
Chapter 88 Deal With The Ghost Lantern Clan

Tobirama stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at all this quietly, thinking secretly in his heart: "Since the end of the Warring States Period, the Kiden clan has been the pillar of Kirigakure Village. In this country of water, what the Kiden clan can do cannot be done , need mercenaries?"

There were whispers in the ears, and the Ghost Lantern clan not far away moved away slightly.

It seemed that Gui Deng Man Yue had a heated argument with the old man next to him, and it ended with the old man being silent.

The ghost lamp Man Yue waved his hand, and the old man and the three ninjas retreated.

But Gui Leng Man Yue alone dared to approach Tobirama.

"On behalf of the Ghost Lantern Clan, I hope to hire the Heavenly Daoists."

Tobirama smiled and said: "Where is the mission objective?"

Ghost Man Yue closed her eyes and was silent for a long time before slowly speaking: "Coup... and kill Mizukage-sama."

"It's really a great event to hear!"

After just thinking for a moment, Tobirama understood why the Ghost Lantern clan wanted to launch a coup.

Before coming to the Kingdom of Water, Tobirama had conducted a detailed investigation of the Kingdom of Water and had a general understanding of the situation in Kirigakure Village.

Due to the geographical environment, the Kingdom of Water has always pursued a policy of isolation, so why did Kirigakure Village participate in this Ninja World War and actively declare war?

Resource issues are one aspect.

On the other hand, wars are launched because of partisan fighting, in order to divert domestic conflicts and unanimously fight against the outside world.

Although the Kirigakure Village today is still under the control of the Third Mizukage, it is actually in a period of great chaos where the reformists and conservatives are fighting.

The conservatives are a faction with the Third Mizukage, the initiator of the Blood Mist thought, as the core. They firmly maintain the Blood Mist policy and believe that only the Blood Mist policy can cultivate excellent ninjas.

The reform faction is a faction composed of ninjas and civilian ninjas who are dissatisfied with the blood mist policy and advocate the abolition of the blood mist policy.

Now because of the war, they are temporarily united together. But the two factions have actually been fighting openly and secretly.

Tobirama was a little moved. Killing the Third Mizukage would not only weaken Kirigakure's strength, but the Kingdom of Water might withdraw from the war.

But after the death of Oniden Gengetsu, Third Mizukage was able to overpower the others and take over the position of Mizukage. There are many supporters behind him, so it may be difficult to kill him.


Before Tobirama finished speaking, he realized that he had lost control of his body.

"...We agreed, but launching a coup is not a trivial matter after all. What price can you pay?"

Damn Senju brat!

Ghost Lantern Full Moon also noticed the changes in Tobirama. He was very casual just now, but suddenly there was a majesty that could not be ignored.

"who are you?"

"Do you see it? I am the Emperor of Heaven, the leader of the Heavenly Daoists. I am just temporarily borrowing Lord Huo's body to talk to you."

Genjian controlled Tobirama's body and didn't care about the surprise of Ghost Light Full Moon.

Gui Deng Man Yue swallowed in frustration, and her heartbeat began to accelerate.

This Fire Lord is a shadow-level powerhouse, and the Emperor of Heaven can actually directly control his body, and he seems to have no resistance.

What a terrifying and powerful man this Emperor of Heaven would be!

There was no movement for a long time. Xuanjian frowned in displeasure and said in a deep voice: "What? Don't you understand what I said?"

"We can pay money, three hundred million taels... no... five hundred million taels." Gui Deng Man Yue came to his senses and offered his own terms.

Hearing the conditions offered by Ghost Lantern Full Moon, Xuanjian just shook his head slightly.

Five hundred million taels is a lot, but that's not what he values ​​most now.

"Not enough, I want one more thing."


"I hope that after the coup is over, the Heavenly Daoists can use the intelligence network of Kirigakure Village when operating within the Kingdom of Water."

Intelligence is what matters now.

Gui Deng Man Yue frowned and said, "This... I need to discuss this with the elders."

Such a major matter is related to the national interest and cannot be decided by his child alone.

Xuanjian nodded and agreed to Guideng Manyue's request.

Gui Deng Man Yue turned around, walked to the elder's side, had another heated discussion, and finally the two of them returned to Xuan Jian.

The elder was the first to speak: "We agree to your conditions."

Gui Deng Man Yue nodded in agreement: "But it cannot involve information related to the interests of the country and the village."

"We, the Heavenly Daoists, have no interest in your country's political power." Xuanjian said: "Then the deal is concluded, when will the coup be carried out?"

The elder was silent for a moment and said: "We are making preparations, but we still need time."

It was a bit embarrassing to let others participate in the coup, but nothing was prepared.

It's all the fault of those clan elders that the coup is still in the conceptual stage and no preparations have been made in advance.

"Then I will let Lord Huo complete the mission first. After completing the mission, he will come back and serve as our liaison." Xuanjian said with a chuckle while looking at the sea view.


There is a cave in the Kingdom of Earth. It is raining outside the cave.

Jinjiao and Yinjiao were sitting in front of the bonfire in the cave, warming themselves up.

Stretching, Jin Jiao complained: "We are asked to search for mysterious remains all over the world, and we are given only this little information, and we don't even know the specific identity. Do you think it's ridiculous?!"

Yinjiao on the side was leaning against the wall. He was already used to Jinjiao's complaints.

I didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, but my brother couldn't control his mouth, so he could only chat with him.

Fortunately, Xuanjian doesn't care about their complaints, he only cares about their working ability.

Jin Jiao continued to complain: "Let us just go find the mysterious remains with no information, and we are also asked to come to this landless country where there are only rocks and rocks. It is not interesting at all. It is really troublesome!"

Yinjiao put away a scroll, which contained the goal of their trip, and said comfortingly: "Okay, Jin Zun, retrieve this corpse. The task of finding these ordinary corpses in the future has nothing to do with us."

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Unlike Jinjiao, who is indifferent and impatient, Yinjiao is a cunning person who is difficult to recover from setbacks. He can see the current situation more clearly than Jinjiao and chooses to accept his fate.

Suddenly, a spiritual message was delivered to the minds of the two of them.

Jin Jiao curled his lips and said, "What do you have to do with us!?"

Yinjiao said nothing, sorted out the information, and said: "It's what we are good at, coup!"

"The location is Kirigakure Village in the Kingdom of Water, that overseas place."

Jin Jiao became energetic and said that he would no longer feel sleepy.

Why do the two of them have such a great reputation in the ninja world? Isn't it because a coup killed two Kage.

They are very familiar with things like coups. Just hearing it in their ears makes them feel that the dead body is burning with blood again.

In an instant, after sorting out the information, Jinjiao said in despair: "It's still early. Nothing is ready. It will take at least several years."

He was familiar with the coup, and knew exactly how it was going to be carried out. He could tell at a glance that the Ghost Lantern clan was not prepared at all.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Yinjiao standing up and said to himself: "The rain has stopped, let's go."