
Chapter 94 The Target Of Public Criticism

Dust Style was developed by Second Tsuchikage and is a blood-based elimination that is a fusion of the three properties of wind, earth, and fire.

Rather than Byakugan and Sharingan, etc., they need the blood inheritance limit of blood inheritance.

Dust Style is a Ninjutsu that anyone can learn, of course, provided they are talented enough.

The most basic thing is to master the changes in the chakra properties of the three attributes of wind, fire, and earth. This is not difficult for Xuanma. He has already mastered the changes in the chakra properties of the seven attributes, but the degree of mastery is different.

All that remains is to find a way to integrate the changes in Chakra properties of the three attributes.

Genma read the two scrolls and the notes Orochimaru made for him, and closed his eyes for a while.

Orochimaru's notes for Genma were very detailed, not only highlighting the key points, but also translating some obscure terms into vernacular that normal people can understand.

Xuanjian was very moved.

Xuanjian vowed to treat him better in the future.

In Xuanjian's mind, he recalled the scene where he saw Wu using the original world peeling technique last night.

He deliberately turned on the Mangekyō Sharingan at that time and observed the flow of Chakra without any trace.

After all, the blood successor was eliminated. Even if Xuanjian had two major plug-ins, the Immortal Human Body and the Immortal Eyes, he could not copy the Dust Style with just one observation.

Genjian recalled the seal of the Original Realm Peeling Technique.

The purpose of sealing is to transform the refined Chakra into the effect of magic.

Although Genma rarely forms seals in normal battles, learning to form seals will help him quickly master Ninjutsu. Once he is proficient in using Ninjutsu, he can also release it directly without forming seals.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Xuanjian imitated the sealing sequence of the "Original Realm Peeling Technique" that Wu used last night, and then began to form the seals in a regular manner.

Perhaps it was because he hadn't made a seal for so long that his techniques were a bit rusty.

Seven seals were formed in one second.

Shen, Hai, Zi, You, Chou, Yin and Hai.

Just completed the seal of the Original Realm Peeling Technique.

If it were placed on the time when Genma studied Ninjutsu hard before, it would have been faster.

There is not much pain in Qiu Beichun, and he concentrates on controlling the movement of the chakra, which is the three attributes of wind, fire and earth in the body.

As the seal was completed, a translucent light ball appeared in Xuanjian's hands.

"Am I a peerless genius, but I have been practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique for several months, or is it that the Dust Style is more compatible with me?"

Genjian smiled and looked at the light ball he had condensed, and began to try to change the shape of the light ball.


When he just controlled the light ball to change its shape, the light ball immediately changed and turned into a pile of transparent crystals and fell to the ground.

Looking at the crystals that looked like white powder scattered on the ground, Xuanjian showed a thoughtful expression.

In the previous attempt, he completely followed Wu's Chakra trajectory, and even followed Wu's demonstration of the amount of Chakra and the mixing ratio of the three types of Chakra, but the result was a failure.

"At the last moment, the fire attribute Chakra and the earth attribute Chakra failed to perfectly integrate. It was worthy of being eliminated with blood stains, which actually made me feel a little troubled."

In recent years, Xuanjian has also tried to mix the properties of Chakra, creating Ice Release, Scorch Style and Lava Style.

And he also tried to use his own seven attributes of Chakra to create a Truth-Seeking Ball, but the final result ended in failure.

Of course, Truth-Seeking Ball is different from Blood Successor.

Truth-Seeking Ball is Ninjutsu, a Chakra aggregate formed by adding the Five Elements Chakra based on Yin Yang Style. Although it has the power to transcend the limits of blood successors and the elimination of blood successors, it does not belong to the blood successor snare.

That's why Xuanjian settled for the next best thing and pursued Dust Style.

This is so that he can have more powerful threats when facing the Ōtsutsuki clan.

Genma was not discouraged and continued to practice Dust Style.

In his first attempt, Genma was very close to success. He believed that as long as he continued to persevere, it would only be a matter of time before he learned the Dust Style.

Genma is immersed in the practice of Dust Style.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

In the past six months, the battlefield situation has undergone new changes.

Cloud Hidden Village and Iwagakure Village declared war on Konoha Hidden Village, and in the form of an alliance, they also launched war on Konoha.

For a time, Konoha became the target of public criticism.

Among the five major countries, the remaining four countries declared war on the Fire Country.

Konoha Hidden Village has returned to the state it was in at the beginning of the First Ninja World War, with everyone in the world facing an enemy, one against four.

There is no Second Hokage in Konoha this time, but the new generation has grown up.

It can be said that Konoha today is more powerful than when Second Hokage was in power.

At least, that's the case in terms of high-end combat power.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Akamichi Tofu, Shimura Danzo, Nawaki, Kushina, Hatake Sakumo, Tsunade, Orochimaru and Senju Genma.

There is also a Minato Namikaze who is just beginning to show his edge.

They are all powerful in combat.

As for Jiraiya, he has run away and is not in the village.

But in the war with the Four Kingdoms, the biggest headache for the Third Hokage was not the number of strong men, but the number of middle- and lower-level ninjas.

Konoha has sent most of its troops to fight against Sunagakure and Kirigakure villages, and the remaining troops can only resist one country at most.

It is impossible for a shadow-level powerhouse to fight against a country with one person's strength, not to mention that there are more than one shadow-level powerhouses in these big countries.

Enemy against a country by one person is something that only super shadow-level experts can do and are qualified to do.

Due to the shortage of troops, Konoha began to shrink its front line.

The original battlefield was a small country serving as a buffer zone between big countries, but now the place of war has been moved to the Land of Fire.

It is foreseeable that after this war, no matter what the outcome is, the decline of the Fire Nation's national power is inevitable.

The good news is that the troops led by Hatake Sakumo gained the upper hand in the battle against the Wind Country.

Sunagakure Village, which has lost the Third Generation Kazekage, is no match for Konoha at all.

It can deploy less high-end combat power on the frontal battlefield than during the Second Ninja War.

It is expected that victory in the war against the Kingdom of Wind will be achieved in at most one year.

By then, Konoha's military strength problem will be solved, and it will be free enough to deal with the remaining three countries.

Don't expect to win the war, there is still no problem in resisting the aggression of the three countries.

As time goes by, the Three Kingdoms will naturally withdraw their troops.

Appropriate war can alleviate domestic conflicts. A long-term war will only waste national power. The benefits gained in the end may not be as much as the price paid. No one is willing to do a loss-making business.

On this day, Sarutobi Hiruzen called Genma in the Hokage office.

After handing a document to the Genma class to learn about Jōnin Senju Genma, Sarutobi Hiruzen said solemnly: "This is the logistics supply force route map of the Kumogakure army. Your seventh team is responsible for destroying the Kumogakure village. action."

"It would be impossible for an ordinary ninja class to complete such a task, but I believe in your ability."

"Xuanjian, you will definitely succeed."

"Kumogakure's troops must not be allowed to continue to act recklessly in our country of fire. The success of this operation will cause a huge blow to Kumogakure's troops."

Hiruzen didn't want Genma to take risks, but now there was no other way.

On the battlefield against Kumogakure, Konoha didn't have many troops at all. There were only three or two big cats and kittens. The troops of less than a thousand people could not stop the footsteps of Kumogakure's troops.

If it continues, Kumogakure will hit Konoha's doorstep.

We can only hope that Genjian will delay Kumogakure's attack as much as possible.