
Chapter 62 Transaction

At dawn the next day, in a dense forest.

Dark clouds cover the bright moon, and the moonlight is obscured by thick clouds, making the environment gloomy. It is a good time to do bad things.

The four people in the first group at the root either squatted or stood on the tree one by one, looking at the two people talking below.

Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo standing below are being guarded by a layer of Barriers as thin as cicada wings, preventing people outside the Barriers from hearing the sounds inside the Barriers.

Danzo took out a bundle of scrolls from his sleeve and handed it to Orochimaru: "This is what I promised."

Orochimaru reached out to take the scroll and chuckled: "It's ready so quickly. It seems that the war has gained a lot for Danzo-sama."

"Jushuang Sharingan, those who didn't know would have thought that Danzo-sama captured the Uchiha clan."

Danzo narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, took a step closer to him, and lowered his voice: "This is not something you should care about."

"Things are not given to you for free. What I need is the research results."

"How was the study of Hashirama's cells for you last time?"

"There is no progress." Orochimaru shook his head. After saying this, he almost wanted to laugh, and then said: "First Hokage-sama's power is not so easy to obtain, otherwise the entire Senju clan would not only have Genma-kun now." There's Wood Style."

In fact, he has already thought about the next research direction, but in the end, whether there will be results or not is not a matter of his words.

He only wanted to get benefits and never thought about sharing the research results with Danzo.

Danzo's face dropped, his expression was slightly cold, and his displeasure was obvious.

The sense of urgency in his heart was stronger than before. Genma's appearance already made him feel that he was getting further and further away from the position of Hokage.

Moreover, Sarutobi Hiruzen also suppressed his roots, which was also a signal.

Not only the scale of his roots has become smaller, but the reduction in funding is the most uncomfortable thing.

Although the basic establishment has been forcibly reduced, non-staff personnel are still allowed to exist, so there will be no impact.

But the reduction in funds means that he has to use more illegal means to obtain funds.

For example, selling information, or selling some extra Sharingan in hand.

But this kind of behavior is very risky. Once discovered, it will cause a big blow to his reputation.

At the moment, only some ninjas hate him, but if the incident is exposed, the whole village will reviled him.

Orochimaru just said nonchalantly: "If you don't believe in my ability, you can find someone else."

"But since you've come to find me, I'll give it to you whether you do it or not."

"You don't want others to know about collecting Sharingan on the battlefield without permission, right?"

Damn it, you dare to threaten me instead of getting benefits. Don't you know that if you take my things, you are like a grasshopper on the same rope as me?

If Hiruzen knew about it, would he be able to tolerate you?

Danzo didn't know what was going on with Orochimaru, and he didn't know what to say.

After being silent for a long time, as if suppressing his anger, he said: "No need, I believe in your ability, and I hope you won't let me down."

Danzo himself knows best who his subordinates are.

It is simply unrealistic to allow those root members who have been brainwashed by themselves since childhood to engage in scientific research.

Orochimaru quickly glanced at Danzo, then smiled strangely: "Just believe me, don't worry, we are on the same boat now, all you have to do is prepare the materials for me, leave the rest to me, we can each Take what you need."

Immediately, he shook the scroll in his hand and put it away.

The two parties briefly exchanged a few words. Orochimaru wanted more experimental materials, while Danzo hoped to speed up the experimental progress. The two quickly reached a consensus.

Danzo will collect more experimental materials for Orochimaru, and Orochimaru will seize the time to conduct research and obtain results.

After discussing it, the two parted ways.

Orochimaru quickly returned home, and after confirming that no one was following him, he first took out a scroll and wrote something on it, summoned a white female snake and stuffed the scroll into its mouth.


Hiss, hiss—

The little white snake came outside the Senju tribe and skillfully passed through the Barriers of the Senju tribe.

The Barriers class of the Senju clan discovered the situation immediately, but after discovering that it was an experienced snake, they simply reported it.

Xuanjian walked out of the entrance and found the little white snake in the courtyard.

Pinch the little snake, open its mouth, then skillfully stretch out two fingers, insert them slowly, and then take out a scroll.

Xuanjian wiped his saliva, touched the lower jaw of the little white snake, and rewarded it for completing its work seriously.

Hiss, hiss—

The little snake made a sound, climbed up Xuanjian's hand, and went along the arm to the shoulder.

Genma opened the scroll, which detailed the entire transaction process between Orochimaru and Danzo.

Seemingly out of fear of Genma misunderstanding, Orochimaru wrote down the reasons for this transaction and the benefits he could gain.

Xuanjian was very moved.

He immediately decided that if there was a chance in the future, he would catch two more Bai Jue and give them to him as gifts.

After getting the scroll sent by Orochimaru, Genma was in a good mood, rewarded the little white snake and put it back.

Under Xuanjian's gaze, the little snake twisted around and left the patriarch's mansion.

Genjian returned to the house and put on a ninja uniform.

When he walked outside the clan, he saw a little lolita wearing a ninja uniform. It was Yūhi Kurenai who promised to help with training.

Surrounded by his clan members, Genjian took Yūhi Kurenai to the clan chief's residence.

In the mansion.

Mikoto is washing quilts for everyone.

Genma came to the training room and asked Tsunade to check Yūhi Kurenai's body to understand her physical condition, and then performed some simple training to understand her condition.

Not everyone is Akai and Xiaoli. If you train too hard at a young age, it is easy to cause injuries.

At this moment, Shizune and Konan pushed open the door and walked in. They knelt down next to Genma obediently.

"Brother Xuanjian, we are back."

"Where's Kushina? She didn't play with you?"

"Sister Kushina has gone on a mission."

Xuanjian asked: "A mission? Looking for cats and dogs, or picking up trash?"

As a Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Kushina naturally cannot leave the village, so although her strength is not weak, she can only take on some D-level tasks that can only be completed in the village.

"It is said that he is helping the old man of the Sarutobi clan find a cat."

Xuanjian smiled and shook his head, "Then she should be back soon."

The Sarutobi clan has nearly 10,000 members and 3,000 ninjas. There are many Genin. If the kitten is lost, it can be dealt with within the clan, so there is no need to go out and issue missions.

At first glance, it was clear that Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that Kushina suddenly became diligent, and deliberately found something for her to do that was not dangerous.

"It's done." Genma rolled up the scroll and handed it to Yūhi Kurenai, "This is your training plan, just write it down for now."

"We will modify it later depending on the situation."

Yūhi Kurenai bowed down respectfully and took the scroll.