
Chapter 75 Chess Pieces

"Your Ninjutsu looks good. When will it be completed?" Genma asked, holding the scroll of the Fuzo Reincarnation Technique.

Orochimaru glanced at Genma and replied: "It can be completed in as little as three years or as long as five years."

"Congratulations first, you are one step closer to immortality." Xuanjian smiled, and his tone changed: "But it's not very good to transfer your soul to someone else."

"Transferring the soul into someone else's body will inevitably compete with the soul in the other person's body."

"Even with the help of this technique called Immortal Reincarnation, your soul will still be damaged after successfully taking over the body."

Orochimaru is such a smart person, he understood what Genma meant in just a moment.

He just smiled and said: "Don't worry, I understand what you mean."

"In the past, I might have wanted someone else's body, but not now."

"With the artificial human technology, I can find a way to create a container that satisfies us."

"You don't have to worry about me."

"We?" Xuanjian raised his eyebrows and quickly refused: "No, I have no plans to change my body yet."

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not be willing to change his body.

Orochimaru said nothing and took out a scroll from the secret compartment.

"This is my improved Earth Reincarnation Technique. I have tested it, and the accuracy and stability are much improved compared to Second Hokage's Earth Reincarnation Technique."

"The talisman can be used to suppress personality and issue orders. It is up to the caster to decide whether to retain emotions and will. In this way, the reincarnated person will regain his previous abilities. Of course, it is only ability, not strength."

"I haven't found a way to restore them to their original strength, but for now, using Bai Jue's body is the best choice. They are the best sacrifices I can find at the moment."

"However, the improvement in accuracy also means an increase in hidden dangers. The stronger the ninja during his lifetime, the harder it is to control him."

"The degree of control varies from person to person. Based on your strength, no reincarnated person should be able to escape your control while being implanted with a talisman."

"By the way, without the talisman, it is the same as Second Hokage's Earth Reincarnation Technique. It can only simply bind the reincarnated person and cannot control them."

"The seal that knows the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth can also dissolve the psychic contract and escape control."

"I haven't been able to improve on these yet."

"So you have to be careful when using it. Before using the talisman to completely control the reincarnated person, you must not let them know about it."

"Okay, okay, don't act like an old woman." Xuanjian waved his hand and said disdainfully, "Although I can't do scientific research, I don't know how to read."

"Your scroll has been written so clearly. Do you think I can't understand it?"

"Here's this for you. I'll go to the training ground to try the art of reincarnation from dirty soil."

After speaking, Genma took out a scroll and threw it to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru caught the scroll and asked in confusion: "What is this?"

"You should like the corpse of the Magnet Style blood successor limited ninja in Kumogakure Village." Genma looked at Orochimaru and observed his expression.

Orochimaru replied calmly: "I understand, you go to the training room and don't disturb me doing experiments."

There was no joy as imagined. Xuanjian pretended not to care and picked up a comatose White Zetsu and walked out of the laboratory.

Looking at Genma's back, Orochimaru smiled.

Arriving at the training room, Xuanjian looked at Bai Jue in front of him, but he had trouble choosing.

"It's my first time using it, who should I summon?"

After thinking about it, Xuanjian thought of a suitable candidate and took out the scroll that stored flesh and blood.

"Necromantic Technique: Reincarnation from the Dirty Earth!"

With a loud shout, the technique of the dirt reincarnation technique appeared under Bai Jue's body. The dust covered Bai Jue's body, transforming into a figure wearing blue laminated armor and white feather collars on his shoulders.

The blue-armored figure slowly raised his head, showing displeasure.

Xuanjian smiled and said: "Ah? Are you angry when you were summoned by your own technique?"

In fact, Senju Genma had thought about whether to summon Senju Hashirama, but this idea was quickly rejected by him. For no other reason, the risk was too great.

This is the disadvantage of the improved Jutsu Reincarnation Technique. The improved accuracy provides too much room for manipulation by strong men like Senju Hashirama.

The weak ninja Genma looked down on him.

So I simply summoned Senju Tobirama, who was not weak and could just be controlled by Genma.

"Did you summon me? I feel similar to my elder brother. Who are you?" As a perceptive ninja, Senju Tobirama immediately noticed the abnormality of Genma Chakra and hid his hand in the dark. at.

"Please stop, Master Second Hokage." Genma noticed Tobirama's small movements and restrained his body.

Senju Tobirama had a look of disbelief on his face, surprised that the young man in front of him could actually restrain himself after he had regained such strength.

Genjian spread his hands and said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Senju Genjian, and I am the current leader of the Senju clan."

"Senju?" Tobirama thought for a moment and said calmly, "To allow such a young child to become the leader of the clan, it seems that the Senju clan has fulfilled my wish."

Instead of letting Tobirama continue to think about the greatness of his own policy, Genjian said: "But it didn't go as you wished. The policy of civilianization has been cancelled."

Tobirama asked in surprise: "How could it be? Didn't the monkeys and the others do what I said?"

Xuanjian shook his head and said: "Of course not. Although the disciples you taught are not many good people, they still inherited your will."

"But this world ultimately depends on strength. When strength is strong enough, the world will also change."

"You child, Chakra gives me a feeling that is so similar to my elder brother, but your personality is completely opposite to that of my elder brother!" Tobirama sighed, and then asked, "You should also know Wood Style, right?"

"That's right." Xuanjian knew that this was Tobirama who wanted to obtain more information, but Xuanjian didn't care and admitted it openly.

Tobirama crossed his arms and asked in a deep voice: "Then what is the purpose of summoning me?"

"Of course I will turn you into my chess piece." As he said that, Genma walked behind Tobirama.

"How dare you say that you want to turn me into a chess piece? You kid is really..."

Before Tobirama finished speaking, Genjian inserted the kunai with the talisman into Tobirama's mind.

"I didn't summon you to chat. You'd better shut up."

After Tobirama heard Xuanjian's words, he immediately fell silent.

Genma nodded, Orochimaru did not disappoint him.

Through the talisman, Xuanjian began to issue more orders to him and set a seal on his body.

This includes not being able to lift the art of reincarnation on your own under any circumstances, as well as other orders to avoid leaking information.

Genma planned to let the reincarnated person maintain his fighting consciousness and follow his orders to fight.

Only with a sense of fighting can the reincarnated person exert its greatest fighting power, so it is up to the reincarnated person to decide how to fight.

If the reincarnated person fights in compliance with Genma's orders and decides on his own that he wants to remove the art of reincarnation from the dirty land, it will be a big mistake.