
Chapter 77 The Guy With Horns

Tobirama snorted coldly: "With a bounty of 400 million taels, it's probably not easy to kill him, right?"

"And Konoha, as the number one ninja village in the ninja world, is not someone to be trifled with."

"Find me some targets with high bounties and nothing to do with Konoha."

Although he was a dead man, he didn't really want to attack the ninjas of Konoha.

The money exchange boss was not surprised by Tobirama's request.

After all, Konoha is not easy to mess with. This is common sense in the ninja world. The other four major ninja villages used two ninja wars to tell the world that this common sense is correct.

The owner of the money exchange took Tobirama for a while, pointed at the wall and said: "From here onwards, there are targets that have nothing to do with Konoha. You can take your time and look at them. I'll leave first."

"After you have made your choice, just look for me at the front desk and I will give you the details of your target."

Tobirama looked at the wall while tearing off a few suitable reward notices.

These targets include rebel ninjas from various villages and bounty hunters like him, and the bounties are not low.

But they have one thing in common, that is, they like to do evil.

He picked up the reward order, walked out of the room, found the boss, and completed the registration.

With Tobirama's strength, the people on these bounty orders certainly cannot be his opponents.

In just a few months, he killed many rebel ninjas and bounty hunters.

By looting these rebellious ninjas and bounty hunters, plus the bounty from the bounty orders, hundreds of millions of taels were earned in a few months.

As Senju Tobirama completed one difficult bounty after another, he not only made his name, but also bought a lot of useful information.

"Then I'll choose you two as my target this time."

Looking at the two horned guys in the photo, Tobirama narrowed his eyes.


Hidden Leaf Village.

Within the land of the Senju tribe.

"It hurts, Sister Tsunade, you are holding on too tight."

Genjian pointed to his pinched red wrist.

"But even though it hurts, Sister Tsunade's hand is still quite warm."

Tsunade snorted and retracted her hand: "You guys only know how to say these things to please me."

But his face still looked a little unhappy.

"Having been out for so long, has Garuruo lost your mind?"

Genma hurriedly waved his hand and said: "How could it be? Garuruo only comes to see me at night and never delays me from doing business. It is true that this mission is too troublesome."

"You have indeed met Garura!" Tsunade gritted her teeth.

Mikoto and Kushina sitting aside did not speak, but Genma could still feel a sense of danger.

Genjian was shocked. When did Tsunade become so smart and actually lie to him?

"You can't blame me for this. Think about it, how many times can I go to the Kingdom of Wind a year?"

"It's hard to get a chance, but it's never that easy to escape."

"Except for the time when I am doing tasks, am I not always at home with you?"

As if they had thought of something, the three of them blushed a little. It didn't matter that there were few people, the main thing was that there were too many people here.

Konan, Shizune and Kurenai sat in the back all looking unhappy.

At least you have done it, but we still can't do anything!

Everyone blushed, but still felt angry.

Genjian continued: "Actually, you don't need to worry. The situation has been unstable recently, and small-scale armed conflicts have broken out in many places."

"For the sake of safety, Master Hokage locked Asuma at home and did not allow him to carry out his mission."

"That is to say, in recent times, apart from taking time to teach Kai and Hong, I have nothing to do."

"I can stay at home with you during this time, and you can do whatever you want."

"What do you want..."

Before Tsunade finished speaking, Kushina asked next.

"That's it?"

Although Mikoto didn't speak, Genma swallowed when he saw her.

Xuanjian's heart trembled slightly, knowing that he could not escape this disaster, so he could only bite the bullet and nodded: "Yes, you can do whatever you want, but I still want some rest time."

"Don't worry, I will still give you some rest time." Mikoto said, taking out a pamphlet from his arms.

Genzen took the booklet and could still smell Mikoto's scent: "This is...the work and rest schedule!"

Xuanjian thought it was because of his arrogance that he ended up like this, but he didn't expect that they had already prepared and arranged who would be who and what time each day.

"Eight hours of rest every day is too short. I can't bear it."

Eight hours of rest every day is certainly enough for normal life, but the key point is that this is not normal life.

This will definitely kill someone, and the waist of the immortal human body is not made like this.

He won't become the first immortal to die, right?

Tsunade shook her head and said proudly: "I have asked Orochimaru about your physical condition. This is the advice given by Orochimaru. He said that according to this time, you will be fine at all."

"Really?" Xuanjian was still a little doubtful.

However, if it would not affect his body, he would still be happy to try it.

Tsunade chuckled and said: "I haven't tried it. If you try it, you will know whether it is true or false."

Xuanjian thought for two and a half seconds, and finally nodded heavily.

He was not tempted by Tsunade, Kushina and Mikoto, he just simply wanted to see the limits of the immortal human body.

Two months passed like this.

In the patriarch's bedroom, a pale hand was holding on the door frame, and then a pale Xuanjian appeared.

"I can't believe Orochimaru's words next time... I can't stand it... I can't stand it at all." The immortal immortal started to pant after saying two sentences.


A lazy voice came from the bedroom, startling Xuanjian.

"What about that, Tsunade, Master Hokage still has something to ask me for, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, Xuanjian left the bedroom as if running away.

Arriving outside the clan leader's residence, Xuanjian walked out of the clan. He breathed a long sigh of relief. The pale color disappeared and his face began to turn rosy.

The Immortal's body is really powerful. Even though he suffered serious losses at home, in less than an hour, Xuanjian felt that his body's energy was recovering. It was indeed the ultimate Yang Style.

Genma came to the Hokage Building and walked into the office. When he came in, he saw the serious Sarutobi Hiruzen and Hatake Sakumo standing next to him.

Perhaps because of Genma, although Hatake Sakumo gave up his mission to save his companions a year ago, he was not blamed by the villagers, nor did the rescued companions blame him.

Not only that, Sarutobi Hiruzen also greatly appreciated his behavior.

So there is no such thing as him committing suicide because he couldn't stand being ostracized by everyone.

But this is normal. As the Anbu captain of the Hokage, Hatake Sakumo performs the most confidential tasks.

Not to mention the villagers, there are not many ninjas who know the mission Hatake Sakumo performed.

If a mission fails and it becomes known to everyone and the whole village is reviled, that would be abnormal.