
Chapter 87 Ghost Lantern Full Moon

Tobirama's eyes sharpened, and he secretly relaxed his senses.

In his perception, both the leading Elite Jōnin and the Jōnin scattered around him were secretly accumulating Chakra.


At this time, a Jōnin holding a long knife rushed over, his right arm muscles exploded, and the long knife was covered with blue water.

Water Style·The art of powerful water wrist!

Water Style·Water Blade Slash!

Tobirama jumped up and passed Jōnin's figure.


In an instant, the long knife wrapped in water attribute Chakra shattered with a sound.

The other three were not idle either, saving up Chakra and forming seals quickly.

Water Iron Cannon Technique·Double Ding!

Water Style·Water Iron Cannon!

Water Style·Water Dragon Bullet!

Three Ninjutsu struck Tobirama in succession.

Elite Jōnin and a Jōnin compare their hands to pistols and shoot liquid like bullets.

Another Jōnin spit out a water dragon formed by water from his mouth and charged towards Tobirama.

Tobirama threw the Thunder God Sword upwards and quickly formed seals with his hands.

He only made two seals, grabbed the Thunder God Sword, and spit out a waterfall-like volume of water forward from his mouth to form a moving wall of water.

Water Style·Water Barrier!

The human attack was blocked by Tobirama, but the Water Barrier did not dissipate and turned into a huge wave and rushed towards everyone.

At the same time, a hand stretched out from the huge waves and grabbed the neck of Jōnin, who was holding a long sword.

Water Style·instant water!

In Jōnin's horrified eyes, another Senju Tobirama appeared.

Tobirama squeezed with one hand, and Jōnin's neck exploded.

"It's useless..." Before Jōnin could finish his words, the Thunder God Sword appeared in Tobirama's hand in front of him, slashing from top to bottom, causing Jōnin's blood to spatter.

Flying Thunder God Guides Thunder!

The whole process took only a few breaths, and Tobirama killed one Jōnin amid the siege of an Elite Jōnin and three Jōnin.

Suddenly, crystal bubbles filled the surroundings and approached Tobirama.

Water Style·Water Polo!

Tobirama subconsciously grabbed the remains of the Jōnin he killed and blocked it in front of him.

Boom boom boom——

The moment the remaining body came into contact with the bubbles, an explosion occurred. Under the impact of the explosion, Tobirama turned into smoke and dissipated.

The moment before the Shadow Clone dissipated, the Thunder God Sword returned to Tobirama's hands.

"It seems the game is over." Tobirama sensed that many people gathered around him, many of whom had reached the Jōnin level of Chakra.

"Don't even think about running away!" Elite Jōnin judged that the situation was developing in a direction that was beneficial to him, and immediately stood in front of Tobirama.

Tobirama smiled contemptuously, put away the Thunder God Sword, jumped back, and landed on a big tree.

Looking at Elite Jōnin who was blocking him, Tobirama pursed his lips: "It's really troublesome!"

Elite Jōnin looked proudly at Tobirama on the tree and chuckled: "The ninjas of the clan are here, and you can't run away anymore."

Listening to Elite Jōnin's words, Tobirama showed a trace of sarcasm on his lips, and quickly formed the seal: "Water Style·Big Explosion Water Shockwave!"

The ninjas of the Ghost Lantern clan seemed to understand Tobirama's thoughts, so they did not speak, but turned their bodies into liquid in advance.


As Tobirama's Ninjutsu was activated, a huge wave hit everyone in an instant.

Elite Jōnin was stunned for a moment and showed a surprised expression: "How can the scale be so huge?!"

Obviously, the power of the Water Shockwave used by Tobirama far exceeded his imagination.

Even in the dense mist-filled Kirigakure Village, not many people in Kirigakure Village can perform such a large-scale Water Style Ninjutsu.

The huge water flow hit the ninjas of the Ghost Lantern clan, instantly forming a huge ellipsoid-shaped water prison.

This is not over yet, there are densely packed detonating symbols in the water prison.

Boom boom boom——

In an instant, explosions occurred one after another.

Not long after, the water prison was unlocked and a small lake was formed in the territory of the Ghost Lantern clan.

When the embarrassed ninjas of the Oniden clan emerged from the lake, the water dissipated and Tobirama was no longer around.


The morning sun rises, and the mist in the Kingdom of Water becomes rarer and thinner.

Tobirama stood on a high cliff, looking at the endless sea.

My heart is not full of pride, but worried.

Because of his perception, he has sensed that there are thousands of ninjas gathering on the other side of the beach.

But he wasn't the target.

The ninjas boarded the ships one after another, preparing to rush to the other side of the sea, the fertile land called the Land of Fire.

The Land of Water is an island country with a unique culture.

Located deep in the mountains, its territory is often covered by thick fog and is completely isolated from other countries.

Although the country is surrounded by sea water on all sides, it has a unique topography with many peaks.

Far away from the mainland, the barrier of the ocean is the natural barrier of the Kingdom of Water, which can protect the Kingdom of Water from the invasion of foreign enemies.

But on the other hand, it is also an obstacle to the expansion of the Kingdom of Water.

The fog is not very thick and is easily penetrated by the sword-like sunlight.

Gaoya is located in the west of the Kingdom of Water, with a height of 100 meters, rugged rocks and green hills.

Below is a small village with more than ten families in the village.

This is a fishermen's village, and residents in the village have made a living by fishing for generations.

In the country of water, aquatic products are not worth much, but on this island surrounded by sea water, there are very few fertile fields. Apart from this, they have no other livelihood.

The boat that Tobirama came with stopped here, and after paying some money, the villagers happily accepted him.

"Come out, it's boring to keep watching from behind." Feeling the sea breeze blowing on his body, Tobirama stood up, "Or do you want me to invite you out personally?"

However, he did not turn around, but continued to look at the village below without taking his eyes off it.

Following the layout of the village, Tobirama saw his boat.

These villagers are kind people. They took the money and protected the boat very well, and it even looked newer.

Turning around, a young man, accompanied by an old man and three ninjas, walked out of Yamanaka.

The boy had short white hair with strong braids, sharp teeth, and a fluffy bandage around his neck.

The white-haired boy looked at Tobirama and introduced himself: "Hello, Lord Huo, my name is Gui Deng Man Yue, and I am the young patriarch of the Gui Deng clan."

Tobirama was not surprised that the Oni Lan clan, as the local snakes of Kirigakure Village, could find him.

"The Ghost Lantern Clan? Why are you looking for me? Are they here for revenge?"

Gui Deng Man Yue shook his head and said seriously: "I want to know about your organization, Tiandaozong, aren't you a bounty hunter? I can give you money."

"Maybe we can still trade."

With the power of the Ghost Lantern clan in the Kingdom of Water, he has actually found out the origins of the Tiandaozong and knows that the Tiandaozong is indeed a newly rising mercenary organization, but he still wants to confirm it.

Tobirama's eyes moved slightly and he said in a deep voice: "What do you want to know?"

Gui Deng Man Yue thought for a moment and asked: "Are your Tiandaozong really a mercenary organization? Can you do things if you have money?"

"That's right."

"How many people are there in your organization?"

Tobirama thought of the scroll behind him and the goals of Golden Horn and Silver Horn at this time, and slowly said: "Six people."

"Are they all as good as you?"

"There are some who are weak and some who are strong, but apart from the leader, there should be few who are stronger than me, but they are not too different. They are basically at the same level."

Tobirama thought of Golden Horn and Silver Horn. Although they killed him, they were not as strong as him alone.

Now it was Gui Deng Man Yue's turn to be shocked.

Through the battle between the clan and the land, he had already learned that the opponent was a shadow-level master, and thought that he was the so-called leader of the Heavenly Dao people.

He did not expect that there were strong people above him.

In addition, there were other strong people at the same level as him.

With four people, this force is enough to destroy the Ghost Lantern clan.

But this was Tobirama's one-sided statement after all, so he remained skeptical for the time being.