
Chapter 81 I Should Be The Hokage

In the morgue at the root base, Danzo looked at the four corpses in front of him with an expressionless expression.

In fact, he was almost furious.

At his base, there are currently only two classes in the official establishment, and this time one class died directly.

It doesn't matter if one class dies, they can still be drawn from non-staff members.

But the key point is that this class is his elite, all members are composed of Jōnin, and the class members are all carefully selected by him.

Genma hasn't used his full strength for many years, and Danzo still thinks he is a Kage-level fighter.

The arrival of the war also made him think carefully.

Four Jōnin who are good at tracking and monitoring were specially selected to follow Genma.

Unexpectedly, less than an hour after they were sent out, they would turn into four bloody corpses.

And there was no movement at all, and he died quietly.

These are four Jōnin, and there is no Jōnin among those non-staff members.

After all, those who can do Jōnin will be jealous of him at most, but not afraid of him.

Therefore, none of his Jōnin were recruited from outside, they were all trained by himself from childhood.

Danzo asked in a deep voice: "Did Senju Genma do it?"

"I'm sorry, Danzo-sama, we can't be sure. There are no traces of Wood Style on the body, and there are no ninja tools imprinted with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu at the scene, and some villagers saw Senju Genma returning to the Senju tribe with Tsunade. "

The root member who inspected the body stood up and answered.

"But we found traces of Lightning Style and Fire Style on the bodies."

Danzo lowered his head, thought for a moment and then said: "First report this matter to the daimyo, saying that it was attacked by ninjas from other villages."

"After the Daimyo-sama understands this matter, he will report it to Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Several members of the Roots looked at each other in bewilderment: "Lord Danzo, if this matter is publicized, it might be detrimental to our reputation, right?"

The Roots were founded by Danzo single-handedly. If it is not good for the reputation of the Roots, it is not good for Danzo.

"You just need to carry out the order!" Danzo snapped.

What he needs is a killing machine that obeys orders, not a thoughtful person who will question him.

The next group of members should be trained as soon as possible.

Didn't he know that this would be detrimental to his reputation, but he didn't care.

To put it bluntly, now that I know that he is doing these sloppy things, it is still those ninjas.

The ninja clan didn't like him at all, and no matter how bad his reputation among the ninja clan was, it would have no impact on him.

But if this matter was brought to the daimyo, it would be beneficial to him.

This incident can reflect the old Hiruzen's weakness and incompetence in the rule of Konoha.

During the war, ninjas from other countries were allowed to sneak into the village and kill the root members who worked hard to protect Konoha.

This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The root members retreated, and Danzo revealed his true face.

I saw his gloomy eyes and ferocious face: "Hiruzen, I should be the Hokage."

"Konoha will become stronger under my leadership."

Danzo left the morgue and walked to his office.

In the office lit by candlelight, he took out a ninja suit and some ninja tools.


"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, war is coming again."

"The last ninja war is as vivid as if it happened yesterday!"

"Today, Lord Sakumo's troops are about to leave for Kawa no Kuni. I wonder what kind of geniuses will emerge this time?"

"No matter what kind of genius you are, it is impossible to compare with Master Xuanjian."

"Of course I know this, why don't you think about it? It's also for the good of the village!"

"Perhaps I am a genius who can rival Genma-sama."

I don't know who it was that compared myself to Xuanjian, but received only blank looks from the people around me.

This young man looks to be over ten years old. Judging from the amount of Chakra, he is only at the Genin level. Let alone compared with Genma, he cannot even be called a genius.

If one day, this young man goes to the battlefield, he will die miserably, or at least he will not be able to make a name for himself.

No one has ever doubted this.

"However, it is not uncommon for the younger generation to enjoy the reputation of being a genius."

"Yes, I heard that there is a genius boy in the Uchiha clan. However, at the age of six or seven, many Chūnin in the Uchiha clan have been defeated by him."

"Also, it is said that Lord Sakumo's only son will also go to the battlefield. He entered the ninja school at the age of five and successfully graduated, and became a Chūnin genius at the age of six."

"Then I have to mention Genma-sama and Tsunade-sama.

Genma-sama and Tsunade-sama's disciples are both geniuses.

They also graduated from the ninja school at a young age.

There is also Konan-sama.

Although he entered the ninja school at a young age, Late in life, I graduated in the same year and became a Chūnin, and now I have become a Jōnin."

"But Master Xuanjian will not let them go to the battlefield, right? It is said that Master Xuanjian loves them very much."

"If you don't go to the battlefield, don't go to the battlefield. Master Genma has shed blood for our Konoha and has paid enough. Even if they are not allowed to go to the battlefield, there is nothing to blame."

Genma was the last one to walk into Ichiraku Ramen, slowly closing the door, and heard the voices of several Jōnin talking.

It was immediately clear that everyone was talking about this war.

With the victory in the first two wars, they all had a kind of blind self-confidence and did not worry about losing this war at all.

Xuanjian walked some distance and came to the counter.

Ichiraku Ramen is much bigger than before and is no longer a small stall.

This is because Genma invested in Ichiraku Ramen, gave Tezumi a sum of money, and took some shares.

Shou Da used the money to buy a shop and gave up the original small stall.

"Here's a bowl of ramen, the same as usual."


The busy hands behind the counter responded.

At this time, there was a pair of clear eyes, quietly looking at Xuanjian outside the counter.

Xuanjian looked back and saw a little baby lying quietly in the cradle in the corner.

"Calamus..." Xuanjian stood by the counter with a smile on his face, teasing her, and Calamus's sad little face suddenly burst into laughter.

Shou Da took a long vacation this year. Xuanjian inquired and found out that Shou Da's daughter, Acorus, was born.

Today is the first day that Ichiraku Ramen reopened. Although Genma saw Iris for the first time, he still thought of her identity immediately after contacting the information he had learned before.

Not long after, a bowl of ramen was brought out by hand and placed on the counter.

"Please take care of the calamus for me."

Xuanjian smiled and said softly: "It's no trouble. This child is very cute. I like it very much."

"I didn't expect you to come today. I saw Sakumo-sama has set off. Don't you have to go to the battlefield?" Tate picked up the little calamus and asked with a smile.

Genma shook his head and chuckled: "Master Hokage said it's not my turn to take action now, Sakumo and the others are enough."