
Chapter 72 Seal The Dragon Vein

Before dawn, Hong and others successfully eliminated the wandering ninja who wanted to snatch the goods.

However, something unexpected happened during the process. After the three of them eliminated Chūnin and Genin among the wandering ninjas, a Special Jōnin came out of nowhere, claiming to be the boss of the wandering ninjas.

Genma still didn't take action and left the rebellious nin to the red three to deal with.

The three red men did not disappoint Genma's expectations. Together, they killed Special Jōnin with only a few superficial injuries.

After completing the task, everyone returned to Loulan happily.

The wandering ninjas that were invading the country were eliminated. Sarah was also very happy, and painfully took out a sum of money from her private treasury to reward everyone, making her who was not rich even poorer.

Sarah was also ready to fulfill her promise and took Xuanjian to the Loulan underground.

As the queen of Loulan, Sara has the ability to sense and control dragon veins.

The closer she got, the clearer the feeling became, which made her a little sad. The last time she came here, she came with her parents.

That was also the eternal pain in her heart.

Although Baizu did not come to Loulan, the situation in Loulan is still not optimistic.

In desperation, his parents came here, hoping to revive Loulan with the help of the power of dragon veins.

The result is obvious: they failed and paid the price with their lives.

Thinking of this, Sara shed tears silently.

Xuanjian would not let her be sad alone, and would comfort her through his warm embrace.

This method was very effective. Sarah quickly returned to normal and pointed forward firmly: "That's the dragon vein. Although I can control the dragon vein, my control is not strong. The rest is up to you."

Xuanjian observed for a long time and had a rough understanding of the power of dragon veins.

The dragon vein is the Chakra lifeline of the earth, which is equivalent to a node that gathers the Chakra of this land.

It continuously absorbs Chakra from the earth, giving it "infinite" Chakra.

"Dragon Vein can be absorbed, but you have to be careful when absorbing it. If you do it improperly, the nearby land will be destroyed."

Genma said, setting up Sealing Techniques here.

It was obviously just a collection of Chakra, but the dragon vein seemed to know that it was about to be sealed, and it began to become restless.

Sara hurriedly used her ability to control the dragon's veins, and at the same time advised: "Why don't we give up? It's too dangerous."

Xuanjian smiled and said: "We have already reached this point, how could I give up."

Looking at that firm look, Sara knew that no matter what she said, it would be useless, so she could only nod her head and choose to believe Xuanjian.

The resistance of Dragon Vein became more and more fierce, and soon it became difficult for even Sarah to control it, causing strong winds to roar and the earth to tremble.

For a moment, the ground was covered with cracks like turtle patterns.

Facing the riot of Dragon Vein, Xuanjian remained unmoved and silently arranged his sealing formation.

First, the Eight Sign Seal is formed based on two Four Elephant Seals, and other Sealing Techniques from the Uzumaki Clan are used to reinforce the seal.

As the sealing array was basically arranged, Xuanjian activated the Sealing Techniques and shouted: "Seal."

All the Sealing Techniques on the ground lit up. Under the seals of the Sealing Techniques, the restless dragon veins gradually calmed down. Not long after, the strong wind dissipated and the earth returned to calm.

"It's amazing!" Sara was shocked and felt bitterness in her heart.

When the ancient Loulan Kingdom was founded, the dragon vein existed and was a symbol of the country. But now it became the property of others under her gaze, which made Sara, the queen, feel frustrated.

But then she thought about it, this was to allow the people to have a better life and for Loulan's future, and she strengthened her determination to give away the dragon's veins.

The dragon veins are of no use here. It is better to use them to obtain a better life for the people.

Genjian didn't know what Sara was thinking, so he added the five-element seal developed by Orochimaru to the sealing circle to disrupt the spilled Chakra and prevent the dragon veins from being noticed by others.

Sara was shocked and said quickly: "I...I can't feel the dragon's veins anymore."

Xuanjian nodded, this was the effect he wanted.

The sealing circle was completed, and Xuanjian was ready to leave.

Before leaving, Xuanjian also left a Wood Clone seed in the magic circle, which was connected to the sealing magic circle so that the Wood Clone could exist for a long time.

There is an upper limit to the endurance of Wood Clone, but with the supply of chakra from the dragon vein, it can be half as strong as Genma. The most important thing is that after the chakra is consumed, it can be replenished from the dragon vein.

In other words, even if Xuanjian does not come to Loulan in the future, Wood Clone will not disappear.

After making these preparations, Genma used Wood Style and Earth Style Ninjutsu to disguise the place as an ordinary basement, and then left the Dragon Vein Land with Sara.

Arriving at the palace, Xuanjian looked at Sarah intently.

Sara blushed a little when he saw him, and asked coyly: "What's wrong with you?"

"Are you still thinking about that? But it really can't be done. Just wait a few more years."

Xuanjian did not take up the topic, but said: "I'm still a little worried."

Sarah asked doubtfully: "Still worried? But you have made so many preparations."

"Yes." Xuanjian suddenly said, "Lift up your clothes a little."

"This is not good." Sarah swallowed, but obediently lifted her clothes up a little, exposing her belly.

Genma put his warm palm on it, leaving his own Flying Thunder God Technique.

Sara's face turned red instantly.

This thing is not serious at all. If you keep it on your body, won't it be bound to Xuanjian in the future?

Hmm...it seems pretty good.

"What is this? Why does it look so strange?"

Genma smiled evilly and said: "It's my exclusive Flying Thunder God Technique, a time and space Ninjutsu, used to protect you."

Sarah pouted with a suspicious look on her face: "Really? I don't believe it."

Xuanjian raised his eyebrows and said impatiently: "My Queen, don't forget, the oasis has not been created yet. Pay attention to the attitude of your words."

Sarah could only say reluctantly: "Okay, I believe you."

"Very good, then the next step is to fulfill my promise."

After speaking to the students in the palace, Xuanjian took Sara to the outer desert.

He first used Sand Release and Earth Style to control the sand to bring the originally buried land back to the surface, then used Deep Forest Creation to create large forests and grasslands, and finally sent Wood Clone to help everyone find water.

It took half a month and everything was finally done.

Loulan once again has an oasis, and it's bigger than before.

Looking at the endless forest and listening to the praises of Loulan citizens, Xuanjian still felt a sense of accomplishment.

Kurenai and Asuma were a little strange. They didn't know when Genma became so kind.

Kai was different from the two of them. Knowing what Xuanjian had done for Loulan, he burst into tears and wanted to give Xuanjian a warm hug.

He was rejected unceremoniously by Genma, which made Kai sad for a long time.