death, but Xuanjian once taught them that they can give up their lives for the sake of justice, but they should not make meaningless sacrifices.

"They are worthless, the AB group is nothing, I can manipulate them as I please." Xuanjian said angrily, wondering if he had broken the Kaijiao.

It should be impossible, how could a person as righteous as me and as glorious as me could teach such a disciple.

He must have been led astray by someone.

Could it be Danzo? Although I haven't heard that Danzo had contact with Kai, it seems that when Boqi passed by Kai on the road, the evil magnetic field affected Kai.

That's right, Danzo must have done it.

Xuanjian rolled his eyes and looked at the hazy moonlight above his head: "It's good. The moonlight is unclear, which is convenient for us to move. Go to the predetermined location and act when the trap is triggered."

"Remember, I am the main attacker this time. You are responsible for harassing the surroundings and assisting me during evacuation. Don't go deep into the battlefield."

"I just want to show you my handsome appearance, teacher. Don't blink, I will definitely be very handsome."

The topic of battle made Genma more excited.

He does like peace, but this is not because he has great love.

He just likes the warm moments in peace and getting along with the people he loves.

But he doesn't hate fighting, and fighting with strong men will make him intoxicated.

However, being obsessed with fighting is obviously not just a matter of intention. Ninja fighting is full of dangers of being broken into pieces.

The reason why Xuanjian dares to like fighting is simply because he is strong enough.

In his original understanding, his second life was picked up for free and could be squandered freely, but now it was different. He had concerns in this world.

Xuanjian made a scattering gesture, and the three people behind him turned into black shadows and dispersed.

Standing up, Xuanjian faced the breeze, his long hair dancing lightly.

In the blink of an eye, a leaf floated by, and Xuanjian's figure disappeared.

In the woods.

"Ziyuyi." The guard captain Amiyi turned his head and looked behind him.

"Teacher, what happened?" Ziyouyi was puzzled.

"I don't think something is right. It's too quiet here. Please take someone to the front to have a look." Looking around, Amiyi always felt that something was wrong.

Although this place is within the Kingdom of Fire, it is behind the front lines of Yunyin Village, so logically there should be no problems.

Ziyouyi scratched his head, hesitated, and led two squads to the front of the team to clear the way for the transport troops.

Arriving deep in the forest, the nine people acted separately to expand the scope of investigation.

Ziyouyi took the lead and came to the front.

He saw something. He picked off a leaf and saw...a wire.


With a loud noise, Ziyouyi turned around in fear, and in an instant, the fire started.

The explosion occurred not far away, and the screams of his men could be heard.

Zyuyi felt that she needed to calm down.

He backed away slowly to avoid touching the wire on the tree.

He raised his head and saw a handsome figure in front of him.

Ziyuyi was sweating coldly, as if he had seen a demon on earth, "White Yaksha."

"Something happened!" Listening to the continuous explosions in the distance, Yeyue Ai slapped her palm on the tree and said firmly, "Konoha definitely stole our information, so they sent people to destroy our logistics supply lines. "