
Chapter 85 In The Blood Mist

It was early the next morning.

Genjian slowly stood up from the bed. He took out the arm that was held down by Tsunade and covered Tsunade with the quilt.

"Master Xuanjian, you are awake. I will wash and change clothes for you right now."

Genma opened the Gate of Opening and saw Mikoto wearing a maid's yukata.

It was no surprise to him that Mikoto liked such little fun sometimes.

Like a noble grandfather, Genma slowly raised his hand and entered the bathroom with Mikoto's support.

Not long after, Xuanjian finished cleaning his body and came to the base underground of the patriarch's mansion.

This base was built secretly by Xuanjian. Except for the girls living in the mansion, no other clan members knew about it.

We came to a neat room. In the center of the room was a large bed, and lying in the center of the large bed was Mito Uzumaki.

Genma's face is expressionless, his heart is like Shisui.

Half a day later.

Genma walked out of the room calmly.

He came here just to test whether prolonged contact with Mito's body would have a huge mental impact on him and open the Samsara Eye.

However, it turned out that it was of no use.

Maybe it's because he knows that Mito will be resurrected one day.

Xuanjian returned to the mansion and a small white snake entered the house.

Taking out the scroll from its mouth, Xuanjian frowned slightly.

The above is information about Beiruhu sent by Orochimaru.

In a way, Beiruhu and Orochimaru are the same kind of people.

Their scientific research talents are equally outstanding, but Orochimaru's scientific research talents were not revealed in the early years, and Ninjutsu talents are much stronger than those of Beiruhu.

So Orochimaru has been an eye-catching genius since he was a child, while Beilihu is just an ordinary person in everyone's eyes.

Because of this, Beilihu and his three friends Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya gradually drifted away.

But he was unwilling to be mediocre. In order to make up for his innate shortcomings, he secretly studied the combined Ninjutsu "Oni Meiluo". After being discovered by Sarutobi Hiruzen, he sent Sannin to chase him.

Genma carefully looked at the report Orochimaru sent to him, and it was extremely derogatory.

It's not that I'm belittling Beiliuhu, but I'm belittling the art of Oniyara.

All he needed to do was write the seven characters "Don't use the art of Kiyaro" in the scroll.

"Heilihu? Why are you paying attention to him?" Tsunade's voice came from behind Genma.

She had been standing behind Xuanjian for a long time, and Xuanjian also discovered her early in the morning.

It's just that the cooperation between Genma and Orochimaru was never hidden from Tsunade. The two of them did not do anything harmful to nature, and Tsunade turned a blind eye to their research.

"Fusion Ninjutsu, you don't want to use this, do you?" Tsunade's eyes widened and her voice trembled.

She simply couldn't imagine how she would face her lover after he stuffed some strange things into his body.

Xuanjian nodded slightly, but still said comfortingly: "Don't worry, I will not integrate other people's bodies into my own."

According to Orochimaru's information, although the Onimera Jutsu has not been completed yet, there will be huge disadvantages if it is completed.

The Oniyara technique developed by Beilihu is actually very crude. Even if it can fuse the blood inheritance boundary, it is only a pure quantitative fusion.

Not only that, but brutally integrating other bodies into your own body will cause a huge burden on yourself, just like organ transplantation can cause rejection reactions.

What's more, those ordinary blood succession limits can no longer penetrate Xuanjian's eyes.

This is also the reason why Genma sent Jin Kaku and Gin Kaku to search for the body of Ōtsutsuki Shiba.

Since Santu Amado can use Ōtsutsuki Shiba's genes to create modified humans, Genma believes that Orochimaru can do the same.

The "Kiyara no Jutsu" can fuse other people's bodies, but this fusion is too rough.

So how to solve this roughness and eliminate the burden of integration?

Xuanjian thought of a way, which is to integrate himself, so that he will never reject himself.

Using Orochimaru's cloning technology and using Ōtsutsuki Shiba's genes, a Ōtsutsuki Genma was cloned.

The immortal body has a small part of the Ōtsutsuki bloodline, and Genma is very confident in creating Ōtsutsuki clones.

Then, with Genma itself as the core, Sage Art is used to perfect the Oni Meira technique, and the Ōtsutsuki clones are fused to complete the leap in life level without giving up their own power.

This is the step to ascend to the gods!

Tsunade looked suspicious.

I specifically asked Orochimaru to investigate, how could I not be interested in this kind of Ninjutsu?

Genjian looked at the restless Tsunade and could only persuade him with words.

Of course he won't reveal his true purpose.

It's not that I don't trust Tsunade, it's just that there are many weird Ninjutsu in this world, and it will be troublesome if Tsunade is accidentally exposed.

The other research is nothing, but it is related to the body of Ōtsutsuki Shiba, which may lead to the Ōtsutsuki who was behind the trouble.

Genma is self-aware and understands that he cannot yet compete with Ōtsutsuki.


The land of water.

It was already noon, but there was not much sunlight, and the sky was deep blue.

Looking around, it was covered in thick fog, surrounded by mountain peaks, and silent.

Senju Tobirama looked into the distance, and there was a village there.

The buildings in the village are covered with moss, and there is a water sign on the wall of a round, flat-roofed building in the center.

As soon as Tobirama approached the village, he heard the sound of fighting.

He jumped up to the tree and hid. Looking at the children fighting fiercely below, Tobirama frowned.

"Is this the Blood Mist?"

Tobirama remembered the Third Mizukage he had met at the first Five Kage Conference, when he was the bodyguard of the First Mizukage Byakuren.

He has long black hair and decorations on his head. He is used to closing his eyes and looks gentle.

"It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance. I didn't expect that he really turned the Kingdom of Water into this!" Tobirama sighed in his heart.

He had investigated the situation in Kirigakure Village and knew that Third Mizukage was the initiator of the blood mist idea, but he did not expect that Kirigakure Village's blood mist policy had reached such a cruel level.

Although he considers himself cruel, as a shadow, he cannot agree with such an approach.

He actually let his children kill their friends who grew up and studied together. Maybe this would help identify better ninjas, but at the same time, it would also destroy the future of the village.

However, he was dissatisfied with Third Mizukage's actions, but had no intention of stopping it.

Strength is relative. When other villages become weaker, doesn't it mean that your own village becomes stronger?

What's more, this time Kirigakure Village lifted its seclusion and declared war on Konoha right after Sunagakure Village.

The two countries now have hostile relations.

Although Tobirama didn't like such a scene, it was beneficial to Konoha, so he could accept it.

After watching for a while, the bottom has turned into a bloody purgatory.

The children, whose average age was only ten years old, were still fighting here with pain on their faces. Some children even shed tears, but they had to kill their companions for their own lives.

Not long after, rustling sounds came from the surrounding woods, and several waves of powerful Chakra were approaching this place.

Tobirama stood up, knowing that it was time for him to leave. He took one last look at the purgatory below, and his figure disappeared instantly.