
Chapter 76 Fire Lord

After repeatedly confirming that the order he gave was correct, Genma walked around Tobirama before finally stopping in front of him.

If he were to be sent out so carelessly, the information would definitely be exposed, and he might be traced to himself because of the information.

Of course Genma is not afraid of making enemies of the ninja world, but there is no need to deliberately cause trouble for himself.

So he decided to let Tobirama put on some disguises to make his future actions more convenient.

Genjian took a black robe, some bandages and a red ghost face, and wrapped Tobirama's exposed body tightly, leaving only a pair of black and red eyes exposed.

Then Xuanjian put on a black robe and mask for him.

After looking around carefully again to make sure that no flaws could be found, Xuanjian took him to the laboratory.

Hearing the footsteps of the two people, Orochimaru, who was doing the experiment, was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and took out the kunai.

The door to the laboratory opened, and Genma walked in with a man in black robes, waving to Orochimaru, telling him not to be nervous.

A moment later, Orochimaru learned the true identity of the man in black robe from Genma.

Perhaps wanting to help Genma test Tobirama's strength, Orochimaru volunteered to fight him.

The three of them came to the forest outside Konoha and set up Barriers. Orochimaru did not hesitate, and immediately rushed towards Tobirama's reincarnation and joined hands.

Senju Tobirama's reincarnation is much better than Orochimaru even in terms of physical skills.

However, neither of them could use the terrain-changing Ninjutsu, so they only used physical skills to fight lightly.

The final result was that Orochimaru was defeated. Without the Kusanagi sword, Orochimaru's physical skills could not be compared with Tobirama, who was a member of the Senju clan and possessed strange powers.

Orochimaru did not force himself to be injured, but returned to Genma and asked: "It seems good so far, but why did you dress him like this?"

Xuanjian replied: "Of course it is useful to get him."

"I didn't summon him specifically for fighting. I can leave him to do other things as well."

"Besides, one chess piece is not enough. Of course, we have to find a few more."

When Orochimaru heard this, his face became a little more enlightened.

Back in the laboratory, while Orochimaru was checking Tobirama's preventive measures for Genma and improving them, he asked in a hoarse voice: "Are you planning to let the great Hokage-sama rob the tomb?"

If one chess piece is not enough, doesn't it mean that he wants to summon more reincarnations to do things for him?

Quality chess pieces, Orochimaru could only think of the dead Kage from each village and the Elite Jōnin.

Xuanjian nodded and said: "Not only that, we can also leave it to them to do things that are inconvenient for us to do."

"I also plan to create an organization to facilitate the actions of these reincarnated people."

"I've already thought of Tobirama's codename. Since he was Second Hokage during his lifetime, he should be called Fire Lord."

"How's it going? Do you want to join us?"

"I can also give you a nice codename, how about you call it Mr. Snake?"

Orochimaru did not dare to compliment Genma's taste and quickly refused: "No, I just want to conduct experiments in peace. If you want to cause trouble, just go and do it yourself. Don't involve me."

Xuanjian curled his lips in displeasure: "Tsk, forget it if you don't want to. You won't ask me for anything in the future."

Turning to look at Tobirama, Genjian felt a little excited: "Orochimaru, you are witnessing history."

"I will build a great country, an empire where the people will not have to suffer from hunger, there will be no suffering from war, there will always be peace, and everyone will be equal except me and you."

"And these dead people are the first step in the establishment of this perfect country!"

Orochimaru, who was named, just glanced calmly at Genma, who suddenly became excited, and continued his experiment without saying anything.

Genjian! It's normal to be abnormal sometimes!

Tobirama put on a red demon mask and then quietly left the village.

In a city far away from Konoha Village, Tobirama found a public toilet, opened the secret door, and came to an underground gold exchange.

Genjian has been a ninja for a long time. In addition, the task completion rate is extremely high and he has obtained many valuable heads. Genjian is fully aware of the black market in the Land of Fire.

If you want to find the bodies of those powerful ninjas, information is essential.

The black market is the best place to obtain information. Dragons and snakes are mixed here. As long as you have money, you can even check the detailed itinerary and time schedule of famous people from various countries every day.

Arriving underground, Tobirama walked into an izakaya.

He is not here to drink, but to make money.

An izakaya built under the toilet offered him a drink for free, but he couldn't drink it.

Xuanjian deliberately didn't give him any money and asked him to make a name for himself as a bounty hunter.

A mysterious man suddenly appeared in the black market, and then went around to collect information on the corpses of strong men. Anyone with any brains knew there was something wrong.

But if he is a bounty hunter, there is no problem. Others will only think that he has taken on some task to make money, and he can also subsidize funds. Scientific research is very expensive.

After exchanging a few code words with the boss here, Tobirama was led to a small room.

In the small room, the surrounding walls were covered with various bounties.

Some of the paper is very new, as if it has just been pasted, and some of the paper is yellowed, as if it has been pasted for a long time.

Soon, Tobirama's eyes were attracted by three yellowed bounties.

The targets on these three bounties are none other than the Senju Genma and Orochimaru who summoned him, as well as his grandniece Tsunade.

Xuanjian's bounty is the highest, reaching 400 million taels.

It is marked above.

This is the total bounty.

Among them, 350 million taels are the price paid by Sunagakure Village.

The extra 50 million taels are these.

For new enemies attracted by performing tasks in the year, the bounty will be paid directly by the gold exchange office.

Followed by Orochimaru, although not as much as Genma, it still reached 50 million ryo.

Finally, there is Tsunade, 45 million taels.

Tobirama spat lightly and said to himself unhappily: "Madam, the head of the Senju clan, this brat really deserves to die!"

He has not forgotten that Senju Genma said that he is the current leader of the Senju clan.

There is no doubt that Tsunade is now Senju Genma's wife.

Not only did he abuse the Ninjutsu he created at will, but he also dared to marry his grandniece. It was a recipe for death!

By the way, with Xiaozuna's personality, would anyone be willing to marry her? In this case, Xuanjian can be regarded as a warrior.

Or maybe, Xiao Gang has become gentle and virtuous when he grew up, and then was deceived by this scumbag?

The more Tobirama thought about it, the angrier he became, but he was controlled by the art of reincarnation, and he couldn't educate his wanton niece and grandson-in-law.

Seeing that Tobirama's eyes had been fixed on the reward orders of Genjian and his three men, the boss of the money exchange rubbed his hands and said flatteringly: "If you are interested in these people, I can give you more detailed information and get their We can give you the reward in one day, and we only need a 10% commission."

Orochimaru and Tsunade didn't mention it, but Senju Genma alone had a bounty draw of 40 million taels. The boss had never taken so much commission at once.