
Chapter 73 Sarah’S Thank You Gift

Seeing Xuanjian fulfill his promise and create an oasis for Loulan, Sara said excitedly: "You really did it, thank you, you are Loulan's hero."

Xuanjian was slightly startled: "It doesn't have to be like this. This is what I promised you, and of course I will do it."

When Sarah heard this, she also realized that she had lost her composure. After calming down for a while, she mustered up the courage to speak: "I know, but your help saved Loulan. This is undeniable. Please let us thank you."

Xuanjian crossed his arms and pursed his lips: "Well, I have received your thanks."

Sarah asked carefully: "I will hold a dinner party in the palace tonight. I wonder if you and your disciples can come?"

"Of course, we are not in a hurry to go back anyway." Xuanjian nodded in agreement without doubting that he was there.

That night, Xuanjian took his disciples to the banquet as scheduled.

Although Loulan once again had an oasis, it had not yet developed, so Sara was still poor and the dinner was not luxurious.

But Xuanjian still felt Sara's sincerity from the wine at the dinner.

Everyone was very happy that night, and Sarah expressed her grand gratitude to everyone, especially Xuanjian who saved Loulan.

The next day, Xuanjian looked at Sarah, and the two looked deeply at each other.

After receiving the thanks, Genma talked to Sara about his current situation and asked her to wait for the day of going to the Land of Fire with peace of mind. He also decided to give her a sum of funds to use as she pleased, which made Sara, who was used to being poor, swallow her saliva. .

"Who do you think I am?" Sarah still wanted to be reserved.

Xuanjian smiled and said dotingly: "Of course you are one of us. Don't forget, you are my accomplice now and you have to keep the secret of the dragon vein for me."

Sarah blushed and asked: "Then how much do you want to give me?"

Xuanjian thought for a moment, stretched out a finger, and prepared to give her ten million taels.

Over the years, he has done a lot of tasks and saved some private money. Among other things, the starting price of S-level tasks is one million taels.

Ten million taels is not much to him, and he does not need to take money from the family.

Loulan is a small country, not as good as some towns. Ten million taels is about the same.

In this remote ancient Loulan country, prices are much lower than those in Konoha.

Ten million is completely enough for Sara. If you know how to spend money, you can even have some leftover.

Moreover, Loulan will move to the Land of Fire sooner or later, so there is no need to give him too much.

"One hundred thousand taels! That's a lot." Sarah nodded first, then suddenly changed her tone, "No, the total of the mission this time is only 150,000 taels. If you give me one hundred thousand taels, this mission is not equivalent to free money. Have you done it? Absolutely not!"

Xuanjian shook his head and said helplessly: "Guess higher and guess boldly."

Sara asked tentatively: "Is it 110,000 taels?"

Xuanjian's mouth opened slightly, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

If I ask you to guess higher, I will add ten thousand taels. Who are you looking down on?

Xuanjian teased: "You don't take yourself seriously."

Sara grabbed Xuanjian's hand excitedly and exclaimed: "Is it one million taels?!"

Xuanjian sighed, knowing that Sara was really scared of poverty, so he touched her head lovingly and said softly: "Ten million taels."

"One by one...Ten million taels!" Sara's eyes widened, and she couldn't speak clearly.

She had never seen such a huge amount of money.

In Xuanjian's eyes, ten million taels was not much, but in Sarah's eyes, this amount of money could completely solve Loulan's current financial problems.

Xuanjian handed the money to Sarah with his own hands, said goodbye to her, turned around and left the queen's palace.

In the caravan preparing to go out, Xuanjian found his three disciples.

Yūhi Kurenai said unhappily: "Isn't Sister Sara coming to see us off? Where is she?"

Xuanjian replied: "She is not feeling well and is recuperating. She will not come back. Let's go."

Yūhi Kurenai said thoughtfully.

Asuma and Kai were still looking at the sea of ​​trees, sighing at Genma's power.

It didn't take long for the brand new Loulan caravan to be ready and ready to go.

Xuanjian greeted the two of them, looked back at the palace one last time, and left Loulan with the caravan.

Genjian sat in the car, not looking at Yūhi Kurenai as usual, but looking to the other side.

He had long noticed that Sunagakure Village had arranged two classes of ninjas to monitor Loulan, and now there was a female Jōnin in a halter top who was following Loulan's caravan to observe him.

After all, a small country within the territory has an oasis inexplicably. It is a normal reaction to send people to take a look.

If nothing is done, then there is a problem.

The ninjas of Sunagakure Village were simply monitoring and observing, and did not do anything extra.

Loulan has existed for many years. It was once related by marriage to the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, but the daimyo didn't care. There is no need for Shayin Village to do anything to Loulan.

This makes me have to mention the deformed daimyo system in the world of Genin.

The daimyo is the head of state of the five great ninja countries. He is known as the "apex" of the five great powers and has the highest administrative power and the highest military power.

The daimyo is not a virtual king who "rules without governing", but is the de facto head of state. He can directly appoint the leaders of the Ninja Village, the most important military force of the five major countries, and has the decision-making power to launch wars.

The daimyo is the supreme head of state, while the shadow is the supreme administrator and military commander of the five great ninja villages. His appointment requires the consent of the daimyo, and his status is lower than that of the daimyo.

In the relationship between the five major countries and villages, the "country" with the lord (daimyo) as the apex will provide the "villages" existing within the territory with protection from attacks or invasions by other countries, as well as financial and material assistance.

In contrast, although the village is managed by the village chief and has independent administrative power, it must provide the national military power to which it belongs.

Because the power of the village is directly related to the relationships and positions between countries, the country needs the village, and the village must rely on the country in order to ensure a stable place of residence.

The relationship between the two parties has always maintained this state of reciprocity.

Genma didn't understand how the leaders of the ninja village could be willing to let the weak rule the strong.

If he becomes Hokage in the future, he will definitely let the daimyo and his relatives and friends die in accidents, and then he will naturally take over the power of the country as a shadow.

However, it is precisely this kind of relationship between monarch and minister that makes Shayin Village not interested in Loulan.

The Kingdom of Wind belongs to the Daimyo, and the territory of Sunagakure Village is only the small piece of land of the village.

Even the daimyo didn't want to turn Loulan into the territory of the Kingdom of Wind, and there was no need for them in Sand Hidden Village to worry about that.

To conquer Loulan, Loulan would not belong to them. Not only would it be a thankless task, but the famous people might even blame them for taking their own initiative.