
Chapter 78 New Xuanjian Class

When leaving Hokage's office, Genma was followed by a little girl.

She has short brown hair and a pair of big dark brown pupils, no bangs, light pink pants and safety pants, a red bracelet on her hand, and her biggest feature is the two purple patterns on her face.

This is Genma's new disciple, Nohara Lin.

She graduated from the ninja school this year and joined the Genma class instead of Asuma.

It was not because of the frequent local wars that Asuma cowardly wanted to escape the war. He once told Genma that he would not be afraid of war, and was even eager to try it.

But what he can't do is that he has a Hokage father who doesn't agree with him going to the battlefield at all.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also old!

Genma sighed in his heart, lamenting that Sarutobi Hiruzen's spirit was not as good as before.

You must know that his eldest son went to the battlefield when he was a child, but now he does not dare to let his younger son go to the battlefield.

Genma thought of Sarutobi Hiruzen's eldest son, Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

He is completely different from Hiruzen Sarutobi, neither in his Ninja period nor in his old age.

He is gentle to others, does not like to fight with others, and is not very interested in power.

It's a pity that the talent is not as good as Sarutobi Hiruzen. Now he has just become an Elite Jōnin. He doesn't know when he will reach the Kage level, and his qualifications can only be regarded as mediocre.

But precisely because of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not choose him as his successor.

As long as he has Kage-level strength now, even if he is not strong in Kage-level, Sarutobi Hiruzen will find a way to help him rise to Hokage's position.

"Teacher Genma." Nohara Rin's gentle voice came from behind Genma.

Xuanjian asked in a gentle tone: "What's wrong?"

Nohara Lin lowered her head and shook her head hurriedly: "It's nothing, it's just that the teacher seemed a little absent-minded. Did I make the teacher unhappy?"

"Of course not, how could it be?" Xuanjian chuckled, "I just thought of something, it's no big deal."

"Now you are an official member of Xuanjian Class. From today on, I am your teacher and you are my disciple."

"I'll take you to meet your teammates later. After meeting your teammates, I'll treat you to barbecue."

Nohara Lin was puzzled: "But I heard someone say, isn't there an assessment before officially becoming a Genin?"

"Assessment...you must have heard what Hong said." Xuanjian said nonchalantly.

Their relationship with Genin this time was not bad, Xuanjian always knew about it.

Although Hong and Lin did not enter the ninja school in the same year, they had a good relationship in the school. The two became best friends with Shizune and a child in the school named Mitarashi Anko.

With Genma's permission, Kurenai and Shizune would occasionally bring their best friends to play in the Senju clan's land.

So Genma and Nohara Lin knew each other, but they didn't communicate in depth.

"Please don't blame Kurenai. She told me after I asked her what to pay attention to when becoming a Genin." Nohara Rin said hurriedly, with apologetic expression on her face, "I'm sorry."

Xuanjian waved his hand and chuckled: "No need to apologize."

"Your situation is special. Both Kai and Hong have been assessed."

"The assessment is conducted in a team format. It is impossible for you to pass by yourself."

"If you work with them, I believe you can pass the assessment, so you don't need to take the assessment."

"But don't be too happy. Tomorrow I will test your strength alone. If it is too bad, I will let you go back to the Ninja School to repeat your studies."

Xuanjian's last words were scary, but they were actually not said at all.

The teachers at the ninja school would not be able to fail even one graduation exam. If Lin could graduate from the ninja school, her strength would be at least as good as Genin's.

Nohara Lin raised her fist high and said energetically: "Teacher, I will try my best to pass your test."

Xuanjian smiled and said: "As long as you are motivated."

The two walked towards the commercial street of the village, Genma walking in front, Nohara Lin following behind him, and soon found Kai and Kurenai who had been waiting for a long time.

Kai and Lin introduced themselves to each other, and Lin and Hong were already very familiar with each other.

Xuanjian nodded and said: "After introducing myself, in order to welcome Lin, I decided to treat you to a barbecue, let's go together!"


The three of them were very happy. Among them, Kai was the most exaggerated and jumped up.

Under the leadership of Kai, the four of them came to the barbecue Q together.

Just as everyone in Xuanjian was preparing to order, a familiar figure entered the store.


Minato Namikaze pushed open the door and walked in, followed by three eight or nine-year-old children. It seemed that Minato's class was officially established.

Namikaze Minato who entered the store also saw Genma and said loudly: "Genma."

Genma and Minato looked at each other and waved to him: "Minato."

Not long after, Minato led his disciples to the Genjian class and sat down at a table next door.

"Brother Genjian."

When passing by Genma, Kakashi, who was following Minato, took the initiative to say hello to Genma.

Originally, he wanted to walk over coldly, but thinking of the other party's "care" for him over the years, he decided it would be better to say hello.

The two boys behind looked surprised, and Kakashi showed no such expression when facing Minato.

Namikaze Minato smiled knowingly.

He still knows a little bit about the grudge between Genma and Hatake Sakumo. Sometimes during practice, he can see Genma bullying Kakashi.

When Hatake Sakumo saw it, he would sigh that he was lucky not to have a daughter.

"Kakashi, long time no see." Genma smiled brightly, and Kakashi felt a chill on his back.

Genma glanced at the two people behind Kakashi, one of whom was Morino Ihiki, and the other had a spiky head that seemed familiar to him. Then he turned to look at Namikaze Minato and asked, "Are they your disciples?"

"That's right." Minato introduced with a smile, "Kakashi needs no introduction."

"This is Morino Hiki."

"This is..."

"My name is Uchiha Obito." Before Namikaze Minato could finish his words, Uchiha Obito interrupted arrogantly, "I will become a Hokage one day!"

"Idiot." Kakashi, who was sitting next to Minato, showed no mercy.

Namikaze Minato laughed, scratched his head and said, "Don't look at this kid like this, he admires you very much."

Hearing Namikaze Minato's words, Uchiha Obito instantly blushed.

Seeing this, Genjian did not blame him, but slowly said: "Becoming a Hokage is a good dream, I hope you can stick to it!"

Uchiha Obito nodded and said loudly: "Yes, I will work hard!"

Kakashi snorted heavily and said nothing.

"Okay Obito, come sit here and don't disturb other guests." Minato Namikaze said softly.

"Yes." Obito responded and sat across from Kakashi.

When leaving, Obito secretly glanced at Lin.

Although it was just a quick glance, the sharp-eyed Xuanjian still noticed it.

Kelin didn't seem to take it to heart at all, just minding her own business and chatting passionately with Hong.