
Chapter 93 Harvest

Dawn breaks in the sky and the morning sun shines brightly.

Kakuzu stood up, held his forehead with his hands, and asked who he was asking: "Is the power of God a dream?"

Behind him, Jinjiao said proudly: "As a partner of the same organization, I can't bear to break your illusion, but I can only tell you with regret that it is not a dream."

Although Jin Jiao wore a mask, Kakuzu could imagine the other person making fun of him.

Looking at the flatly cut mountain peaks around him, he sighed and said with relief: "Really? It doesn't matter, I am now Kakuzu of the Heavenly Dao Sect."

Following a strong man like that is not a bad thing, nor is it a shame.

"These two are..."

It was a mask I had never seen before, and it was obviously an unknown member of the Tiandao Sect.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue and Wu didn't say a word and stood motionless.

They were the shadow of a village when they were alive, but became someone else's pawn last night. They have not been able to adapt to the change of identity.

What's more, Xuanjian made them do such things that were disappointing to the village.

Tobirama said: "They are also members of our organization, Earth Lord and Suicune."

"I don't know what their strength is." Being looked down upon like this made Kakuzu feel a little uncomfortable.

Tobirama said: "I advise you not to try it easily."

Whether it's the Dust Style or the explosive power of steam, Ninjutsu is not easy to keep, and you can kill people if you are not careful.

"That's right." Jinjiao suddenly shouted.

Kakuzu frowned and leaned too close, making his ears uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?"

Jinjiao grinned: "The Emperor of Heaven has said that from now on, you will be responsible for keeping the organization's funds."

Kakuzu's pupils dilated, he had experienced many shocking things these days.

He was defeated by Jin Zun the day before yesterday.

I saw the power of God last night.

But none of these things shocked him as much as what Jin Jiaogang said.

It is so easy to hand over the wealth of the organization to myself, a newcomer who has just entered the organization for less than a day.

Even if you explicitly want to buy his loyalty, the price is high enough.

This is the Emperor's confidence in his own strength, and also the Emperor's trust in himself.


In the leaf forest.

Genma rushed to Konoha Village in a way that made people think he had seen a ghost.

The reason why I said I saw a ghost is because he was flying in the sky.

Last night, after using the Jutsu Reincarnation Jutsu to summon Oniden Gengetsu and Wu and completely controlling them, Genjutsu used Genjutsu to search their minds.

The Ninjutsu they know now has no secrets in Genma's eyes.

Of course, learning their Ninjutsu is not that simple. After spending half the night, Genma only learned a super light and heavy rock technique.

Enter Konoha Village and return to the Senju tribe.

Tsunade looked at the cards on the table and frowned.

Sitting across from her were Kushina, Konan, and Shizune, and Mikoto sat not far away, playing with flowers in a vase.

The four of them were playing mahjong. As a form of gambling that could be done at home, it was the best way to help Tsunade pass her time.

If Genma saw Tsunade's card skills with his own eyes, he would probably say "f*ck". After all, it is rare to see people with such bad card skills, and Tsunade would have lost all the chips on the table.

But Tsunade didn't really care about these chips.

It's just a family pastime, and the chips don't count as money at all.

They were killing time. Xuanjian was not here, so they had nothing to do if they didn't kill time.

You can't keep pestering Xuanjian, what should you do if Xuanjian is scared away?

But after spending a lot of time, he didn't come back.

Tsunade played a card.

"Confused!" Kushina and the other three pushed down the cards and reached out to Tsunade at the same time.

Three shots in one shot!

Why bother? She sometimes told herself.

Like a fool, I kept losing and losing for three or four hours. Even though the chips didn't count, I wasted a lot of time and it seemed quite worthless.

But she only has these few hobbies, Xuanjian and gambling. Xuanjian is not here, so she can only do another favorite thing to wait for him.

"Haha, one shot and three shots, Tsunade really didn't let me down!" Someone behind him laughed, but Tsunade didn't hear any malice in it.

The laughter became louder and louder, and the three Kushinas also laughed when they saw the person coming.

In the end, even Tsunade herself started laughing.

Someone hugged her from behind.

Tsunade was at a loss when she heard Genma's voice in her ear: "Let me help you. I have never lost before. I just don't know what will happen if the two of us work together!"

In an instant, Tsunade was laughing so hard that Genma took a chair and sat next to her.

The two sat together and touched the same deck of cards.

It seems that neither good luck nor bad luck favors the two of them anymore, or the two are entangled with each other and eventually cancel out.

An hour passed.

There is no longer a certainty of winning or losing. In the one-hour game, there is a loss and a win, which is unpredictable.

The day soon came to noon.

Xuanjian accompanied everyone to finish lunch at home, and then played with them all afternoon.

Then when the sky was getting dark, we came to Orochimaru's secret laboratory.

After returning to the laboratory, Genma immediately took out two scrolls and placed them in front of Orochimaru.

"Tsk tsk, the harvest is good this time!"

Orochimaru came back last night after sending off Bai Zetsu, and sighed with emotion when he saw the fruits of Genma's night's work.

When he returned to Konoha, he was still thinking about the latest experimental progress. Now when he saw the Ninjutsu scroll of Oniden Genzuki and Mu, he realized that he had missed such an important thing.

"The body oils up to avoid harm..."

"Create a clone with water and oil, causing an explosion..."

"It is a fusion of the three properties of wind, earth, and fire. It can separate the opponent into an atomic state and wipe it out. It is really a terrifying Ninjutsu..."

Orochimaru carefully read the Ninjutsu scroll and wrote down the points that he thought should be paid attention to.

Orochimaru had a rough understanding of these Ninjutsu, which were once famous in the ninja world, but after some careful research, he realized how shallow his previous understanding was.

To a certain extent, these two scrolls can even help him improve his current Ninjutsu skills.

Because these two scrolls also involve the use of Chakra, there are some ideas that he had ignored before.

This kind of research and learning process made him fascinated.

"The destructive power of Dust Style Ninjutsu is more terrifying than I imagined!"

Listening to Orochimaru's words, Genma nodded.

He valued the destructive power of Dust Style, so he deliberately learned from Wu.

Just imagine how terrifying the Dust Style performed by Sage Art is.

Thinking that the power of Dust Style was beyond the reach of most Ninjutsu, Genma couldn't wait to start practicing.

Dust Style is a blood successor elimination that goes beyond the limits of the blood successor. It is very difficult to learn.

In the entire Iwagakure Village, only the Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki, except the Second Tsuchikage, learned the Dust Style.

It is impossible that there is only one Ohnoki in Iwagakure Village who has learned Dust Style, just like his son Huangtu must have also learned it, but he just didn't learn it.

Even late shadow-level masters like Huang Tu haven't learned it yet, so you can imagine how difficult it is to learn.