
Chapter 68 Departure From Loulan

Less than three minutes later, Xuanjian finally remembered.

In the vague memory, there is indeed the ancient country of Loulan, and there is also a huge Chakra collection sleeping underground-Dragon Vein.

But Xuanjian vaguely remembers that in the future there will be a puppet master named Baizu who will use dragon veins to travel to the past and use the energy of dragon veins to create a puppet army in an attempt to rule the world, and the combat effectiveness of the puppet army is not low.

But what puzzles Xuanjian is that the ancient Loulan country has a puppet army, so why is it still afraid of a group of wandering ninjas?

Was there an accident?

"It's interesting, let's go and take a look." Xuanjian chuckled and said to himself.

No matter what accident happened, he decided to take on this task.

After completing the procedures for receiving the mission, Xuanjian quickly obtained the detailed information of the mission.

Xuanjian carefully read through the information about Queen Sara of Loulan and looked at the queen's photo. It was obviously unrealistic to use faces to identify the appearance of two-dimensional and three-dimensional people.

But the dark red hair and dark brown eyes still convinced Xuanjian that his memory was not wrong.

There is no doubt that the girl in the photo is the Queen Loulan in my memory.

Recalling the plot of the ancient Loulan Kingdom, Xuanjian said calmly: "This is the mission I chose. Take a look."

Hong's sixth sense has always been very accurate. She pointed at Sara's photo and said, "Teacher, you went to Loulan not because of this girl, right?"

Kai and Asuma also looked at Genma after hearing this.

They had also heard a little bit about Xuanjian's private life, but the heroic image added a bit of romance to these things.

There are countless rumors about Xuanjian's private life.

For example, after Genma was born, he met Tsunade on the Hokage Rock, and the First Hokage Senju suddenly appeared and made an engagement for the two.

Genjian and Kushina fought bloody battles to seal Nine Tails together, and finally defeated Nine Tails and kissed him in front of him.

And Genma was so crazy about love that he stormed into the Uchiha clan, defeated the Uchiha clan chief and other elders, robbed Uchiha Mikoto, etc.

The most outrageous thing is that some people say that he put himself in danger and deliberately accepted dangerous tasks just to have a secret meeting with his lover in the Kingdom of Wind.

Aren't these all false except for the last one?

Genjian said angrily: "Of course not, it's just that you have been ninjas for so long and you haven't left the Land of Fire yet."

"And I happen to be familiar with the Kingdom of Wind, so I want to take you to see it and broaden your horizons."

Yūhi Kurenai asked suspiciously: "Really?"

"Of course." Xuanjian said seriously without changing his expression.

Yūhi Kurenai still had some doubts, but considering that it was not too early for him to be around Dogenjian, he did not dwell on this issue any longer.

Tian Xuanjian did not accept other tasks for everyone in Xuanjian class on this day, but asked them to go back and prepare first.

After all, this time not only did they have to leave the village like the previous C-level missions, but they also had to leave the Country of Fire. Of course, they had to tell their families.

The next day, as soon as he left the village, Xuanjian saw the enthusiasm of the little guys.

There were people talking and laughing along the way. It didn't look like we were on a mission, but rather like we were going on an outing.

On the way, Hong would even cry tired from time to time and ask Xuanjian for a hug.

Neither Kai nor Asuma knew what to say.

You must know that Kurenai's physical skills are not weak, and are on par with Asuma.

When camping, Hong would sleep next to Genma, and occasionally they would sleep together because of sleepwalking.

It can be said that the existence of Hong adds a lot of fun to Xuanjian's trip.

Xuanjian was naturally not idle either. He was observing everyone all the time and protecting their safety, but his attention was mainly focused on Hong.

The sensitive Hong and Kai quickly noticed Xuanjian's attention, but as a teacher, it was not strange for Xuanjian to observe his students, so Kai had no objection.

Not only did Hong not resist, but she was very willing to accept it, showing a look of knowing nothing. She should be rubbed and hugged.

After several weeks of stop and go, Xuanjian Ban finally entered the realm of the Kingdom of Wind.

Arriving at an oasis town, it was getting late. Xuanjian said: "It's getting late. Let's stay here first and continue our journey tomorrow."


Everyone responded and then found a hotel to stay in the oasis.

Arriving at the hotel, Yūhi Kurenai said with a smile: "Teacher, it seems there are not enough rooms, let's take one!"

Waving his hand, Xuanjian shook his head and said: "How can this be done? Let Asuma and Kai live in one room, and you live in a separate room."

Yūhi Kurenai's expression was a little disappointed, thinking that Xuanjian was embarrassed in public, so he could only say helplessly: "Okay then."

Of course Xuanjian is not embarrassed. He doesn't care about the opinions of the passers-by around him. He just has his own things to do.

There is no denying that Yūhi Kurenai is indeed very cute, but she can't do anything yet.

Going upstairs, Genma sent Yūhi Kurenai into the room, and then walked into the room next to hers.

Walking into the room, Xuanjian instantly recalled beautiful memories.

Xuanjian came to the window, opened the window, and could feel the sand flowing in the air.

At the same time, Yūhi Kurenai next door also looked out the window and seemed to see a black shadow flash past.

The black shadow moved very quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yūhi Kurenai rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had been too tired recently and had made a mistake. He shook his head and lay down on the bed to sleep.

It's not yet dawn, but the lights are already on in Xuanjian's room.

Two figures sat opposite each other across the table, chatting without a word.

Genjian was lying on the table, looking listless. "I'm going to the ancient Loulan Kingdom next, do you want to go with me?"

Jiaruo shook his head and refused: "No, there are still things in the village, and I don't have much time recently."

"What happened to Sand Hidden Village again?" After asking this question, Xuanjian felt a little stupid again.

Even though the two are together, it doesn't mean that Garura will betray the village's information and interests.

Kaura just said nonchalantly: "It's not a big deal. Rasa, the Elite Jōnin in the village and the successor of Lord Kazekage, is getting married."

Xuanjian raised his eyebrows and said: "What does his marriage have to do with you? You will never tell me that he wants to marry you."

Jiaruo put on his forehead protector, kissed Genma lightly on the face, and said with a smile: "Of course not, how is that possible, why do you think so?"

"He is married to one of my clan sisters, and I am the Elite Jōnin of the village."

"I know Elite Jōnin is nothing to you, but I am the only Elite Jōnin in our clan."

"How can I be absent from the important event of marriage to Kazekage?"