
Chapter 8 Mikoto’S Guard

Hidden Leaf Village.

Senju Genma is walking down the street holding hands with Uchiha Mikoto.

After a long period of Ninjutsu training, Senju Genma also wanted to relax occasionally, and Uchiha Mikoto happened to invite him.

The two of them were both good-looking. As they walked on the road, their cute looks immediately attracted the attention of the villagers on the road.

"Genma, what do you think of the clothes I'm wearing today?" Uchiha Mikoto asked shyly in a low voice, with a blush on his face, pulling on the corner of his clothes.

In order to show his attention, Senju Genjian turned his head and began to look carefully.

Uchiha Mikoto is wearing a complicated yet convenient purple kimono today.

However, Senju Genma is not a pervert. He himself is not mature enough, and he will not do anything too outrageous to these little girls.

Senju touched his chin, was silent for a moment and said with a smile: "This kimono suits you very well. The prints on the kimono are very beautiful, and the color matches your temperament very well. I like it very much."

After hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto showed a happy expression on his face.

As a general rule, girls do develop earlier than boys.

Uchiha Mikoto is already a head taller than Senju Genma.

Senju Genma stood in front of Uchiha Mikoto, pouting cutely and staring at Mikoto with bright eyes.

Feeling his gaze, Mikoto quickly took a step back, straightened his hair and kimono, and his busy movements were as cute as a small animal.

"I'm so sorry, Xuanjian, I lost my temper!"

Senju Genma nodded seriously: "It doesn't matter, Mikoto is also very cute like this."

Uchiha Mikoto, who was recognized by Senju Genma, blushed even more and hurriedly covered his face with his hands.

Senju Genjian fell silent, deciding not to ruin the current atmosphere.

He could tell that although Uchiha Mikoto spoke with great momentum, his brain was obviously overloaded.

Senju Genma took the restless Uchiha Mikoto and walked aimlessly on the street.

Sometimes shopping is not to buy something, but to enjoy the process of accompanying and understanding each other.

But soon, Xuanjian found that he couldn't hold on.

"By the way, aren't you tired of shopping?" Xuanjian was a little helpless. He didn't understand how girls could go shopping so well.

Tsunade was like this before, and Mikoto is like this now.

Although I am obviously stronger than Mikoto, I can't compare with Mikoto when I go shopping.

The sky gradually darkened, and the two of them finally got tired of walking and came to a restaurant.

Not long after the two sat in their seats, Uchiha Mikoto, who had calmed down, looked embarrassed.

Senju Genjian asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Uchiha Mikoto lowered his head and said in embarrassment: "I'm a little worried about the family. After all, you are Senju and I am Uchiha."

She regretted that she had dragged Senju Genma into the water in a moment of enthusiasm. The family's fight would not change for them.

Senju Xuanjian squeezed her little hand and comforted her: "You don't have to worry, the family's affairs will be solved."

Uchiha Mikoto sighed, nodded firmly and said, "I believe you!"

Mikoto looked at Genma's serious face, and then took out a gomori from his kimono belt.

"Can you take this with you?"

Senju Genzhi took the guard over, put it solemnly into his waist pocket, and nodded solemnly.

"I'll keep it with me forever!"

"I'm sorry, Mikoto, I don't have a guardian, but I also have a gift for you!"

Uchiha Mikoto asked curiously: "What is it?"

"Give me your hand." Senju Genma stretched out his hand to Uchiha Mikoto.

Mikoto put his hand on his.

Senju Genma stretched out his other hand and grabbed Mikoto's wrist, and soon a heart pattern appeared on her wrist.

Mikoto looked at his wrist and asked doubtfully: "This pattern is so beautiful, what is it?"

Senju Genjian said: "My exclusive Flying Thunder God Technique. If you don't like it, I can help you eliminate it."

Uchiha Mikoto was very surprised, she knew the flying thunder god technique.

Senju Tobirama died not even twenty years ago, but Uchiha Mikoto has also heard his story.

After all, the once famous genius Uchiha Kagami among the Uchiha clan was a member of Senju Tobirama's elite guard team.

Uchiha Mikoto shook his head, "No need, I like the gift you gave me very much. It feels like you are by my side at any time."


At the same time, in the Konoha forest.

"Minato! Don't run! Come at the water dragon!"

Senju·Wood Clone·Genma clapped his hands, and a water dragon appeared around his body, and then quickly rushed towards Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato hurriedly jumped on the branches to avoid it.

"Don't be ridiculous, Genjian, my body won't be able to bear such a thick water dragon."

Senju Genma shouted: "Minato, why is the human body such an inconvenient thing? You have to trust your body!"

After the water dragon hit the ground and disappeared, Namikaze Minato jumped from the tree to the ground.

Senju Genma took out the kunai from his waist bag and rushed towards Namikaze Minato at an extremely fast speed.

"Next is taijutsu."

Namikaze Minato's reaction speed was also very fast, and he immediately took out a kunai from his waist bag to block.

Then the two quickly retreated back.

Namikaze Minato took the opportunity to enter the woods, followed closely by Senju Genma, and their figures kept intertwining in the trees.

Senju Genjian added a little water, so the two were evenly matched, and the battle was very fierce.

The two had more and more confrontations, and Namikaze Minato quickly fell into a disadvantage against Senju Genma's continuous attacks.


As the two people's kunai clashed, the kunai in Namikaze Minato's hand was shot down by Senju Genma. He completely lost his strength and fell from the tree.

Fortunately, Senju Genma had quick eyes and quick hands. He jumped into the air and hugged Minato, and the two of them landed smoothly.

Coming to the ground, Senju Genma placed Namikaze Minato on the ground.

"No, Genma, I don't have any Chakra anymore. I really don't have any chakra left. Let's continue tomorrow."

Senju Xuanjian put down his hand in frustration, "Well, I really can't do anything to you."

Namikaze Minato said with disappointment: "I'm sorry, Genma, it was obviously me who asked you to come, but now I gave up first."

In the past few months, Namikaze Minato has regarded Senju Genma as a friend.

His dream is to become a Hokage, and he is a very motivated person. He stays with Senju Genma every day, and he becomes more and more aware of the gap between the two, so he asks Senju Genma, who is from a wealthy family, to help him train.

Senju Genma also wanted to test his Ninjutsu learning in actual combat, so he agreed to his request.

Namikaze Minato suddenly said: "Genma, I will catch up with you."

Senju Genjian knew that this was quite difficult, but as a friend, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "I will wait for that day!"