
Chapter 90 Fighting

Kakuzu waved his hand seemingly casually, but he was much more wary in his heart.

Even though Golden Horn's attack just now had no effect, only Kakuzu knew how terrifying that attack was.

It was just a punch, and it almost destroyed his hands that had been strengthened with Earth Style. Now that the hardening has been lifted, his arms are still aching.

Jinjiao chuckled and said, "It's probably not meaningless that you took off your clothes on purpose. The four masks on your body should be more than just decoration!"

In any case, Jin Jiao is also a person who has made great achievements in Kumo Hidden Village and has experienced hundreds of battles. It can be seen at a glance that Kakuzu's behavior of taking off his coat is not simple.

Now that he has been seen through, Kakuzu no longer hides.

"Uh! Ah!!"

With a low roar, four monsters wearing white masks and composed of black threads rushed out of Kakuzu's body and scattered around Kakuzu.

"This is the art of earth resentment and Yu!"

Through Ginkaku's eyes, Genma saw Kakuzu's changes, showing an interesting expression.

The words came out of Ginkaku's mouth and fell into Kakuzu's ears.

Kakuzu Mu Ran changed his expression, showed a surprised look, and turned to look at Silver Horn.

"I didn't expect you to know!"

Yinjiao waved his hand and said: "It's not that I know, but the leader knows."

Kakuzu was a little confused, but didn't say much. There was a powerful enemy in front of him, waiting for him to take action!

The four black line monsters let out a deep roar, pounced on the golden horn, and fought fiercely with it.

The monster is not weak and can actually compete head-on with the Golden Horn.

Kakuzu stood behind, controlling the black threads in his body to form tentacles, and harassed Golden Horn from time to time.

Golden Horn still maintains the ordinary tailed beast Chakra state, relying only on physical skills to fight against the four monsters, but it does not seem to be at a disadvantage.

Although they are all Kage-level warriors, there is no gorgeous Ninjutsu battle, just a simple Taijutsu fight.

The physical fight made Jinjiao smile.

He just liked this, this kind of fighting made him miss it.

You come and go like this, it's continuous, it's never-ending, it's breathless.

It's a pity that as a reincarnated body of filthy earth, there is no pain, no life and death, so he lacks the most important sense of fighting for his life, which is the most important to him.

This is also one of the reasons why the reincarnations of the dirty land are unable to exert their full combat power. They do not have the sense of crisis of life and death that other ninjas experience when fighting.

Jinjiao sighed, knowing that the pleasure of fighting now could only be this.

Slowly, such an unchanging battle even made him feel a little disgusted.

He wanted to bleed, and wanted to return to the past battle of facing death.

But he knew that this could only be an extravagant wish. As a dead person, he was not qualified to ask for more.

After just a moment of distraction, flaws were revealed in the battle.

Kakuzu's tentacles stretched out from the ground, forcing the Golden Horn to jump into the air to avoid it.

A monster seized the opportunity and punched Jin Jiao in the abdomen.

The golden horn in mid-air was unable to dodge and was hit directly.

A huge force caused the golden horn to fly backwards, and the monster followed closely.

Jump out and get closer.

The golden horn that wants to attack has become a living target.

Jin Jiao did not give up so easily. His persistence in fighting gave him a strong sense of fighting.

In the process of flying upside down, Jinjiao suddenly stretched out a hand, grabbed the stone-like protrusion on the ground, used the force to rotate his body, and kicked the two monsters on the left and right away with his legs.

Taking advantage of the situation, he landed firmly with a somersault, quickly got into a stance, his muscles bulged, and he punched out again.

A punch with strong wind was as powerful as breaking a bamboo, accurately hitting a beak mask monster and destroying it when surrounded by two monsters and Kakuzu's black line tentacles.

The four masks on Kakuzu's back represent the stolen hearts except for himself. Each one has the Chakra attribute of the original heart owner during his lifetime. After Kakuzu obtains it, he can use those attribute attacks that the person is good at at the same time.

Now that the heart of the beak mask, which represents the water attribute, has been destroyed, it also has an impact on Kakuzu.

But he didn't have time to think about this, and now was a good opportunity for him.

Jinjiao retracted his fist and suddenly felt the surrounding light dim. A dazzling thunder spear shot out from the mouth of the remaining masked monster, shooting at him from far to near.

Lightning Style·Pseudo Dark!

The lethality of the current is extremely high, and the rocks along the way are penetrated.

Jin Jiao raised his left hand to block. Amidst the harsh sound of electricity, Jin Jiao was hit by Lightning Style Ninjutsu.

The terrifying thunder light dissipated, and Jinjiao stood there without moving his forehead.

Looking at his left hand that was directly hit by pseudo darkness, he grinned.

The sleeves of the black robe had disappeared, and a golden rope was wrapped around his left arm, glowing with golden light.

Six Paths Ninja Tool: Golden Rope!

A single Ninjutsu is not powerful enough to break through the defense of the rope-shaped ninjutsu wrapped around the arm.

Kakuzu made a split second decision.

Looking at Jinjiao indifferently, he knew that it was impossible to continue like this.

Let the Lightning Style mask monster entangle with the golden horn, and recall the Fire Style and Wind Escape mask monster at the same time.

Black lines are entangled on the body and merged on the shoulders.

The two masked monsters opened their mouths at the same time, and the fire attribute Chakra and the wind attribute Chakra surged.

Fire Style·Head hard!

Wind Escape·Press!

Flames and wind balls intertwined, two Ninjutsu merged into one.

Compound Ninja Technique: Strange Face Explosive Flame!

Jinjiao punched away the Lightning Style mask monster, spat, and said displeased: "How many more times will it take you to understand? It's useless!"

After saying that, he wanted to raise his left hand in defense.

Suddenly, an arm with a black thread sprang out from the ground and grabbed Jinjiao's left arm.

"Deliberately using the combination and the monster to attract my attention, and then burying the arm in the ground, waiting for an opportunity to contain me when I am not paying attention? It's a good tactic."

Jin Jiao secretly sighed in his heart, the black line arm is very powerful It's so big that it's hard to break free for a while.

At the same time, the Lightning Style mask monster also appeared behind Jin Jiao, accumulating power in the air and releasing lightning.

Lightning Style·Pseudo Darkness!

Three kinds of Ninjutsu formed a pincer attack on Jin Jiao from the front and back, and they were clamped by the black line arms. Jin Jiao was now unable to avoid it.

The red firelight and blue electric light bloomed in the golden horn's eyes with brilliant colors.

Golden Horn just chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!!"


There was a huge explosion and thick smoke billowing.

Kakuzu didn't even look at it, he knew the power of these three Ninjutsu, but the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode couldn't resist it.

Turning to look at Yinjiao, he said coldly: "I will accept his bounty, and it's your turn next."

"It's still early!" Yinjiao responded, with no intention of taking action.


With an angry roar, a dark red figure with six tails lay on the ground, waved his hand, and in an instant, the thick smoke dissipated.

Looking at the true form of the red figure, the violent Chakra of Nine Tails made Kakuzu couldn't help but tremble.

Jin Jiao stood up, looked at his hands and shook them, feeling shocked.

Although his power is not as good as before in life, he can control the Nine Tails Chakra more easily and has almost no impact on his mind!

Genjian noticed something strange about Golden Horn, and thought to himself: "Because the sacrifice is Bai Zetsu, has the control over Nine Tails Chakra improved!?"

Golden Horn roared again, got down on all fours, moved quickly on the ground like a wild animal, and quickly approached Kakuzu.

In just a blink of an eye, Golden Horn, who was standing a hundred meters away, had already arrived in front of Kakuzu, raising his right hand high.

You don't need to think about it to know what will happen if you slap that big red hand on your body.