
Chapter 74 Meets The Requirements

Inside Konoha Village.

Orochimaru picked up the experiment report on the table, but his eyes were fixed on the experimental jar in front of him, and he murmured: "It's finally completed. With this, from now on, Genma will no longer need to go outside to catch Bai Zetsu. "

Looking around, the big jars in the laboratory are filled with rows of white juice.

These are the latest results obtained from genetic experiments, artificial Bai Zetsu cultivated using Bai Zetsu's cells.

"Using the improved filthy earth reincarnation technique and using it with the bodies of these Bai Zetsu, it should be possible to keep the reincarnated person's strength closer to that in life while maintaining high accuracy."

"Xuanjian's request is completed, then the next step is my own immortality experiment."

After speaking, Orochimaru worked on the experimental bench, sinking the large jar containing White Zetsu into the ground, and then took out a scroll from the hidden compartment on the wall.

I saw four big characters written on the scroll - Reincarnation without Corpse.

Open the scroll and you can see the densely packed spells on it.

He has been studying this Ninjutsu for a long time, but he had to give priority to completing Genma's requirements, which seriously slowed down his research progress.

Now he can finally focus on the Ninjutsu that will make him immortal.

Somewhere deep in the ninja world lies Yamanaka.

The mountain cemetery.

Uchiha Madara sat in front of the Gedo Statue, looking at the black Zetsu and a group of white Zetsu in front of her.

Jue's body rose from the ground and said: "Master Madara, we have found the person you need."

Uchiha Madara said in a cold tone: "Bring it over."

Despair turned to Uchiha Madara, took out a bundle of scrolls and handed them to him, saying: "This is his information."

Uchiha Madara took the scroll and opened it. Inside was information about the Uchiha tribe.

"Uchiha Obito?" Uchiha Madara murmured the name of this Uchiha tribesman, frowned slightly, turned to look at Zetsu, and said, "What do you think of this child?"

"I think this child is very suitable for our plan." Black Jue did not control Bai Jue, but said slowly: "This child is rich in emotions, likes to help others, and has some love brain."

"Not only that, based on his usual performance, he is not considered smart and meets our requirements."

Uchiha Madara looked at the ability data table drawn by Black Zetsu for Uchiha Obito. Xian's column was marked 2, which was a bit dazzling.

Such data is rare, which made Madara agree with Hei Zetsu's statement.

But Madara was a little worried.

What if such a low IQ ruins his plans?

Black Zetsu also saw Uchiha Madara's struggle, and said solemnly: "Madara-sama, we don't have much time, let me make up for his intellectual deficiencies!"

Thousands of years ago, it watched its mother being sealed away by its two brothers and burst into tears. It would never forget that scene.

At that moment, it was thinking that if it had the same abilities as its two brothers, it would definitely save its mother.

Now that the way to save his mother is right in front of him, he must consider whether this will be his only chance in this life.

Uchiha Madara closed her eyes and thought for a long time, finally made up her mind, sighed, then her expression changed, and she said sternly: "Then the decision is his!"

"It's time for the ninja world to be in chaos again. You go and be prepared. No one can stay away this time!"


In the endless desert, Xuanjian walked and observed his surroundings.

Nearly two months have passed since they left the village.

The little ones were also homesick, and there was no time on the road.

He estimated that it would take at most half a month to successfully return to the Fire Country, and within a month, he would be able to return to the village.

"I don't know if Zhenhong will cry and make trouble because I abducted his daughter."

Just when he was teasing Yuhi Zhenhong, a powerful Chakra suddenly appeared in the distance.

Genjian looked in the direction he sensed and saw a female ninja dressed as a female ninja from Sunagakure standing on the sand dune in the distance. Judging from her movements, she seemed to be looking at him.

The ninja who had been tracking them since Loulan had long since left, and according to Chakra's feeling, it was obvious that this female ninja was an old acquaintance of Genma.

Genjian raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "As expected of Garuru, he found me so quickly."

After laughing, he made no extra moves, but sat quietly in the car, waiting for night to fall.

It seems that Garura doesn't want to expose the relationship between the two to the eyes of the world. She has never been to the Land of Fire a few times, and has only met her sisters a few times.

After a while, the sky darkened, and everyone was resting in a town.

A figure followed everyone.

This figure is none other than the Elite Jōnin of Sunagakure Village, Garuru, who came to perform the mission.

In the eyes of outsiders, Genma is a shadow-level powerhouse, and a shadow-level powerhouse in Konoha. Naturally, it is impossible for Sunagakure Village to ignore him, and it is normal for the Sunagakure Village to send people to follow him.

The one who took over the tracking task was Garuruo.

One month passed quickly.

After these days of traveling at full speed, everyone in the Genjian class successfully returned to Konoha Village and walked on the road leading to the village gate.

"Finally home!"

Everyone registered at the gate of Konoha, and Genjian stretched.

Yūhi Kurenai, who was at the back of the ninja class, took out his storage scroll and said happily: "Let's go to the underground money exchange. This time we can exchange a lot of pocket money!"

Genjian and his party were very lucky. On the way back to Konoha, they encountered many valuable heads.

Xuanjian was naturally not interested in these small fish and shrimps.

But if the other party comes to your face and offers his head, it would be rude not to accept it.

At this time, Metkai, who was full of energy, also raised his thumb and said: "Then let's go together. We can use the money to buy some training tools."

Genma turned around, glanced at Yūhi Kurenai with a smile, and nodded in agreement with their request.

There is a mixture of people and snakes in the underground money exchange, and all kinds of dangerous people are mixed in there.

Let them go to the underground gold exchange by themselves, and they will definitely go there in high spirits and return with no trace of their bodies.

Holding Yūhi Kurenai's little buttocks, Genma picked her up and chuckled: "Since you want to go, let's go together."

He originally didn't want to go, because he didn't lack the money. Even if he wanted to go, he would get a higher value head and then exchange money together.

It's just that Yūhi Kurenai is so cute, looking at Genma with a pair of big watery eyes, he can't refuse at all.

Asma watched the interaction between the two without any disturbance in her heart.

Children's love goes as quickly as it comes.

After getting along for a long time, he has recognized the reality and knows that there is no possibility for him, so he decided to stay with smoke from now on.

The four of them came to a public toilet. Genma led the three of them into the toilet, found the secret door, and entered Konoha's underground gold exchange.

After the three exchanged the bounty, they each gave him a gift immediately, which made Xuanjian feel relieved.

The gifts they gave were also very unique. Yūhi Kurenai gave a guard, Asuma gave a lighter, and Kai gave a pair of nunchucks.

Xuanjian was also generous and invited his disciples to the BBQ Q to eat barbecue.