
Chapter 86 Thunder God Sword

Without spending too long on the road, Tobirama entered Kirigakure Village.

However, he did not enter openly. Even if he was a reincarnated person and had shadow-level strength, he could not fight against the Ninja Village alone.

As strong as Third Raikage, it can challenge Eight Tails alone, but will also be killed by the troops of Iwagakure Village.

As a Ninja Village, and a Kirigakure Village that had been in seclusion before, the interrogation of outsiders was very strict.

Even children are no exception. Even those children who have just completed the trial must be carefully interrogated when they enter the village under the leadership of Jōnin.

What's more, there is a layer of Barriers for perception outside the village. As long as someone passes through the Barriers, they will be noticed by the Barriers class in the village.

However, these are meaningless to Senju Tobirama, who possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique.

After using the Flying Thunder God Technique to enter Kirigakure Village, Tobirama released his senses to make sure no one noticed him.

Through perception, Tobirama learned about the distribution of people around him. The streets were sparsely populated, and most people were hiding at home. One can imagine how failed the Third Mizukage's rule was.

"Kirigakure's genius Gotachibana Yagura?"

Tobirama frowned slightly and looked into the distance.

A child-like Kirigakure Jōnin led three ninjas into the Mizukage Building.

Strangely, the three ninjas following him had heartfelt smiles on their faces, which were incompatible with this blood mist.

Although the leader Jōnin looks like a child, Tobirama has already sensed that the Chakra in his body has reached the Kage level.

Tobirama asked himself in his mind: "Should I deal with him here?"

He had a hunch that this child might end the reign of terror in Kirigakure Village, which would undoubtedly be detrimental to Konoha.

Immediately he shook his head again, how could a shadow-level powerhouse be so easy to kill?

"The success rate is too low, so forget it and finish the business first."

Tobirama thought about the information he had investigated and disappeared into a black shadow.

Walking to a residential area in the north of the village, it is separated from other buildings in the village by a distance, as if it is independent of the entire village.

Such a residential area is a standard residence for a wealthy family.

The same is true for the big clans in Konoha. The land is divided into clan areas. The clansmen live in the clan areas and basically do not mix with civilians.

Also using the Flying Thunder God technique, Tobirama successfully entered the territory of the Ghost Lantern Clan.

The Oniden clan is the head family of the Second Mizukage Oniden Genzuki. The conflict between the Bloodstained Family and the village has not yet broken out. Today, it is still the largest clan in Kirigakure Village, and the clan occupies a vast territory.

Tobirama had been sneaking in the Ghost Light Clan's territory for a long time, and finally found a hidden grove.

There is a commemorative monument in the grove, with many names engraved on it.

But the same thing is that their names all start with the word ghost lamp.

Tobirama searched the woods for a while and finally found his target.

A grave was dug, and the body inside was mutilated.

But this is normal. After all, he died fighting the Dust Style ninja. It is understandable that the body is incomplete.

Tobirama took out a scroll and stored part of the corpse of Ghost Light Genzuki. He quickly put the scroll away and restored the tomb to its original state.

He jumped up to the tree and prepared to evacuate this place.

Swish swish——

"who are you?"

A loud shout reached Tobirama's ears, and four Jōnin wearing Kirigakure forehead protectors surrounded Tobirama.

"Have you finally been discovered? It's so slow!" Tobirama sighed secretly in his heart, and then said loudly: "I am the Fire Lord of the Heavenly Daoists."

"Tiandaozhong, what is that?" The Jōnin looked at each other. They lived in Kirigakure Village, which had not communicated with the outside world for a long time. They had never heard of the name of Tiandaozhong.

Tobirama said nonchalantly: "We are mercenaries. If you are in need, you can contact us. As long as the money is available, we can even help you rebel."

"Rebellion... nonsense, how could we rebel."

The Jōnin of the Ghost Lantern clan were shocked, as if they had thought of something.

Who doesn't know that the Third Mizukage today pursues blood rule. If these words reach his ears, even if the Ghost Lantern clan doesn't have the heart, it will inevitably make him feel grudge.

After all, the person who said this entered the land of the Ghost Lantern Clan without anyone noticing. It is somewhat credible to say that he had a premeditated plan with the Ghost Lantern Clan.

"He will never show up here for no reason." The leader Elite Jōnin shouted: "We must not let him leave, kill him!"

Tobirama didn't even bother to say anything, he just formed seals and shouted in a low voice: "Water Style·Water Breaking Wave!"

In an instant, a slender water column came out of Tobirama's mouth. He turned his head slightly, and the water flow slashed towards the four people.

Elite Jōnin jumped away with two Jōnin, avoiding Tobirama's water break wave.

The remaining Jōnin was not so lucky.

Boom boom boom——

The broken wave of water was like a slender water knife, cutting off Jōnin and a large piece of trees behind him, and the broken trees that fell to the ground one after another made a roar.

There was no joy on Tobirama's face, and he secretly cursed:

"The Water Transformation Technique of the Ghost Lantern Clan? It's really troublesome. I don't know what Xuan Jian is thinking. These guys should be dealt with by those two horned guys. Their Lightning Style can restrain the Water Transformation Technique." "

Jōnin's body, which had been chopped into two pieces, liquefied and came together again.

Jōnin said fearfully: "You are obviously a Water Style ninja, but you actually say your name is Fire Lord. How despicable!"

Tobirama curled his lips in disdain.

The fighting quality of the ninjas in Kirigakure Village is also very poor.

The battle of ninjas is the battle of intelligence. Believing wrong intelligence means that you are stupid. How can you blame me?

Tobirama touched his waist and took out a scroll.

He took out the scroll and opened it. On it was a word "Thunder" sealed by a spell.

He tapped the scroll with his hand, and a sword hilt appeared in his hand.

Seeing a bladeless sword hilt appear in Tobirama's hand, Jōnin from the Oniden clan did not act rashly. Instead, he had a solemn expression and took out his ninja tool and looked at him warily.

With the previous lessons, the Jōnin knew that the person in front of them was very despicable, and this sword hilt was probably a trap to lure them to attack.

Tobirama secretly sighed. He didn't decide the code name for Lord Fire himself, so how could he blame him? Although this code name provided some convenience for him in the battle.

Knowing that his opponent was in trouble, a blade made of yellow thunder and lightning stretched out from the hilt of the sword in his hand.

Thunder God Sword!

This was the sword he had owned during his lifetime, and it took a lot of effort to get it back.

This sword is forged from a special material and can convert the user's own Chakra into thunder attribute Chakra, which appears in the form of a sword. The power of the sword is determined by the user's own strength.

"This sword is called the Thunder God Sword. It was the sword of the once great Second Hokage Senju Tobirama. I stole it with great difficulty. For this reason, Konoha put a lot of bounty on me. Let's try it with you." The power of this sword has improved."

Tobirama said the shameless words in a calm tone.