
Chapter 64 Why Can’T I See It?

Today is Kushina's twelfth year since she came to Konoha.

Before coming to Konoha, Kushina's hometown Uzushiogakure Village was destroyed, and her clan members died and scattered. She became an orphan and had just spent her sixth birthday in the war.

That night, she found some food in a dilapidated house. After finally having a good meal, I went to bed contentedly.

Before going to bed, she made a wish, hoping that peace would come and that she could have a stable life, and then she fell asleep in a daze.

When Kushina woke up, she found four men in black robes standing next to her, wearing strange masks on their faces.

There was a big table in front of him, with steaming food on it.

She stared at all this blankly, thinking she was dreaming.

In the hall of the old house, the early morning light was soft, and three men in black robes were sitting around the table. A man in black robes approached her and waved to her.

"Don't be stunned, eat quickly, we will explain to you after you finish eating." The man waved and urged. He was wearing a mask and couldn't see clearly.

Kushina nodded dully, not caring about washing up. In a place like this, washing up is also a luxury, and started to wolf down the food regardless of the image.

"We are ninjas of Konoha, and I am their squad leader." Seeing Kushina destroying all the food alone, the man waved and slowly said: "I don't know about Konoha, do you know? Konoha Hidden Village is Uzushio The Alliance of Hidden Villages."

"I'm sorry that Konoha was unable to provide timely assistance to Uzushio Village. The enemy's actions were too fast, leaving us with no time to react."

"And the purpose of our coming here is to take you to Konoha."

"I know, I will go with you." Kushina said calmly.

She knew that there was no free lunch in the world. The other person came all the way from Konoha to take her away, definitely because she was valuable, or maybe because she needed to do something.

These ninjas seemed to be asking about her wishes, but in fact she had no right to choose, only the fate of being chosen.

With Kushina's consent, the Konoha ninja took her away from the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

Not long after, Kushina followed the ninjas to the Hidden Leaf Village.

This village was much larger and more prosperous than Uzumaki Village, but she actually didn't feel much joy. She only felt strange and helpless.

They came to a large house, which was larger than her previous home. In front of the house stood an elegantly dressed old woman, seemingly waiting for someone.

"You must be Kushina!" The old lady smiled kindly and reached out to touch Kushina's head. "From now on, I will be your family. Can I take you to see more family members?"

Mito's words were gentle, and Kushina felt the warmth of the sun shining on her body for the first time in a long time, and tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

She was six years old that year and thought she was dreaming, but she didn't expect that this dream would last for twelve years.

Today, Kushina has already adapted to this new family and has become one with this family.

Uzumaki Kushina, eighteen years old, is a Konoha ninja and lives in a happy family of seven. There is an energetic lover, three sisters with different personalities, and two lovely sisters, although it may not be long before they become three sisters.

In short, Kushina's six-year-old wish came true. She found a family who loves her and has a stable life.

She wants nothing more for her happy life.

Looking at Genma's face, the joy on Kushina's face could not be concealed.

Just after returning to the mansion and entering the house, Xuanjian, who was used to seeing big scenes, felt frightened.

After completing this mission, he rushed to the village without any delay. Hurrying slowly, I finally got home before twelve o'clock.

I didn't even have time to hand in the assignment, just to celebrate Kushina's birthday.

Kushina once said that on his birthday, he hoped Genjian could be with him.

Xuanjian always kept it in mind.

"I'm back."

Kushina was like a rampaging female tyrannosaurus, swooping towards Genma.

Xuanjian was thrown to the ground by her, and the two looked at each other. When they looked at each other, Xuanjian always felt like he saw the shadow of a big fox.

Looking at Kushina's pair of vertical demonic eyes, Genma said shyly: "Although I miss you too, I always feel that the big fox is peeping in the dark. Is there any way to block it?"

He and Kushina live in a world of two, and it would be too weird to have a third person, even a fox!

After years of getting along, Kushina finally became the perfect Jinchūriki.

Her character is not bad to begin with, she is just a little irritable from time to time.

One person and one fox are in a similar situation.

As long as Kurama is willing to talk to her, mutual understanding will be a matter of time.

It's not the same as Naruto's Kurama Mode. Although Kushina is also wrapped in golden Chakra, she does not have a golden windbreaker. Instead, she has nine golden tails and a pair of fox ears on her head.

Hearing this, Kurama's tail kept wagging.

I am a fox and not a human being. What do you think is so interesting?

Well, why can't I see it?

Can you also guard against foxes?

Kushina and Genma have the same idea and don't want their world to be destroyed. I saw her making a seal, and then said proudly: "Don't worry, I haven't done anything in these years. I have done some research on Sealing Techniques, but it is no longer visible."


Genjian pulled Kushina out of the clan.

Although the birthday gift was given last night, just one gift was obviously not enough.

Genjian led Kushina on the street, and the two walked aimlessly on the street.

Thinking of the scene in the morning.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning shines into the patriarch's mansion. Facing the sunshine, Genjian asked Kushina what other gifts she wanted. Kushina just smiled and said that she wanted to stay with Genjian.

Genjian had no choice but to take Kushina out for shopping, just the two of them.

This day was cleaner than usual. Tsunade, the clingiest person, did not pester Genma, but allowed the two of them to have fun.

Genjian walked with Kushina in hand and came to the ninja school unknowingly.

Genma seemed to remember something, and opened his mouth to tell Kushina's dream of becoming a female Hokage.

Kushina trembled all over after hearing this, and then shyly beat Genma. As she grows older, her childhood dreams turn into her dark history.

Xuanjian touched the chest that had been hit hard, but felt that it was no big deal. There is nothing shameful about wanting to become a Hokage, and he is still working hard towards this goal.

After walking around the Ninja School for a while, the Ninja School has changed a lot, with many new buildings and many new faces.

They visited some teachers who were still alive and knew each other, watched the children studying through the window, recalled their childhood, and finally blew the cold wind on the rooftop for a while before leaving.

Then, the two went to the casino where they accompanied Tsunade for the first time, and to the streets where they went shopping for the first time, reminiscing about the past.

By the time the sun went down, their stomachs were already growling with hunger. Genma took Kushina to Ichiraku Ramen.

If you want to say Kushina's favorite food, it must be Ichiraku Ramen's salt ramen.