
Chapter 69 Betrayal

After Kauruo left, Genma lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Because everyone was not in a hurry, they were walking all the way, with stops and starts, so Xuanjian was not tired.

While sleeping, Xuanjian was thinking about his own affairs.

If he wants to improve his strength now, in addition to cultivating the immortal human body and immortal eyes, he also needs to find other ways.

Genma Unlike the Sage of Six Paths, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo was born with a large amount of Chakra inherited from Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

The Eyes of the Immortal represent powerful spiritual power, and the Body of the Immortal represents powerful physical strength. However, refining both energies into Chakra requires Xuanma himself to practice slowly.

At the end of his training, he was probably at the point where Indra and Asura combined with a pair of samsara eyes, but this did not satisfy him.

So in this case, a huge amount of Chakra without an owner like Dragon Veins is a shortcut for Xuanjian to quickly grow Chakra.

Thinking of this, Xuanjian unconsciously touched the corners of his eyes and said to himself: "I don't know when this growing Immortal Eye will evolve into the Samsara Eye. With the ability of the Samsara Eye to absorb Chakra, I can master the Dragon Vein." "

Early the next morning, the four people who packed their bags were on the road again, and when they went deep into the desert of the Kingdom of Wind.

Suddenly, a chain sprang out from the ground and tied up Xuanjian who was leading the way.

Almost at the same time, three figures rushed out from the sand dunes on both sides, and one person on the left and right raised their swords to pierce Xuanjian's body.

At this time, the leader smiled ferociously and said: "Is this the legendary ninja worth 350 million taels? It's nothing more than that. I will accept the bounty."

Another swordsman said flatteringly: "How can he compare with you, big brother? You used to be Jōnin of Kumoyin Village."


As soon as the two of them finished speaking, Xuanjian, who had been stabbed to the core with a long sword, emitted smoke and turned into a wooden dummy.

The eldest brother and the younger brother were stunned at the same time: "Substitute technique, when?"

At this time, a figure appeared behind them and patted their shoulders gently.

"Are you rebels? The configuration is pretty good."

"One Jōnin, five Chūnin."

"You guys, if you go to any ninja village together and are not guests, what are you doing to be a traitorous ninja!"

The leader of the rebel ninja immediately said: "How can ninjas like you who are bound by the village feel our freedom."

Genjian nodded.

So that's it, I want to start the battle.

Since both sides had declared war, Genma took action decisively and punched the rebel ninja until he sank into the sea of ​​sand.

"Leave the four over there to you, and leave this guy to me." Xuanjian said loudly behind him.

"Yes." The three red men responded and quickly ran towards the remaining four rebel ninjas not far away.

Seeing the three people walking away, Genjian's figure flashed over the head of the rebel leader.

The leader of the rebel ninja looked shocked. He could barely see the blow that Genma had delivered instantly, but now he couldn't see Genma's movement at all.

My feet hurt!

Genma's heel accurately hit the rebel leader's head, but in order to prevent his head from exploding and splashing some weird things on himself, Genma controlled the force, just enough to kill him.

Genma took out the scroll and put away the bodies of the two ninjas he killed.

The bounties for these rebellious ninjas are often very high. If they betray a village, those villages will not let them off easily.

Genjian secretly approached another battlefield. There was already a corpse of a rebel nin lying on the ground, and the students were fighting inextricably with the remaining rebel ninja.

He had no intention of interfering, but stood aside and watched the show.

After more than ten minutes, Asuma stabbed the kunai with the wind attribute chakra into the enemy's body, and the two sides finally decided the winner.

Genjian walked up to the three of them, looked at the four corpses and said, "You can keep their corpses well. The bounty for Chūnin-level rebels is not low, and it is much higher than what you usually get for performing tasks."

They would not be troubled by money. Kurenai and Asuma immediately used scrolls to collect a corpse each.

Kai is in trouble, he hasn't learned the time and space seal Ninjutsu and necromancy yet.

Genma naturally saw his disciple's difficulties and sealed the two ninjas he killed into his own scrolls and handed them to him. Genma also planned to take some time to teach Kai simple sealing techniques and psychic skills during the mission.

After settling the matter of betraying the ninja, the four of them continued on their way without any delay.

Walking on the road, the students who had just received a large amount of windfall seemed very happy.

They usually don't have much pocket money, and they don't know how to save money. Except for Kai, the other two people basically spend all the money they get from performing tasks.

When they passed through a large town and exchanged the corpses for money at the underground money exchange, they could live a life of lavishness again.

At night, Genjian found a small oasis in the desert as a campsite.

Kai took the initiative to ask for help setting up traps and standing guard, but Xuanjian refused.

In the desert, a middle-aged ninja wearing a Kumo Hidden Ninja forehead protector looked at the scene in the oasis and felt unhappy.

"Hmph, there is not even a single person on guard. The vigilance is too low. Is this worthy of being a ninja? The ninja world is getting worse and worse now."

"Really? It sounds like you have quite a long history in the ninja world." Genma's figure appeared behind the middle-aged ninja, "You are the one who is peeping at us in the dark during the day, right? You should be one of those traitors The real boss."

The middle-aged ninja threw two strange-looking shurikens behind him and jumped several meters away.

Genjian took out a kunai to block and asked doubtfully: "This square shuriken?"

"I didn't expect you to have some knowledge. Yes, this is our Kumogakure's square shuriken." The middle-aged ninja said and threw two more shurikens.

Genma saw the throwing path of the shuriken and ducked to avoid it.

The strange thing is that the two shurikens did not hit the ground, but instead turned and attacked Genma in mid-air.

I saw that Genma was not in a hurry, and a sand wall was erected in front of him to block the shuriken.

If this isn't Sand Escape, what is it?

Sand Release is a bit similar to Konan's Paper Release. They both pour their own Chakra into the ninja tool to achieve the purpose of controlling the ninja tool. It is not an escape technique that can change the basic nature of Chakra.

It's just that the ninja tool chosen for Konan's Paper Release is paper, while the Sand Release developed by Second Generation Kazekage Shamon uses sand.

"That's Suna Hidden Village's Sand Release, right? As a ninja from Konoha, how can you use Suna Hidden Village's Ninjutsu?" the middle-aged ninja asked in surprise.

"This is none of your business. What you just used must be the Magnet Style from Yunyin Village, right?" Xuanjian curled his lips, not knowing whether his luck was good or bad.

Yunyin Village's rebellious ninjas are notoriously rare in the ninja world. Unexpectedly, he encountered seven of them today, and one of them even had a blood inheritance limit.

These guys couldn't be those who escaped with the Golden Horn and Silver Horn rebellion, right?