
Chapter 67 B-Level Mission

The first time Genma appeared, Asuma summoned two large shurikens and shot them at Genma.

"Teacher Genma, how could we ignore your Flying Thunder God Technique!" Yūhi Kurenai smiled slightly.

Genjian immediately noticed something was wrong with the two shurikens, took two steps, but returned to the same place.

The art of the fox's heart.

When Genjutsu was released, the two shurikens took the form of Gai and Asuma respectively.

The original Kai and Asuma turned into smoke and disappeared.

"Teacher Genjian, this is youth." Kai hugged Xuanjian from behind in mid-air and restricted his movements.

Asuma fell on the branch and rushed towards the bell on Genma's waist.

At this time, there was only the bell in his eyes and nothing else.

Of course Xuanjian can break free from Kai's restraints, but it's not necessary because the purpose of the test has already been achieved.

"We just accepted the bell!"

When Asuma successfully snatched the bell, Kai let go of Genma, stood on the branch and jumped up excitedly.

Yūhi Kurenai jumped up to the tree, took the bell from Asuma, and said with a smile on his face: "We have passed the test, right?"

Genjian suddenly appeared in front of Hong and touched her little head, "Not yet. Don't forget, there are only two bells. How to distribute them is up to you."

Hearing this, Kai, who didn't know the truth, opened his eyes wide.

Xuanjian felt a little pity for him. Of the four people present, he was probably the only one who was kept in the dark.

In order to prevent cheating, Yūhi Kurenai was covered by Genma when he was about to speak.

Asuma also remained silent, perhaps trying to organize his words to think of a way to remind Kai.

Kai looked at Kurenai and Asuma, not annoyed, and said firmly: "Then give the bell to Kurenai and Asuma!"

Both Kurenai and Asuma were a little in disbelief. They didn't expect this weirdo in green tights to be so determined and willing to go back to Ninja School to repeat his studies.

Genma looked at Kurenai and Asuma with a smile and asked, "Are you two willing to give the places you passed the exam to others?"

The two nodded together.

Xuanjian smiled and said: "I really can't help it. Congratulations, you passed the assessment."

"Class 7, Class Xuanjian has been officially established."

"Okay!" Yūhi Kurenai was very happy. He flew directly into Genma's arms and rubbed his head against him.

Asuma felt a little uncomfortable seeing this scene. After all, Yūhi Kurenai has been good-looking since she was a child. She has always been the crush of most boys in the Ninja School, and Asuma is no exception.

But the two of them had nothing to do with each other, so he didn't say much.

"Huh?!" Kai came back to his senses and asked doubtfully: "Aren't there only two people who can pass?"

Genma hugged Yūhi Kurenai to prevent her from falling into the tree when she was too happy.

"Well, I was actually just talking nonsense."

"It doesn't matter whether you grab the bell or not. As long as you can cooperate well and your personal strength is not too bad, you can pass directly even if you don't grab the bell."

Kurenai and Asuma had known about it for a long time, so they didn't say anything.

Kai was the only one who was honest. After suddenly realizing it, he said excitedly: "So, is this to cultivate our teamwork ability? This is youth!"

Xuanjian waved his hand and reassured: "Okay, don't be so excited. The mission will start tomorrow. To celebrate the establishment of Xuanjian class, I will treat you to a barbecue."

"Gather at the mission center at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."



Early the next morning, the Xuanjian class gathered at the door of the mission center.

Genma stood in front of Miss Hanako's workbench, browsing D-level tasks and C-level tasks, both of which were low-level tasks that could be performed by Genin.

Although the members of the Genma class are all very powerful, and even the weakest Asuma has the strength to fight the new Chūnin, they still cannot avoid the transitional stage of performing low-level tasks.

D-level tasks are very trivial, light tasks that do not require direct participation in combat or are not life-threatening.

The job content includes investigating the whereabouts of pets, character investigation, picking up garbage, looking for pets, helping dig sweet potatoes or taking care of children, etc. The remuneration is 5,000 taels to 50,000 taels.

Asuma naturally had little interest in these tasks, but Kai was very happy with them.

He thinks this is also a kind of exercise, and this is also youth!

Genjian and Hong are also very happy, but not because of these trivial tasks, but because they can enhance their relationship in the name of doing tasks.

Kurenai and Genma stay together every day, rarely separated, and tend to stay in the Senju clan chief's mansion.

C-level tasks may involve injuries, and are mainly based on invitations from other countries to participate in wars, escorts, character investigations, capturing or killing wild beasts, delivering confidential documents, etc., and the remuneration is between 30,000 taels and 100,000 taels.

To perform these tasks, Xuanjian will have to watch them click.

Asuma and Kai are very efficient. They can complete at least three or four D-level tasks a day, and occasionally perform some C-level tasks in order to receive higher-level tasks as soon as possible.

Of course, if Genma and Kurenai weren't holding them back, their efficiency would actually be even higher.

Three months of such leisurely days passed, giving Xuanjian, who had been performing high-risk missions, a rare free time.

However, three months later, Xuanjian Class's low-level tasks have also reached the standard, and they can do some high-level tasks.

Arriving at the counter, Genma said to Miss Hanako: "Hanako, could you please help me see what B-level missions I can get."

Ms. Hanako verified Genma's identity. This is a routine process, even if the two have known each other for a long time.

She handed Xuanjian a task list: "These are B-level tasks."

The village classifies tasks very strictly. Kage-level experts recognized by Hokage can accept all tasks up to super S-level. Jōnin can accept all tasks up to S-level. Chūnin can accept tasks up to B-level. Genin can only perform C-level and D-level tasks. .

Naturally, Genma can accept all tasks, but considering the lack of experience of Hong and others, and because he also wants to get along happily with Hong, he chooses to accept the tasks step by step.

When he turned to the second page of the task list, the name of a country attracted Xuanjian's attention.

"Loulan? What a familiar name." Xuanjian muttered in his heart.

Xuanjian then carefully examined the task.

The ancient Loulan Kingdom is located in the Kingdom of Wind, but exists independently of Sand Shinobi Village.

The mission is very simple, that is, go to the Kingdom of Wind and help the ancient Loulan Kingdom eliminate the marauding wandering ninjas.

The reward is 150,000 taels.

Originally, other countries requested to participate in the war, and the fight against the ninja troops should be classified as an A-level mission.

However, although Loulan is called an ancient country, it is not big, and the wandering ninjas are not strong, so this mission is classified as a B-level mission. .