
Chapter 9 Master And Disciple

After completing the training of Namikaze Minato, Senju Genma remembered something important.

That is, he has learned the Flying Thunder God, but he does not know the Rasengan that can enhance the output ability of the Flying Thunder God.

The Flying Thunder God Slash derived from the Flying Thunder God Technique has actually been learned by Senju Genma.

Flying Thunder God Slash is a B-level Ninjutsu. It first uses time and space to move to the enemy's blind spot with the Flying Thunder God Technique, and then uses kunai or a sword to attack the opponent's vital points at lightning speed.

This is a move that determines victory or defeat. Tobirama often takes advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and launches the flying thunder god's time and space movement to quickly stab the opponent.

However, compared to the destructive power of Rasengan, Flying Thunder God Slash is still a little less interesting. When encountering opponents with strong ninjutsu, the effect is not very good.

According to the analysis of the novels Senju Genma read in his previous life, if you travel to the early Hokage world and fail to create your own Rasengan, it will basically discredit the traveler.

Senju Genjian was thinking in his mind, "I remember concentrating the Chakra on my hand, flowing it in irregular directions, and compressing it to form a non-attributed Chakra ball as big as the palm of my hand to attack the opponent."

He recalled the scene in the original book where Naruto practiced Rasengan. When his mobility was full, he just did what he said. He found someone to spend money to buy a batch of balloons and balls from outside the clan, and began to practice Rasengan according to Naruto's method in the anime.

The Senju clan has been abiding by Hiruzen Sarutobi's policy of integrating into the civilian population, but at this stage clan members with ninja qualifications will still be retained, and there are still a few clan members who run errands.

It's just that these clan members are too enthusiastic, and they always like to shout "It's my honor to work for the young clan leader, let's make Senju great again" and so on, which gives Senju Genjian a headache.

Thirty days passed.

Senju Genjianxian's talent is revealed.

In just one month, I successfully created Rasengan based on a rough understanding of it through anime.

Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade were also very surprised by this. Although they had long known that Senju Genma was extremely talented, the creation of an A-level Ninjutsu still shocked them.

But Senju Genma was not satisfied and continued to develop Rasengan and at the same time began to learn more advanced Wood Style Ninjutsu.


Two years later.

"I can finally relax! I'm so exhausted!" Senju sat at the dining table and stretched beautifully.

Tsunade, who had no mission recently, also returned home, looking a little depressed.

This scene shocked Senju Genjian.

You must know that this eldest lady usually behaves heartlessly!

When I'm not doing tasks, my days are spent gambling, eating, and sleeping with Senju Genma!

Apart from that, nothing else is taken seriously.

Could it be that the rope tree is dead?!

But this year is only Konoha's thirty-fifth year, so the time doesn't match up, and the Wood Clone seeds I put on him to protect him haven't moved at all!

It can't be related to Mito and Kushina either.

Mito is so powerful that no one in the current ninja world can kill her unless Uchiha Madara takes action.

The time for Kushina to become Nine Tails Jinchūriki is not that early, she has to wait at least four years.

What's more, she's still at home.

Senju Genjian couldn't help but ask: "Tsunade-sister, what happened?"

Tsunade suddenly became ferocious and broke the dining table with one punch.

"Damn Orochimaru, he actually became Naoki's master, and Naoki became his disciple."

Senju Xuanji asked doubtfully: "Is there anything wrong with this?"

The current Orochimaru has not experienced the death of the rope tree, and is still a genius ninja who only occasionally thinks about life and death.

When it comes to the number one apprentice candidate in the Hokage, Senju Genma thinks it must be Orochimaru.

There are so many benefits to having the current Orochimaru as a master.

First of all, Orochimaru is the apprentice of Hiruzen Sarutobi. In the past, Naoki was Tsunade's younger brother, and he was considered half Hokage at most.

The rope tree became Orochimaru's disciple, that is, the disciple of Hiruzen Sarutobi, which means that Sarutobi Hiruzen has accepted the rope tree and made him a member of the Hokage line.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is now in his prime, and has not yet turned into the weak and bully old man he will be in the future. He still has the final say in Konoha, and there is nothing wrong with following him.

Secondly, although Orochimaru has not yet started scientific research, his scientific research talent is very abnormal. In the future, it can be said that he has mastered the core technology of the ninja world and is far ahead in the entire ninja world.

In the end, he was the one who taught his disciples wholeheartedly and would not hide anything. He had very deep feelings for the rope tree and his future disciple Anko. Even Sasuke, who was taught as a container for immortal reincarnation, still taught him. A daddy who can kill himself.

How many good teachers like him can you find in the entire ninja world?

"Nonsense, Nōshu is my younger brother. He has now become Orochimaru's disciple. Aren't I a generation lower than Orochimaru for no reason? I don't know what the old man thinks. Just let me teach Nōshu. ?" Tsunade raised her fist and said angrily.

"That's it?" Senju Xuanjian was stunned.

Just this matter has made him worry for a long time, Tsunade really needs to deal with it!

"I need comfort!" Tsunade began to act coquettishly and hugged Senju Genma.

It's just that the difference in stature between the two makes their postures look a little weird.

"There's really nothing I can do about you." Senju Genjian took off the non-existent glasses on his face and showed a healthy smile.


In the Hokage's office.

Just when Hiruzen Sarutobi was using his telescope technique to look at the crystal ball, his nose bleeding, an angry voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Hiruzen." Shimura Danzo pushed open the door and entered.

Hiruzen Sarutobi lives up to his reputation as the strongest Hokage. He is very fast and can do both wiping a nosebleed and collecting a crystal ball in just an instant.

"What happened? Danzo."

Shimura Danzo stood in front of his desk, staring at Sarutobi Hiruzen with cold eyes.

"Why do you want me to remove the roots of the tracking rope tree? He is Lord Hashirama's grandson, aren't you afraid that he will be in danger?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but curse in his heart: The biggest danger is you, right?

Without even raising his head, he pretended to start processing the documents on the table.

"That child is now Orochimaru's disciple. Orochimaru will watch over him, so you don't need to intervene."

"What if I don't agree?" Shimura Danzo said coldly.

He knew that Naoki was the grandson of the First Hokage. He was loved by the villagers but was not very smart. He happened to be the type that Hiruzen Sarutobi liked.

If Hiruzen Sarutobi wanted to cultivate a rope tree to be a Hokage, he would be in trouble.

Shimura Danzo still wants to be a Hokage! The rope tree is indeed too big a threat to him now.