
Chapter 70 Entering The Queen’S Palace At Night

When Genma revealed the Ninjutsu he was using, the middle-aged ninja didn't reply.

He already knew that he would be in trouble today.

Sand Release is too restrained in his Magnet Style.

His Magnet Style is different from the Magnet Style of Sunagakure Village. It uses magnetization and ninja tools to attack the opponent.

And when his ninja tools are finally used up, the sea of ​​sand here will never end as far as the eye can see.

What's more, the other party can not only use sand escape.

If I had known that when my men were dead, I should have turned around and left. Why should I follow them?

The middle-aged ninja stared at Genma, thinking about his retreat.

Even in the war following the Golden Horn and Silver Horn rebellion, he had never encountered such a difficult situation.

Xuanjian didn't want to continue talking nonsense with him, so he took action directly.

Sand bound coffin!

Sand waterfall funeral!

The sand around him quickly surrounded the middle-aged ninja.

The middle-aged ninja turned around and wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape.

With Genma's Chakra, this sea of ​​sand seems to be his domain, and the middle-aged ninja has no way to escape.

The middle-aged ninja looked at the boundless and restless sea of ​​sand and was so frightened that he froze in place and was finally submerged by the sand.

A few seconds later, under the control of Genma, the sand sent the body of the Kumogakure rebel out of the ground.

Xuanjian took out the scroll and put the body away, but had no intention of exchanging his body for money.

As a rare blood-stained ninja in the ninja world, it is also one of Orochimaru's favorite experimental materials.

After putting away the scroll, Xuanjian returned to the oasis.

Genma glanced at the three sleeping disciples, then looked at the lovely Yūhi Kurenai, sleeping in his own place next to her.

Not long after, Xuanjian felt someone kiss his face, which made it a little moist.

The night passed quickly, and the warm sunlight shone on Genma's face. Genma opened his eyes and saw Yūhi Kurenai holding him.

After waking up the three children, everyone continued on their way.

Half a month is neither long nor short.

No accidents were encountered along the way, and the ancient country of Loulan was found in the sea of ​​sand.

Looking at the dilapidated towers in front of him, Xuanjian secretly sighed in his heart: "It seems that Baizu really didn't come, otherwise this place wouldn't be a dilapidated scene."

Xuanjian led everyone into the city.

The ancient country of Loulan is a city built in an oasis in the sea of ​​sand. However, desertification is now serious, and there are not many oasis left. Most of the city is covered by yellow sand, and the pedestrians on the road are all sallow and thin.

Arriving in the center of the city, close to the Queen's residence, there is still a somewhat prosperous scene.

As soon as he approached the palace, Xuanjian felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Xuanjian let go of his senses and walked towards the palace while carefully sensing his surroundings.

"Just underground."

In Xuanjian's perception, he felt the huge Chakra from the underground.

What makes Genjian a little strange is that although the amount of Chakra is huge, it is far from unlimited.

Of course, even so, Xuanjian will not give up the dragon vein easily.

Dragon Vein is not infinite Chakra, it also has a Chakra amount that far exceeds Xuanjian's own.

You must know that although Genma's chakra amount is not as good as Nine Tails, he can barely use Senju Hashirama's strongest Wood Style Ninjutsu true number Senju, which can be regarded as entering the super shadow level.

"How far can I achieve by absorbing this Chakra? Can I reach the Six Paths level?" Genma could only question himself in his mind, but without actually seeing Ten Tails, he could not get the answer.

Not long after, Xuanjian led the three of them into the palace under the guidance of guards.

Genjian looked at the little teenage girl in front of him and said uncertainly: "Are you Queen Sarah?"

In my impression, Sara, as the last queen of Loulan, was four or five years older than Kakashi at the time.

Genjian thought the mission photo was from Sara's childhood, but he forgot that Kakashi was still young now, and the timeline should be moved forward, so the ages matched.

"It's really a downfall." Xuanjian sighed in his heart.

Even though Sarah is now the queen, the clothes she wears cannot be called gorgeous, and can even be said to be a bit simple.

The little girl also blushed a little. After all, as the leader of a country, this was really unseemly. Not to mention the name of a big country, it was completely incomparable to the lords of some small countries.

But this can't be blamed on her. Loulan was only the size of a town, and now the oasis they relied on for survival has disappeared. The country is losing the foundation for survival, and she, a little girl, cannot change it.

Sara, who had been staring at Xuanjian since he entered the palace, came to her senses: "Yes, I am the queen of Loulan, Sara."

"I am Konoha's Jōnin, Senju Genma." Genma calmly pointed behind him and said, "They are my disciples, Kurenai, Asuma and Kai."

"We accepted the mission issued by Loulan in Konoha, and were invited to come to fight against wandering ninjas for you."

After completing the self-introduction, Sarah did not doubt the identity of everyone.

Loulan is very poor now. Those wandering ninjas will not go to the center of Loulan with great effort. They can also grab some trading materials on the periphery. There is nothing to grab here.

And there are guards here. Although their strength is not that great, they are better because they have more people. If there is a fight, even if the guards are no match for the wandering ninjas, it is impossible for them to escape unscathed.

After understanding their respective identities, everyone began to discuss the goals of this mission.

The opponent is a group of wandering ninjas. There are not only unorthodox ninjas wandering around, but also some rebellious ninjas from the ninja village.

Most of them were Genin, and leading this group of wandering ninjas were three Chūnin.

They often robbed the commercial roads outside Loulan, making the already poor local people even worse.

After hearing the atrocities committed by wandering ninjas with his own ears, Akai immediately became filled with righteous indignation and couldn't wait to eliminate harm for the people.

Kurenai and Asuma seemed to be inspired by him, and they were eager to get rid of these wandering ninjas one by one.

Instead, Sara comforted everyone, and after talking about business, she prepared a dinner for everyone.

Originally, everyone was looking forward to the dinner at the palace, imagining how luxurious it would be, but it was obvious that they were overthinking it.

Even the Queen is no different from ordinary people when she has no money, and all she prepares are home-cooked meals from ordinary people.

The meat is said to be prepared with money from the Queen's private treasury.

One can imagine what kind of predicament this country is in now.

After dinner, Sarah arranged a rest room for everyone.

Under the cover of night, Xuanjian quietly climbed out of the window and sneaked into the queen's palace. He whispered to Sarah who was a little distracted: "You seem to have something on your mind?"

Sarah was shocked when she heard this. She retreated to the corner in panic and asked hurriedly: "Why are you here?"

"Don't be nervous. I don't come here to hurt you, but I have something to talk to you about." Xuanjian said calmly.