
Chapter 83 Are You Interested In Him?

"Humph, let's continue struggling at this super shadow level for a short time. As long as the Rinnegan is opened, the road ahead will be smooth. But fortunately, the Ōtsutsuki clan has not yet come, and there is no one to show up, Orochimaru is here with me around."

When he thought of Orochimaru, Genma felt a lot more confident.

"Orochimaru..." Genma couldn't help but chuckle while eating ramen, "It seems like we're about to start preparing Plan B."

At this moment, Xuan Jian was lightly tapped on the shoulder.

"I seem to hear you calling my name! Genma-kun."

Orochimaru stood behind Genma with a sly smile on his face.

Genma looked back at Orochimaru, a look of joy flashing across his face.

Feeling Genma's hot gaze, Orochimaru swallowed.

As a result of doing experiments in the laboratory day and night, Orochimaru has found that his psychology has become somewhat distorted.

But he felt that Xuanjian's gaze was even more terrifying at this time.

"And what you just said..."

Orochimaru deliberately didn't finish his sentence.

He is not Xuanjian. He does not have the leeway of a super shadow-level powerhouse. He will not tell anyone about anything regardless of the situation.

"Why are you free? Let's eat noodles first, and we'll talk slowly after eating." Xuanjian raised his brows slightly, and his expression returned to calm.

Orochimaru took a bowl of noodles from the hand, and simply sat at the same table as Genma. He was obviously just eating a bowl of ramen, but he felt elegant while eating it.

"It's not a big deal. I just encountered a bottleneck temporarily. I came out to relax. When I was walking on the road, I remembered that you said that this ramen restaurant tastes good, so I came to try it."

"I heard that after the meeting last night, the root was attacked. It should have nothing to do with you, right?"

He is not surprised by Xuanjian's changes, because they have been together for a long time, and Xuanjian has always been like this.

Sometimes the performance is unreliable, but when you really want to do something, you should be serious.

It's just that often he needs someone by his side to help him.

At the same time Orochimaru will wonder why God is so unfair. He has given such a high talent to a heartless guy, but he himself is like an ordinary person praying for light.

It's just that this light was warm and dazzling, making him unconsciously want to stay by his side and not willing to look away.

Over time, standing next to him became a habit.

Xuanjian waved his hand and said nonsense seriously: "Of course it has nothing to do with me."

"It has nothing to do with it..." Orochimaru let out a silent sneer in his heart, and at the same time determined that the attack on the root must be related to Genma.

Based on Orochimaru's understanding of Genma, if it really had nothing to do with him, he would have said in a joking tone, "I did it" and teased Danzo.

But now he is denying it seriously, so it is very likely that he did it.

The two finished their noodles quickly, exchanged eye contact, and then returned to Orochimaru's laboratory.

"Do you remember Beilihu?" Xuanjian fiddled with the gadgets on the experimental table and looked forward.

Ahead is a pile of corpses with white skin and green hair.

These corpses are not Bai Zetsu, or not entirely Bai Zetsu.

The body is no different from ordinary Shirozetsu, but the face is somewhat similar to Orochimaru. It is a failed container created by Orochimaru.

These are just some simple attempts. Orochimaru's corpse reincarnation technique has not yet been developed, but he is just accumulating experience.

"Heilihu..." Orochimaru thought for a moment, licked his lips with his tongue, and said with a smile: "Why, are you interested in him?"

"Are you still interested in his Onigaura technique?"

"You actually know?" Xuanjian raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Orochimaru said proudly: "Of course, don't forget, when he defected, I, Jiraiya and Tsunade worked together to capture him."

"He's just a Jōnin, but he was able to escape from the three of us joining forces. Don't you find it strange?"

Even with what Orochimaru said, there was no way Genma could not understand what he meant.

It was obvious that Orochimaru deliberately let him go during the arrest operation.

Xuanjian asked in confusion: "Why do you do this?"

Orochimaru looked back at Genma and chuckled: "Because I have seen his Onigaura no Jutsu and found it very interesting. Although it was in the experimental stage at the beginning, I also want to see the final results."

Xuanjian couldn't help but feel happy, this was his chance to evolve, but he just had a casual smile on his face.

It felt like Orochimaru's gaze penetrated the deepest part of his heart.

"Do you want his Onigaura no Jutsu?"

Xuanjian nodded and replied: "That's right."

"That's what mediocre people need Ninjutsu, what's the use of it? Is there any blood successor limit that can't get into your eyes?" Orochimaru shouted excitedly.

Onimera no Jutsu is a type of fusion Ninjutsu, which can fuse a ninja or psychic beast with one's own body, possessing their abilities, and can even fuse the blood successor boundary.

But in Orochimaru's opinion, Oni Meiluo's technique is of no use against Genma Pressure.

With Wood Style and Sharingan, Genma's body is the most perfect.

Fusing other people would not be of any use to Xuanjian's strength growth, and it would probably put a burden on Xuanjian's body due to other inferior bodies.

After a long period of research, Genma's body was regarded as the best work of art by Orochimaru, and he would never allow such a perfect body to be destroyed.

Xuanjian waved his hand, grinned, and signaled him to calm down: "Don't worry, I don't want to integrate some weird things into my body, but not everything is qualified to be integrated into my body, just as a It's just a backup option to become stronger."

Orochimaru looked directly into Genma's eyes and saw that he was not lying. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I still have some contact with him. If you want to find him, I can help you ask him out."

"But let me remind you that his Oni Yaluo Technique has not been completed yet, and what you got is only a semi-finished product. There is little point in you looking for him."

"Semi-finished product..." He muttered and touched his chin.

"Forget it, but help me keep an eye on him. If he is developed, let me know and I will send people to grab it." Genma directly made a request to Orochimaru without saying that he wanted to help him.

Genma understands Orochimaru's ability. He is most at ease with Orochimaru when it comes to such delicate matters as monitoring someone and placing spies next to someone.

Orochimaru snorted.

Leave all the dirty work to me, who do you think I am? Do I have nothing to do?

"I will allocate some more research funds to you." Xuanjian smiled and rubbed his hands, looking like a profiteer.

However, monitoring Bei Liuhu doesn't seem to be a troublesome thing, and it's not impossible to help.

"Leave it to me."

After receiving a positive answer, Xuanjian said nothing more and slowly closed the laboratory door and retreated.