
Chapter 71 Her Majesty The Queen, You Don’T Want To Either...

Sarah was a little confused: "What's the matter?"

Loulan is located in a remote area, but it is not completely ignorant of the outside world. Is there anything worthy of a late-night visit by this legendary ninja?

Although she had only heard of the legendary ninja's name, Loulan couldn't even deal with a group of wandering ninjas now. It was unimaginable how terrifying the legendary ninjas were.

At the same time, she did not shout for help because she knew very well that the ninja in front of her was different from those wandering ninjas, and it would be useless to have more guards.

If you call for help yourself, not only will you not be able to escape the current predicament, but you will also harm others.

Senju Xuanjian sat down on Sara's bed, looked into Sara's eyes, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, you don't want Loulan to be destroyed in this desert, right?"

Listening to these familiar words, Sara felt as if she had seen them in the night reading in the Kingdom of Wind, and then her pretty face turned red.

"Isn't it too early now? Why not wait a few more years? I'll be fine in a few more years."

Xuanjian coughed. He was used to this kind of situation: "That's not what I'm talking about. Of course, if you are willing, I can do it again."

Sara's face turned redder and she stammered: "Then I'll trouble you."

"No trouble, I'll leave if there's nothing else to do." Xuanjian waved his hand and stood up, then sat down again, "No, you almost led me astray, that's not what I wanted to say."

Sara showed a puzzled expression: "What on earth is that?"

Xuanjian smiled kindly and said: "I know that Loulan has a priceless treasure, and it is of little use to you and your people."

Sara suddenly understood, looked at Xuanjian's beautiful eyes, and slowly said: "Are you talking about dragon veins?"

Xuanjian did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes, what I want is the dragon vein."

"No, no, no one can control the power of dragon veins." Sara shook her head in panic and flatly refused, "Letting that kind of power appear in the world will definitely cause endless disasters."

Xuanjian knew what Sara was afraid of. Once the existence of the dragon vein was spread, Loulan would definitely face disaster.

"You might as well listen to my conditions first." Xuanjian put his hand on Sara's head to calm her down, "Your country is already on the verge of destruction. If the land environment cannot be improved, destruction will only happen sooner or later. "

"I can create an oasis here."

"Not only that, in the future I will let your whole country move to the Land of Fire."

"You should know what the Fire Country is like."

Sarah was extremely shocked. She certainly knew what kind of place the Fire Country was. For desert residents like them, the Fire Country was paradise on earth.

There is abundant rain, fertile land, and dense forests. Being able to live in such a place makes them smile from their dreams.

Although she wanted to accept such conditions, she had not lost her mind yet.

After all, Genjian is just an ordinary Jōnin of Konoha Village. How can he decide such a big thing as Loulan entering the Land of Fire?

She decided to take a step back first. The most important thing was to allow Loulan to continue. She could put aside other fantasies first.

"I wonder if you are telling the truth that you can create an oasis?"

Xuanjian didn't speak, but stretched out his hand, and a small sapling grew.

Unlike those Ninjutsu where Chakra materializes into matter, Wood Style is essentially about birth, shaping and manipulation, and will not disappear even after losing the supply of Chakra.

First use Sand Release to adjust and transform the land invaded by the desert, then use Wood Style to create woods and grasslands, and finally find a way to get some water, and an oasis is completed.

After showing the Wood Style, Genjian carried Sara to the window in a princess hug.

Sarah did not resist and allowed Xuanjian to do what she did.

"Look at the people outside and listen to their voices." Xuanjian's voice was not loud, but it deafened Sarah. "Even late at night, there are beggars on the road, pedestrians are in ragged clothes, and those thieves are even worse. Don't let go of either."

"Soon, even these will no longer exist, they will be buried in the desert!"

Sarah's face turned pale when she heard this. She wanted to open her mouth several times, but she didn't know what to say.

Because she understood that what Xuanjian said was absolutely right.

Sara pursed her lips and said with a trembling voice: "But I can't control the dragon vein. Even if it has existed in Loulan for countless years, no one can completely control it."

"You don't need to control the dragon veins. I will place a seal on the dragon veins so that others cannot detect it."

"You just need to ensure that this is a little secret between you and me, and no outsiders will know about it."

"I will come and pick it up later."

"By then, even if Loulan can't go to the Land of Fire, there will be one less time bomb, right?"

Genjian carried Sara back to the bed and covered her with a quilt. Although his tone was gentle, it made her feel like she was being seduced by a succubus.

Sarah sighed and agreed to Xuanjian's conditions.

She couldn't refuse, so what if she refused.

Regardless of whether it may force Xuanjian to take action against Loulan, or let the outside world know the secret of the dragon vein, the people who will be harmed in the end must be the ancient country of Loulan and the people of Loulan.

"Very good." Xuanjian walked to the window and suddenly turned back and said, "By the way, what I said before will not be invalid."

After saying that, Xuanjian jumped out of the window without looking back.

Xuanjian returned to the room and took a nap until he woke up before dawn at night.

He walked out of the room and found that Kurenai, Kai and Asuma had gathered outside the door.

Xuanjian didn't say much, and left the palace with the three of them, and the few ups and downs disappeared into the night.

After more than ten minutes, the four of them arrived in the desert outside the ancient Loulan country and found a place to lurk.

In their field of vision, they saw caravans walking on the road with livestock.

This was the plan that the queen had discussed with them, to let the caravan travel at night and at the same time release the news, so that the wandering ninjas would think that the caravan wanted to travel secretly at night when the visibility was not good, so they would lower their guard and lure the snake out of its hole.

The four of them hid quietly in the sea of ​​sand, not in a hurry, waiting for the wandering ninja to appear.

The value of the goods transported by the caravan this time is not low. It is impossible for the wandering ninjas to let go of this opportunity. Even if the risk is high, this group of desperadoes are willing to take risks.

A moment later, Xuanjian discovered several figures in black crawling in the desert.

Xuanjian pointed forward: "They should be those guys. You will complete this mission yourself."

"It's just Genin and Chūnin. They shouldn't pose much of a threat to you."

The three of them responded to Xuanjian without any more nonsense, crawled back, and took a detour to get closer to the wandering ninjas.

The three of them perfectly interpreted what a real ninja is. They approach quietly without the enemy being aware of them. There is no fair and just duel. When they find an opportunity, they kill them with one strike without giving them a chance to tell the truth.

And so the killing began.